10 Houseplants You Can Grow in Water

10 Houseplants You Can Grow in Water

Growing plants in water is not a common practice. Houseplants that grow in water are beautiful and easy to care for. You don’t need any green thumb or special equipment to start growing these plants. All you need is a jar, fill it up halfway with clay pebbles at the bottom, add soil on top of the pebbles. You can then plant your seeds or seedlings and wait until they bloom.

The best part about houseplants that grow in water is that they will last forever without replacing them every year like other types of plants do. These are low maintenance indoor plants which means there’s no need for watering them very often or fertilizing them.

What which ones are those plants? This article outlines 10 houseplants that grow in water and would be perfect for your home.

1. Spider Plant

This is a very decorative and popular houseplant with many small white flowers, perfect for decorating your home. Spider plant also makes one of the best plants for the bedroom, thanks to its beauty and air purification. It’s great because the leaves on the Spider Plant are so big and add contrast if you place them in a group with other smaller plants or flowers around them.

To grow this plant, take a few cuttings from the parent plant and place them in a glass jar or any container filled with water. You can leave them there or move them into a pot with soil after they root. If you plan on moving them to a pot, let the roots grow until they seem strong enough to support the plant.

2. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is one of the easiest plants to grow in water without much sunlight or maintenance. It’s a popular type of houseplant because it’s believed to bring good luck and fortune to the owner. The hardy stalks of lucky bamboo can become a living centerpiece, no soil required.

The indoor plants grow in water, and a narrow vase is a perfect fit for them. You can purchase these plants online, and their basic versions are inexpensive. The lucky bamboo tends to become top-heavy and will topple in smaller containers, so look for a container that’s sturdy enough.

Plant them in a wider container and surround them with colorful gravel or pebbles, which will add to the ornamental value and provide some support.

3. The Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese evergreen plant is also known as the claw or peace lily plant. The dark green leaves of this houseplant are shaped like claws, and they can grow to be four feet tall. This lush greenery is the perfect indoor plant for beginners because it’s hardy and doesn’t require too much attention.

Chinese evergreen plants are also carefree indoor plants tolerant of low light conditions and general neglect. These features make it a popular indoor plant for those looking for no-fuss greenery. This plant also makes an excellent office or dorm room plant. To grow it in water, clip six-inch-long stems, placing them in a bright room and indirect sunlight as too much light can cause algae growth.

4. Heartleaf Philodendron

Heart leaf philodendron is an easy-to-grow houseplant that thrives even in low light. To grow heartleaf philodendrons in water, cut off any stems hanging over the edge of a container and place them in indirect light until new leaves appear. These vining plants are harder to kill than to keep alive.

Image credit: https://www.thespruce.com/

It has glossy, heart-shaped leaves with stems that can cascade down four feet or more. If you want a more compact plant, occasional pinching back leggy stems will help maintain a bushy growth habit. To grow this tropical plant in water, take a four to eight-inch long stem cutting, remove the bottom leaves, and place them in water.

Keep the container in a site with bright light but away from direct sun. Also, avoid keeping the plant in a cold room as it grows best in temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Feed philodendron plants occasionally by adding a drop of liquid organic fertilizer to the water.

5. Sweet Potato Vine

Although the sweet potato vine is a tender tropical, it can be grown in water indoors. Cuttings should be made from green stems and allowed to heal for at least 24 hours before planting them in containers filled with peat-based potting mix or a mixture of perlite or gravel and sand. This trailing plant can grow four to five feet long.

It has lime green, heart-shaped leaves, but many cultivars offer unique and eye-catching foliage. Leaf colors range from burgundy to purple to bronze, and foliage is also varied for layers of interest. You can clip pieces of the stems in autumn to grow indoors over winter, then take six to eight-inch long cuttings, clipping just below a leaf node.

6. Coleus

Coleus plants are easy to propagate and grow by rooting stem cuttings in water, allowing you to create a colony of handsome coleus houseplants. They make a lovely counterpiece in a mason jar filled with water.

Image credit: https://www.chatelaine.com/

To grow coleus, take a six-inch cutting and remove the leaves from the bottom four inches, then immerse it in a jar filled with water and watch it grow for several weeks. Adding a bit of compost tea to the water during monthly changes will help your coleus plants thrive. This plant also requires indirect sunlight, making it a great choice to grow indoors all year round.

7. Peace Lily

The peace lily is a lovely tropical plant with showy white flowers, which enjoys the humidity of the bathroom. It will grow in water as long as you provide it with indirect light and room to spread. In order for your peace lily plants to thrive, you should rinse them carefully before putting them into their jar of water.

This will help remove any built-up fertilizer salts. If you buy peace lilies, examine their roots carefully for damage before planting them. Fill a container with distilled water and not chlorinated water, which will damage the plant. Cut a hole on the top of a plastic stopper and use this to keep the plant in place by placing it at the top of the container.

Insert your lilies in the container and ensure the roots are completely submerged. You can add a few drops of liquid fertilizers or a small quantity of water soluble fertilizer. However, be careful with a peace lily in the house as it’s among the plants that are toxic to pets

8. Wandering Jew

Wandering Jew is one of the easiest houseplants to grow using this method. The plant should be well watered before you place it in its container. You don’t have to worry about fertilizer because it has no nutritional needs.

To grow a wandering Jew in water, submerge the cuttings from the mature wandering Jew plant in a jar of water, submerging only the stem and not the leaves as the latter submerged in water will rot the cutting. Leave in an area with plenty of sunlight and watch it root in just a few weeks.

9. Impatiens

The key to successfully growing impatiens in water is to select the right kind of stem cuttings. Take young, soft shoots that are just pink in color with no flowers or buds. Cut off about 1 inch of these shoots under running water.

Image credit: https://www.chatelaine.com/

Impatiens can also grow as marginal pond plants, and that’s how much they adore water. Snip off a few stems at the end of the growing season and overwinter them in a vase where they’ll root and grow as clones of the parent plant.

10. Pothos Plant

Pothos plants are some of the easiest houseplants to grow in water. Cut off a stem or two from an existing pothos plant and place them in a vase or jar of water. Plant the stems in the soil as soon as they root (usually within 2-3 weeks). Make sure the potting soil is damp but not wet.

Pothos Plant
Image credit: https://empire-s3-production.bobvila.com/

FAQs on Houseplants You Can Grow in Water

What are growing plants in water called?

The technique of growing plants in water without soil is called hydroponics.

What are the benefits of houseplants grown in water?

Houseplants grown in water generally have more vigorous growth and lush foliage than those grown in soil. They’re also easier to care for because you don’t have to worry about watering them regularly or fertilizing them.

Final Thought on Houseplants that You Can Grow in Water

Are you looking to add some green cover but lack space and time in your home? Well, with these house plants that need only water to grow, it’s easy to have some plants around that don’t require much attention. In addition, these indoor plants add life to an otherwise dull dorm or living room. So, what are you waiting for? Plant these house plants and enjoy the beauty they bring.

The post 10 Houseplants You Can Grow in Water appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.

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Why Window Air Conditioners Freeze-Up

Why Window Air Conditioners Freeze-Up

Window air conditioners are not designed to be in super cold climates, which means that if you live in a climate that gets below freezing, your window AC will freeze up. This can happen when the unit is running or not being used correctly – it’s just part of how they work.

In this article, we’ll explain how to prevent your window AC from freezing up, as well as give you some tips on how to keep your energy bills down. Keep reading to find out more.

Solutions To Try When Your Window Air Conditioners Freeze-Up

To keep this from happening, you should either turn off the unit when it’s not being used or install an insulation kit to help protect it from the cold. If you do have any problems with frozen windows, it’s best to call in a professional to help you out.

Insulation kits are fairly inexpensive and easy to install, so this is a great solution for anyone who wants to make sure their window AC stays functional all winter long. For more information about the kits, contact your HVAC contractor for advice. They’ll be able to help you find a good insulation kit that will keep your room as cold as possible without having to worry about it freezing up.

Another solution is to shut off the AC entirely when it’s not being used. You can do this by removing the front grille and locating the switch, then moving it into the off position. This will stop it from recirculating warm air back into your room, which should help prevent freezing up while also saving energy costs.

Image Credit: http://storables.com

Even if your window AC does freeze over, you shouldn’t let that stop you from using it – just remove some of the ice before turning on the power again (never use hot water or open flames like hair dryers for this). You should be safe to run it normally again, but keep an eye on the ice levels to make sure they don’t get too high.

Other Solutions To Try

While there are manytypes of air conditioning systems, all with their own ways of working, the following solutions might also be worthwhile trying if the above tips do not work.

If you’re not comfortable installing an insulation kit or turning your AC completely off when it’s not in use, there are a few other things you can do to try and prevent freezing.

One is to keep your windows open while the AC is running; this will help to circulate the cold air and keep it from building up. You can also try using a space heater to keep the room warm while the AC is on, as this will help to prevent the unit from freezing over. While it may not be the best idea to use a space heater if you have small children or pets, it can help a great deal.

Most importantly, it’s a good idea to make sure that any air bubbles in the window seal are eliminated before turning on your window AC. These can build up from condensation and cause issues, so poke each one with a long needle until you don’t see them leaking out anymore. If they’re blown out completely, there will be no pressure buildup to cause ice problems – just make sure your windows are as tight as possible before using the unit again.

Window AC’s should not be left running while unattended for safety concerns and also since doing this could prevent the unit from working properly due to over freezing. Shutting the window AC unit off when not in use is a good way to prevent this. The insulation kit is also an easy and effective solution to try. If these solutions do not work, then freezing may be unavoidable in colder climates.

In this case, just monitor the ice levels and remove any ice before turning the unit back on. Following these instructions should keep your room cool all winter long without having to worry about your window AC freezing up.

The Importance Of Not Having Dirty Filters

Make sure that you’re cleaning the filter regularly. This will help improve airflow and stop the unit from working harder than it needs to, which can also lead to freezing.

When the filter becomes clogged with dust, debris, and pet dander, it is not able to do its job properly. This can cause your window AC unit to work much harder than it needs to by making it run longer for the room to become cool again after shutting it off (this is known as short-cycling).

If you notice that your filters are dirty or clogged up regularly then you will want to replace them more frequently if possible.

Why Window Air Conditioners Freeze Up – FAQ

Can an AC electronic board be responsible for freezing units?

When window air conditioners freeze up, many people wonder if they need to replace the entire unit. In some cases, the electronic board may be at fault and need to be replaced. However, several other factors can cause an air conditioner to freeze up as well.

How do I know if the electronic board is bad?

The best way to determine if the electronic board is bad is to have it tested by a professional. If you are experienced in electrical work, you may be able to test the board yourself. The most common symptom of a bad electronic board is that the AC will not turn on at all.

You can usually test the board by checking for power at the connector. There should be power at all of the connectors, each connector should have 12 volts. The voltage may not be exact depending on your model, so you may need to check the manual for the correct reading.

How do I test an electronic board?

You can test an electronic board by removing it from the unit and testing it with a multimeter for a continuity test. If you are not comfortable removing wiring or working with electricity, then you should take your AC to a licensed repair shop to have this done for you. If there is no power at any of the connections when attempting to start up the window air conditioner, then the board is likely bad.

What causes my AC to freeze up during use?

A window air conditioner freezes up for a variety of reasons. The most common reason is a temperature that the unit can’t deal with. However, there are several other possible causes. One common cause is a dirty filter. When the filter is clogged with dirt and dust, it can prevent air from flowing through the unit properly.

Another common cause is a blockage in the condenser coil. If the coil becomes clogged with debris or lint, it will prevent the unit from cooling properly and can cause it to freeze up. Finally, if the refrigerant levels become too low, it can also cause the AC to freeze up.

How do I fix my window air conditioner that has frozen?

There are several other possible causes, so it is important to determine the root of the problem before attempting to fix it. If the filter is dirty, you can clean or replace it. If the coil is clogged, you can clean it with a vacuum cleaner. If the refrigerant levels are low, you can add more refrigerants. However, if none of these solutions work, then you may need to replace the entire unit.

Final Thoughts On Why Window Air Conditioners Freeze-Up

4 Reasons Your Air Conditioner Is Frozen & How to Fix It | Blair's Air

Image Credit: http://blairsair.com

In conclusion, there are several reasons why a window air conditioner may freeze up. By knowing the most common causes, you can usually fix the issue yourself. If you are not comfortable working with electricity, then it may be wise to seek professional help if your AC freezes up.

Finally, if you want to know what the best air conditioners are, ones that function correctly in different types of weather, you can check out our best air conditioners buying guide

The post Why Window Air Conditioners Freeze-Up appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.

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Ceramic Tile Flooring Review: Pros and Cons

Ceramic Tile Flooring Review: Pros and Cons

Are you looking for flooring material that can be used in the living room, kitchen, and bathroom? Ceramic tile is a great flooring material, but it comes with some advantages and disadvantages that you should consider before installing them in your home.

Also, deciding whether ceramic tiles are best for your new floors depends on your style preference and budget. Let’s have a comprehensive review of ceramic tiles to see if they can be a great option for your home.

What is Ceramic Tile Flooring?

Ceramic tile flooring is a type of hard tile made from clay. It is then kiln fired, making it a durable and long-lasting material. Ceramic tiles are available in a variety of colors, sizes, and shapes. They can be used in both residential and commercial spaces.

Image credit: https://www.westsidetile.com/

Ceramic tile is also known as porcelain tile or non-porcelain tile. Porcelain tiles are more durable and dense than non-porcelain tiles. Ceramic tiles come in many varieties depending on the production process. Natural stone tiles are a well-known type of tile flooring, while other types of quarried stone include granite, marble, and slate.

Each of these tile flooring types has its specific characteristics and appearance. Natural stone tiles are more expensive than ceramic tiles.

Pros of Ceramic Tile Floors

Ceramic tiles are known for their versatility, low maintenance requirements, and moisture resistance. They have a hard surface that doesn’t hold onto or attract dust, dirt, or pollen. Learn some of the pros of ceramic tiles below:

Easy to Maintain

Ceramic tiles are relatively easy to maintain, requiring only a basic mopping every so often. If any stains, dirt, or liquids get on it, they will all rest on top and won’t get absorbed. You can also keep them clean frequently by using a vacuum with a soft brush attachment or a broom to get any loose debris and dirt off the floor.

If any stains happen, you can use any cleaner, just like how to clean tile floors of different kinds. In addition to being easy to clean, germs won’t harbor on the floor, making it a great advantage when running a business that serves the public, such as a restaurant.

They’re Affordable on Any Budget

One of the biggest pros of ceramic tile flooring is that it is one of the most affordable types of flooring that you can buy. It ranges in price, so no matter what your budget is, you will be able to find a style and color that fits your needs. Most tiles will cost around $5 to $10 per square foot.

Tile is also more cost-effective than hardwood flooring but expensive than carpet. You can also find low-end ceramic tiles for as little as $0.50 per square foot and high-end tiles for as much as $15 per square foot.

When finalizing your budget, ensure you account for additional installation costs such as labor, tools, and supplies. This is because as you look into the better-looking tile and professional installation, tile flooring can cost more than quality hardwood flooring.

They Can Withstand High Traffic Areas

One of the benefits that ceramic tiles offer is that they can support heavy foot traffic. This means you can walk on them every day without wearing them down or having to worry about creaking noises while you walk over them. However, keep in mind the quality will yield more wear and tear than higher-end tile.

The intense firing process makes ceramic harder to crack than porcelain or stone tiles. A quality tile flooring installation should last 20 years, which could add long-term value to your property if properly maintained.

Water Resistance

Another benefit of ceramic tiles is that they are extremely water resistant. This will be perfect for areas with high humidity or the possibility of spilling liquids, giving you peace of mind knowing your floors will remain safe. There is a protective layer on top of the material, making it stain and water resistant.

This is very important in bathrooms and kitchens as the ceramic tile will last longer than other materials. If you buy unglazed tile such as traditional Saltillo tile, you’ll need to seal it to protect the surface from any liquids it might encounter. It must be properly sealed because the grout lines between the tiles can be susceptible to moisture.

Otherwise, water can get down deep into the lines, weakening their installation and putting them at risk for mold growth. This can lead to costly problems down the road.

Ceramic Tiles are Durable

Another element to consider is the durability of ceramic tiles. These floors are extremely sturdy and can stand up to heavy foot traffic very well. They won’t crack or break like other materials would, so you don’t have to worry about any unnecessary replacements that might affect the aesthetic value of your home.

And when one tile ends up breaking due to severe impact, you can easily replace the tile without redoing the entire floor. This allows you to keep your overall costs down because you don’t need to replace your tiles regularly.

They’re Allergen Resistant

Due to their hard, solid surface, ceramic tiles have a lot less porous area than other materials. This, in turn, makes them resistant to allergens and bacteria that might affect the overall health of the people living inside a house.

Allergen particles are easy to spot and remove, making them a great choice for family members who suffer from allergies and asthma. Ceramic tiles are a great option for people looking to keep the environment of their house free from harmful allergens or irritating materials floating in the air.

Ceramic Tiles Come in a Variety of Designs

The ceramic tiles currently on the market come in various colors, patterns, finishes, and designs, from subtle neutrals to bold mosaics. This makes it easy for homeowners to find the perfect tiles to match their home’s interior design scheme.

Ceramic Tiles Come in a Variety of Designs
Image credit: https://www.homestratosphere.com/

Modern printing technology has also led to styles that mimic concrete, wood, and marble. This means that you can create a truly custom look by cutting your tile into planks or larger squares to make your space feel more open. You can also learn how to paint ceramic tiles and give them a perfect look.

Cons of Ceramic Tiles

The durability and moisture resistant feature of ceramic tile comes at a cost. So, it’s important to understand the drawbacks of this flooring option before heading to the home improvement center to make the purchase:

They’re Not Very Comfortable to Walk On

One of the biggest complaints about ceramic tile is that it’s not very comfortable to walk on. This is because it’s a hard surface, leading to joint pain and leg fatigue over time. Tile’s hardness can also be uncomfortable in areas where people stand for long periods, like in front of the kitchen sink or stovetop.

However, a few strategically placed area rugs and cushioned mats can help absorb some of that discomfort. As an advantage, the tile floor will feel great to step on the cold floor during the hot summer months.

It’s Slippery When Wet

Another drawback is that ceramic floor tile, like other hard surfaces, can be very slippery when it gets wet. This can pose a safety hazard if you have young children or older adults in your home. It’s especially dangerous to walk on tiles with water or ice because it can cause people to slip and fall.

It's Slippery When Wet
Image credit: https://www.covertecproducts.com/

This floor option is quite slippery, and if you’re installing them in highly trafficked areas, you want to prevent accidents as much as possible. In that case, avoid installing them in spots where liquid or water is spilled often on the floor, leading to injuries. For example, avoid using them in public bathrooms as you don’t want a lawsuit on your hands from a customer slipping on the wet tile flooring.

They Require Maintenance to Prevent Moisture Damage

Another thing to consider before picking ceramic tile flooring is that it requires a lot of maintenance. If you’re not careful, the tiles could get damaged from water and moisture, making them a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. With the grout lines acting as a pathway for liquid, this can be especially dangerous if anyone slips or trips.

A grout sealer is highly recommended on ceramic tile flooring to keep the moisture out and prevent damage like tiles’ watermarks. This also ensures that moisture doesn’t damage the underlying subfloor causing it to warp or crack. On top of this, having perfect subfloor conditions will ensure your tiles stay in place for years to come.

They’re Heavy

Tile flooring is heavy, making it a bad choice for upper-story installations. If it’s necessary to put tile flooring on the top level of a business establishment, then a professional should first check out the framing and building structure to ensure it can support the weight of tiles.

Ceramic Tile is Hard

Tile flooring is made out of ceramic, which is naturally hard. If you’ve ever stepped barefoot on a tile floor and felt the pain or heard your mother telling you not to run around on it, then you know how tough ceramic tiles are. Resilient floors can be softened with padded underlayment, but tile cannot.

Therefore, it doesn’t make for the best material for those who need to stand for hours at a time. You can use area rugs or throw rugs in the places where people stand most, like in front of the kitchen sink or behind the counter at the cash register.

High Installation Cost

Ceramic tile installation is not a do-it-yourself project. It’s also a time-consuming job that needs professionals. And, because of all the labor involved in the process, it is one of the most expensive flooring options you can choose.

Homeowners who want to install their tile should be careful of products that are easy to install and avoid tricky tiles such as large rectified tile, polished stone tile, and natural clay or Saltillo tile, which should be left for professionals.

FAQs on Ceramic Tile Flooring Review

Is ceramic tile good for flooring?

Ceramic tile is a good choice for flooring because it is durable, easy to clean, and can be installed in many different patterns and different rooms at home.

How can you tell porcelain tile from ceramic tile?

Ceramic tile is usually made in pottery or kiln, while porcelain tile comes from the same conditions but undergoes further refinement. The clay used in porcelain tiles tends to be purer and refined than ceramic tiles. Ceramic is designed for indoor use, while porcelain can be used indoors and outdoors.

Final Thought on Ceramic Tile Flooring Review

There you have it. The pros and cons of using ceramic tile on your floors. So, before you make the final decision on what to put down, make sure you weigh all your options.

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What Is the Meaning of Jasper Stone?

What Is the Meaning of Jasper Stone?

You may know that jasper is a gemstone, but do you know what it means to be a good stone? Jasper has many different meanings and uses. One of the most common uses for this gem is jewelry.

If you are looking for an alternative to diamonds or gold, consider using jasper stones as your next purchase. It’s beautiful and interesting to look at and you can even use it as home decor. Keep reading to learn more about jasper stones.

What is Jasper Stone?

Jasper stone is a variety of Chalcedony, a microcrystalline variety of silica.  Known as supreme nurture, this is a stone of grounding energies and stability that provides comfort, security, strength, and healing.

Image credit: https://crystalstones.com/

This beautiful stone comes in different colors, including red, green, brown, and yellow. Each of these colors is believed to have healing and magical properties.

History and Jasper

Ancient Egyptians believed that wearing jasper would increase sexual energy and aid fertility. Native Americans thought that jasper had both magical and healing properties and used it to connect to the spirits. According to the Bible, jasper is of the sacred stones that formed Jerusalem.

Magical and Healing Properties of Jasper

Jasper is a stone of protection and has been used to ward off evil spirits. It is also said to attract good luck and prosperity. Jasper is thought to be a powerful healing stone that can help with a wide variety of physical and emotional issues.

It is said to promote feelings of peace, relaxation, and security. This nurturing stone is said to help achieve a state of calm and zen and protects your energy by absorbing all the negative energy, making it a great one to have on hand when you’re going through a hard time.

For the green warriors out there, it also helps clear out spaces for environmental pollution and radiation. This highly protective stone can be used to promote dream recall.

What Color is Jasper Stone?

Jasper stone is always multicolored with a unique and consistent pattern habit. The color palette is usually along the earth color spectrum, with the common colors being red, green, yellow, or green. Its name comes from the Latin and Old French words for spotted or speckled stone.

Colors and Types of Jasper

In addition to the generic healing properties of jasper, different colors of the stone are said to have their specific benefits.

Black Jasper

Also known as Blackstone, black jasper is a highly protective stone that is great for grounding energies, especially if you’re experiencing spaciness. It can help in connecting one’s variations to the earth. Black jasper is also useful in relieving pain and helps stomach ailments and foot problems.

Black Jasper
Image credit: https://cdn.shopify.com/

Red Jasper

Red jasper is a stone that brings good luck and fortune. It is linked with the sacral chakra and can help balance and stability in one’s life. Some sources say it’s useful for arthritis, blood disorders, urinary infections and insomnia issues, and physical energy.

Red Jasper
Image credit: https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/

It’s deep in color and has a strong connection to the earth. It’s a very grounding stone and symbolizes strength and stamina, both emotionally and physically. It’s a great stone to have around when you’re having to deal with challenges to your health and well-being.

Green Jasper

Green jasper is said to be the stone of calm and tranquility. It’s linked with the heart chakra. This energy can bring emotional balance and stability in one’s life and physical benefits such as circulatory and digestive problems. This jasper stone is ideal for anyone experiencing a high level of anxiety.

Green Jasper
Image credit: https://www.princemusiccompany.com/

Green jasper absorbs all the negativity and is good for anyone with nightmares. You can set a jasper gem beside your bed for relief from paranoia and terrors.

Yellow Jasper

The yellow jasper stone is known as the supreme nurturer. It helps to support stress and anxiety while also promoting self-confidence. This type of jasper is said to be helpful in restoring depleted vitality and energy.

It represents the solar plexus chakra which is the center of the body.Yellow jasper aids disorders of the stomach and digestive system. Plus, it also helps relieve bloating and is effective in the promotion of tissue regeneration.

Brown Jasper

The brown jasper stone is grounding and protective, providing a calm and stabilizing energy. It is said to be helpful for those who have trouble staying in the present, as it brings focus and concentration. It includes some specific formations such as picture jasper, bruneau jasper, and Bat Cave jasper.

Brown Jasper
Image credit: https://cdn.shopify.com/

Brown jasper is also known as a stone of health and healing, promoting physical well-being and vitality. It can be used to treat liver, kidneys, and other organ disorders. It helps with tissue regeneration, too.

Blue Jasper

If you’re looking to take a new opportunity and need a confidence boost, blue jasper is the perfect stone for you. Blue jasper has a penetrating, cleansing, and calming energy, making it ideal to motivate and build strength in your convictions.

Having a jasper crystal of this kind when you’re starting a new job or moving to a new city can help give you the power you need to go out and back yourself.

Brecciated Jasper

This type of jasper is known as a stone of strength and vitality. It can be used to promote physical healing and increase energy levels. Brecciated jasper is also thought to help with detoxification, making it a great choice if you’re looking to cleanse your body or boost your immune system.

Brecciated jasper is one of the most dramatic-looking jasper stones. This is because it’s a mixture of creamy red and brown and is also opaque. It’s also veined with a deep gray pattern that can have a striking effect when you look up close.

Zebra Jasper

Zebra jasper is a striped brown and white jasper that also contains black veining. It’s thought to be highly spiritual, helping boost creativity, inspiration, and relaxation.

Zebra jasper can be used for grounding during meditation or journeying because its earthy colors are designed to pull your attention toward the present moment. If you’re looking to restore some balance to your life, try to keep zebra jasper stone in your pocket as you go about your daily life.

Picasso Jasper

Picasso jasper is a brown and beige patterned jasper containing distinctive swirls. It’s thought to be highly protective due to its earthy, grounding energy. Possible metaphysical properties include calming the mind, providing peace, or bringing stability during times of change.

The swirling patterns found in Picasso jasper might symbolize a tornado or a storm. The swirling energy of the stone might sweep away negative, stagnant energy and allow for healthy new energy to come into your life.

Picasso jasper is a very social stone, so if you’re having trouble with friendships or you would like to bring extra positive energy into your life, this is a great bet.

Leopard Skin Jasper

Leopard jasper, also known as jaguar jasper, is named for its distinct spots of stunning color. The jasper crystal is loved for its detoxifying properties and is a favorite for starting a new year off on the right foot. Leopard skin jasper helps you connect with your spiritual animal totem.

Leopard Skin Jasper
Image credit: https://gem.agency/

It’s associated with spiritual discovery and shaman travel. It’s also helpful in eliminating toxins from the body and decreasing body odor. It also assists in self-healing.

Fancy Jasper

Fancy jasper is like the fairy godmother of the jasper group. It helps lighten the mood and bring joy by absorbing frustration, anger, and guilt. Fancy jasper comes in different colors, including green, red, brown, and yellow, and its protective nature makes it an easy choice for transition periods.

Fancy Jasper
Image credit: https://www.crystals-online.co.uk/

Fancy jasper may also stimulate creativity and self-discipline while encouraging rational thinking. Physically, this jasper stone is thought to rid the blood of toxins and offer protection from pollution and radiation.

Ocean Jasper

Also known as an orbicular jasper, ocean jasper is a type of jasper found only near the ocean. It is known for its beautiful orbs and swirls of color, which are created by spiritual energy. Like other types of jasper, ocean jasper is thought to have a number of benefits spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Ocean Jasper
Image credit: https://i.etsystatic.com/

Spiritually, this jasper is thought to help connect with the spiritual world and provide guidance during times of change. It is also said to be a protective stone, helping to keep negative energy at bay. Emotionally, ocean jasper is a calming and nurturing stone, providing support during difficult times.

It is thought to help detoxify the body and boost the immune system physically. If you’re looking for a stone that can help connect you with the spiritual world, provide guidance during times of change, and offer protection from negative energy, orbicular jasper may be the right choice for you.

Poppy Jasper

This stone is a great all-around choice for those looking to add some Jasper to their collection. It is easily recognizable due to its bright mix of colors and is said to affect the emotional health of the wearer positively. This jasper is also thought to help detoxify the body and boost the immune system.

A joyful stone associated with poppies and remembrance, poppy jasper brings cheerfulness and vitality, reminding humanity to help one another. This stone can be gently stimulating or fiery in passion and intensity as needed. It provides an impetus for a variety of new experiences and encourages the development of new ideas.

FAQs on the Meaning of Jasper Stone

What color is jasper in the Bible?

Jasper is usually associated with brown, yellow, and reddish colors. However, it may describe other opaque colors of Chalcedony, such as dark or mottled green, orange, and black.

What is special about jasper?

Jasper is home to incredible features, including Mount Columbia, Alberta’s tallest mountain, Maligne lake, the second-largest glacial lake in the world, and diverse wildlife, including grizzly and black bears and mountain goats wolverines, elk, and bighorn sheep.

Final Thought on the Meaning of Jasper Stone

Whether you’re looking for something pretty to hang around your neck or wouldn’t mind a little help in the grounding department, jasper stone may be the one for you. This is a powerful addition to any jewelry box.

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How to Make a Butterfly Garden

How to Make a Butterfly Garden

Butterflies are admired for their bright colors and graceful movements. In addition, butterfly gardening is more than just an aesthetic choice to bring color to your garden, but butterflies also act as pollinators. They can greatly benefit the health of your garden plants. A butterfly garden provides a colorful array of nectar-producing plants that attract butterflies and offer plants to feed the caterpillar of their life cycle.

Whether it’s an indoor or outdoor space that is available, there are many options when it comes to creating a beautiful environment for these delicate creatures. Keep reading.

What is a Butterfly Garden?

Also known as butterfly sanctuary or butterfly habitat, it is an area for butterflies to feed and thrive. The plants you grow in your butterfly habitat attract butterflies and moths, which help with pollination.

Image credit: https://images.immediate.co.uk/

A proper butterfly garden can accommodate a variety of butterfly species at each stage of their entire life cycle, such as egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Butterflies are most attractive from spring to late summer when plant growth is peaking.

Steps for Creating a Butterfly Garden

Choose the Right Location

Select free-draining soil, preferably with full sun. However, there are butterflies who live for several seasons in shaded areas; one example is the Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa), which will remain in hibernation during summer when there is no shade. So, make sure that your location gets the right amount of sunlight for flowers to grow and attract butterflies.

Select Flowers that Attract Butterflies

Certain flowers are naturally more attractive to butterflies than others. Nectar-rich plants will bring in many types of butterflies, while flower shape and color can also matter. Serious butterfly gardeners fill their garden with nectar plants and host plants.

Select Flowers that Attract Butterflies
Image credit: https://hgtvhome.sndimg.com/

Adult butterflies drink nectar, so a nectar source will entice them to come to your garden. Host plants provide a place for butterflies to lay eggs, and they serve as food sources for caterpillars once the larvae hatch. The plant you grow will also support butterfly chrysalises, and different plants attract different butterfly species.

For instance, monarch caterpillars are primarily attracted to milkweeds, and swallowtail butterflies are drawn to verbena and lantanas. Other examples of butterfly-friendly flowering plants include aster flowers which are an important source of nectar for migrating butterflies in the fall. But before that, the butterfly larvae of the Pearl Crescent feed on its foliage.

The Showy Zebra Longwing butterfly, a Florida and Texas resident, feeds its babies exclusively on the foliage of the passionflower. And if you reside in the Eastern half of the United States, you may attract the iridescent Eastern tailed blue to your garden with a host planting of sweet peas. Many garden centers have labels on plants that are butterfly-friendly.

Use Organic, Homemade Bait to Attract Butterflies

If you want to attract butterflies to your garden, using bait is one way to do it. You can either buy or make your bait. Sugar and yeast-based bait can provide food and essential nutrients for butterflies. You can make a homemade bait with a mix of rotting fruit like bananas, peaches, plums, and apples.

You can also use white sugar, molasses, and beer. Place the butterfly bait in an area that is easily accessible to butterflies, such as on flat rocks, tree trumps, and a shallow dish.

Place or Create Shelter for Butterflies

Butterflies are cold-blooded insects that need shelter to protect them from the elements. Make sure you build them small shelters around your garden. You can also provide shelter in potted plants placed against walls overgrown with vines.

Place or Create Shelter for Butterflies
Image credit: https://images.saymedia-content.com/

You can also create a loose mulch in your garden to protect butterflies against the cold when they are molting or transitioning from immature to adult. Keep it away from plants you want to keep healthy, but do not remove the natural mulch that will break down over time under sunny conditions.

Include a butterfly shelter into your garden by planting one to two feet tall native plants along the edge of wooded areas. This provides butterflies with cover from predators while giving them access to fruit, nectar, and water sources in the wild.

Trees and shrubs can provide shade and resting places for butterflies, but you can protect butterflies against predators and harsh weather conditions by building a shelter. Butterfly houses can act as places for butterflies to rest and hibernate and as a place for caterpillars to cocoon.

Keep it Sunny

Butterflies are cold-blooded insects that will be less active on colder mornings. Make sure you locate your butterfly garden in part of your yard that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight each day.

Create a Garden that Emulates their Natural Habitat

Butterflies like to live in areas with plenty of nectar-producing plants, host plants for caterpillars and water sources. Try to include a variety of plants in your butterfly garden, including milkweed, Joe Pye weed, black-eyed Susan, butterfly bush, western coneflower, and coreopsis.

When you plant your seeds or transplant butterfly-friendly perennials, make sure they are native to the area in which you live. Use a mixture of perennials and annuals to prolong blooming time. Flowering containers allow you to exchange plantings during low blooming lulls in the garden like late spring and late summer.

Use a combination of window boxes, patio containers, and hanging baskets to create staggered blooming heights in your butterfly garden. Plant nectar flowers in groups instead of singly. Butterflies prefer moving from bloom to bloom of the same type of flower rather than fly from one nectar plant in search of another that may be growing some distance away.

dd a Water Source

Hummingbirds are attracted to many of the same flowers as butterflies are, so you can have both flying around your garden if you add a birdbath. Even though butterflies do not drink from standing water, they love rain puddles and damp patches that form on leaves after it rains.

Butterflies will seek shallow puddles in your garden not only as a source of drinking water but also as a way of obtaining vital minerals. So, a puddling station is essential to keep your butterflies hydrated and receive vitamins and other nutrients from muddy water like sodium. A shallow dish filled with soil, sand, or pebbles can create watery mud and be a valuable drinking station on hot days.

Offer Alternative Butterfly Foods

Your garden should contain a range of butterfly-friendly plants. Some must be in full sun and require regular watering if you want butterflies that lay eggs in your garden. If the weather is cool or there is not enough sunlight, it will open nectar sources.

Provide these nectar sources by growing flowers such as daisies, zinnias, sunflowers, crocuses, and marigolds. Placing overripe fruit like peaches, bananas, and peas in a shallow dish will help continue the feeding cycle for adult butterflies when nectar plants move past bloom.

Fermented beer or molasses can also be used as a condiment to the fruit main dish, providing irresistible species such as the Question Mark and Red Spotted Purple. Replace the fruit frequently to discourage wasps and ants from taking over the buffet. You can also use a window screen to cover the fruit to block wasps and bees. With their long proboscis, butterflies will still be able to feed.

Stay Clear of Toxic Pesticides

Avoid pesticides that can harm butterflies. Many pesticides kill butterflies and other pollinators, so it is important to read the label before using insecticides. Look for products that are specifically labeled as butterfly-safe. As a butterfly gardener, tread carefully with insecticides to avoid harming butterflies and other beneficial pollinators such as bees and parasitic wasps.

Even organic pest control options like insecticidal soap and neem oil can kill butterflies or disrupt their feeding and mating habits. But this doesn’t mean that you should hand over your flowers to the aphids. Instead, non-pesticide insect controls like floating row covers, jets of water to blast away small insects, and handpicking large insects like beetles.

Also, your best bet for pest control in your butterfly garden should be companion planting. In addition to planting flowers that attract butterflies, consider planting flowers that repel pests.

Keep a Diary

One of the best ways to learn more about making your butterfly garden thrive is to keep a diary. Record what you plant, when you plant it, what type of butterflies visit, and any other observations. This will help you better understand what works in your garden and what doesn’t.

How to Select Butterfly-Friendly Plants

Nectar Plants vs. Caterpillar Host Plants

When choosing plants for your butterfly garden, include plants that will support butterflies throughout their life cycle. Flowering nectar plants offer food and energy for adults, while the leaves of larval plants such as parsley and milkweed nourish growing caterpillars.

Plants that provide both nectar sources for butterflies and caterpillar food sources for butterfly larvae can be invaluable. This will ensure that butterflies flutter around your yard as adults and come back as caterpillars to eat and grow into the next generation of butterflies.

Plant for Continuous Bloom

One way to ensure a continuous bloom in your butterfly garden is to plant a variety of plants that flower at different times of the year. This will provide food for adult butterflies throughout the growing season, especially in mid to late summer when butterflies are most active.

Plant for Diversity

In addition to planting for continuous bloom, it is important to plant for diversity. This will provide a variety of different nectar sources for butterflies and caterpillar food sources. A well-planned butterfly garden will have a mix of both flowering plants and shrubs.

Select Natives

To provide the best forage for butterflies, select native plants where you live. Butterflies have highly specialized relationships with certain plant species, which can be disrupted if a non-native species is introduced into the garden.

Native plants also tend to do well in your region and require less maintenance while providing just as much beauty as exotic plants.

Plant for Color

You can attract butterflies into your garden by ensuring that there are flowers in every color of the rainbow. Butterflies are very attracted to bright colors, especially reds and yellows.

Planting a wide variety of flowers will ensure access to these colors. Fragrant flowers also attract some species of butterflies, so consider adding attractive scents to your garden. You can get plants that bloom throughout, plant spring-blooming flowers, or anything but just ensures your garden has flowers throughout the year.

FAQs on How to Make a Beautiful Butterfly Garden

Do butterflies need water?

Monarchs and other butterflies need moisture but cannot land on water to drink, so a typical garden pond, fountain, or birdbath won’t help them.

What does a butterfly habitat look like?

Butterflies live worldwide except in the attic. Any place with nectar-producing flowers will host butterflies. Some species live in the desert and feed on succulent plants that grow in harsh conditions.

Final Thought on How to Make a Butterfly Garden

Designing and planting a butterfly garden is a fun project that the entire family can enjoy. With a little bit of planning and some creative thinking, you can create a garden that will bring beauty and enjoyment to your home for years to come.

The post How to Make a Butterfly Garden appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.

Remove Tile Grout in a Few Simple Steps

Remove Tile Grout in a Few Simple Steps

Removing tile grout can be a long, messy project. You have to use buckets for water and vinegar, wear clothes that can get dirty, and deal with the mess of paste-like grout remover floating around the room.

However, it doesn’t have to be all bad. If you want to avoid all this work, you can get your tile grout looking new again with little effort by following tips used directly by the pros.

Image Credit: http://thepincer.com

In this article, we will give you the best ways to remove tile grout- with a tool, a blade, a chemical solution, or even through prevention. We will also provide some simple tips on how to clean up afterward. Let’s get started.

The Tile Grout Removal Tool

One of the best and easiest ways to remove tile grout is by using a grout removal tool. This is a handheld tool that has a small blade on the end. You can buy these tools at most home improvement stores.

To use the tool, you simply put it in between the tiles and pull out the grout that has collected there over time. The grout will come out of the tiles in small sections and may take some time to remove completely.

However, if you feel that this step is too much work, there are other methods to consider.

How To Remove Tile Grout With A Blade

Another easy way to remove tile grout is by using either a utility knife or a box cutter blade. Simply prop up one end of your tile on some spare boards or bricks so that the bottom side is facing up at an angle.

Then slide your blade into the crevice where the tiles meet, then forcefully push it forward. The grout will pop right out. Once you have removed all the grout in this way, you can then go over the tiles with a wire brush to remove any leftover bits.

If you have a lot of tiles to clean, this may be the quickest and easiest way to do it. However, it is not without its dangers- be careful not to cut yourself while doing this.

How To Remove Tile Grout With A Chemical Solution

If you don’t want to use a blade or a removal tool, you can also tryremoving tile grout with a chemical solution. There are many different products on the market that promise to do this job quickly and easily, but our personal favorite is muriatic acid.

Muriatic acid is a very strong chemical that can be bought at most hardware stores. It is used to clean concrete and masonry, so it is perfect for removing tile grout.

To use the acid, you will need some safety equipment- rubber gloves, goggles, and a respirator. You should also avoid any contact with your skin or clothing.

Pour the acid into a bucket and dip your brush in it. Then start scrubbing at the grout between the tiles. The acid will eat away at the grout and start to dissolve it. Keep scrubbing until all the grout is removed.

Be very careful when using this method- muriatic acid is a dangerous chemical and can cause serious injuries if not handled properly.

How To Prevent Future Buildup of Grout in the Tiles

If you want to avoid having to remove tile grout in the future, there is one simple solution – seal the grout lines with a sealant. This will create a barrier between the grout and the tiles and will help keep it from collecting dirt and bacteria over time.

There are many different sealants on the market, so be sure to do your research and find one that is right for your needs. Some sealants need to be reapplied every few months, while others can last up to 10 years.

Once you have sealed the grout lines, you will never have to worry about removing tile grout again.

Which rooms can you remove grout from?

There are various areas in your home where grout can get dirty and need removal. Here are some of the most obvious ones.

Bathrooms: Grout lines in bathrooms are exposed to moisture regularly, which can lead to mold build-up over time. If you see signs of this phenomenon beginning to happen, it is best to remove the grout as soon as possible.Kitchens: Kitchen floors usually have tile grout lines with food particles stuck inside them. This attracts dirt and bacteria, which can cause dangerous cross-contamination issues if not cleaned regularly.Laundry Rooms: The same goes for laundry rooms- tile grout lines collect soap scum and lint from clothes, so they should be kept clean at all times.ShowerGrouting a shower is a tricky business- it is constantly exposed to water and can easily become dirty. If you notice that your grout is starting to look stained or mildewed, it is time for a good scrubbing.Basements: Basements are often damp areas, and this can cause grout lines to become discolored and dirty. Make sure to check your basement for this problem regularly, and remove the grout if necessary.Anywhere there are tiles: If you have any tiles in any other room of your house, it is a good idea to keep the grout clean and free of buildup. This will help keep the room looking its best and will prevent any future problems.

Removing tile grout can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right tools and techniques, it can be a quick and easy job. Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to a sparkling clean tile floor in no time.

How to Remove Grout: 8 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Image Credit: http://wikihow.com

Cleaning up after yourself

Once you have removed the bad grout, you should seal it with a new layer or reapply the old one to prevent future wear and tear. It is also a good idea to clean the work area so you’re not left with a mess.

Pour some diluted bleach onto the floor and use a mop to clean it up. This will remove any remaining residue from the acid and will help disinfect the area. Be sure to rinse the mop thoroughly after each pass, and don’t let the bleach come in contact with your skin or eyes.

When you’re finished, your floor should be clean and grout-free. Congratulations on a job well done.

Final thoughts on removing tile grout in a few simple steps

In conclusion, removing tile grout is a process that can be done relatively easily with the right tools and techniques. There are many different areas of your home where grout can become dirty and need to be removed, so be sure to stay vigilant and keep on top of it. A clean tile floor will brighten up any room in your house and will make it look newer and more inviting.

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How to Grow Scallions

How to Grow Scallions

Scallions are fresh, fast, and fabulous in salads, stir-fries, and savory tarts. Also known as green onions or salad onions, scallions are harvested before they reach maturity and can be grown year-round indoors.

Fast-growing plants like lettuce that you plant directly in the ground get tall quickly but have a short harvest window of just a few weeks. Indoor onion plants grow slowly over several months with an even longer harvest window than outdoor varieties.

Scallions are also one of those crops that can be sown in late summer to give one of the earliest harvests next spring. Here’s how to grow scallions from seeds indoors, so you always have these tasty vegetables on hand for cooking or snacking.

What are Scallions?

Allium fistulosum, also known as green onions, is called bunching onions or scallions.  Scallions are produced from specific cultivars of the bulbing onion and have a mild flavor.

Image credit: https://s3.amazonaws.com/

Green onions look similar to the traditional onion known as Allium cepa. They have tall, green stalks that are usually 1 to 2 feet tall. Scallions have slender white bulbs at their base that do not get large enough to form an onion.

Scallion Varieties to Try

There are several scallion varieties. These include:


Guardsman scallions are known for their slow bolting. They grow to about 20 inches tall and have green leaves that are blue-green at the base. The white bulb is slender, cylindrical, and has a mild flavor. This variety takes 50 days to grow, and it straddles the line between a spring onion and scallion for taste.

Evergreen White Bunching

Evergreen White Bunching is a green onion that grows best in the spring and fall. It has thick, blue-green leaves with white bulbs at its base. The plant grows up to 12 inches tall and keeps growing every 45 days until frost. This scallion takes around 60 days to grow from start to finish.


Nabechan is an oriental green onion that grows about 8 inches tall with white stalks and blue/green leaves. It takes around 60 days for these scallions to grow. It’s a Japanese variety prized for its flavor.

Image credit: https://www.activevista.com.au/

Tokyo Long White Bunching

Tokyo Long White Bunching is a white scallion that grows to about 12 inches tall. The leaves are long and slender, with a white bulb at the base. It takes around 90 days for these scallions to grow. This variety is also known as Welsh Onion or Scallion.

Red Beard

Red Beard is a red scallion that grows to about 12 inches tall. The leaves are long and slender, with a white bulb at the base. It takes around 90 days for these scallions to grow.

Red Beard
Image credit: https://www.australianseed.com/

How to Grow Scallions from Seed

You can plant seeds indoors about 8 to 10 weeks before your projected last frost date. You can also direct sow in the garden once the threat of frost has passed. Sow your seed about 1/4 inches deep. Other onions may have slow and poor germination. So, the most important element scallion seeds need is constant moisture, making starting them indoors a good choice.

How to Grow Scallions from Seed
Image credit: https://images.saymedia-content.com/

Seedlings emerge in one to two weeks. Once you have grown, thin the seedlings to about 2 inches apart. For a continual harvest, plant new crops every four weeks.

Potting and Repotting Scallions

Scallions can be grown in pots or containers on a sunny windowsill. Use well draining soil and organic potting mix when growing scallions in containers. Cover the seeds with a loose layer of soil and water them thoroughly. Make sure you keep the soil moist and not soaked.

Potting and Repotting Scallions
Image credit: https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/

If you want more instant gratification, then scraps and starts are two methods that are too quick for growing green onions. You’ll have scraps left over when you buy and use scallions from the grocery store. Get your container and rich potting soil. You can make your own compost to add some nutrients to the soil.

The scallions leave between three and four inches of the white bulb intact. Make 1/2 inch deep holes an inch apart in your container and drop the scrap in. Keep the soil moist and not soaked.

The final method of growing green onions is to get the starts from your local nursery. Take your starts off from the soil and gently shake off excess dirt so you can see the roots. Get a container and fill it with rich potting soil. Trim your roots back until they’re two or three inches long.

Your pot should be narrow and at least six inches deep. Make sure your container is in an area that will get direct sunlight. Keep the soil slightly moist and don’t overwater because this allows for decay and diseases. This way, you should be able to harvest and plant more scallions after every three weeks.

Scallions Care

Sun Exposure

Give your scallion plants at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. If you’re planting indoors, put them by a south-facing window. When planting outside, put them in an area that gets the most sunlight. Plant them in a partial shade if you don’t have that area.

Soil Requirement

Scallion plants prefer rich, sandy soil with sharp drainage and a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH. Amend your soil with organic matter to ensure good drainage. If you live in heavy clay soils, add sand or gravel to the mix. Consider doing some DIY soil tests to get the best for your scallions.

Fertilizing Green Onion

Fertilize green onions with a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 when you first plant them and again every four to six weeks. Fertilizer rich in nitrogen such as fish emulsion is ideal for green onions because it will provide the plants with a steady stream of nutrients over an extended period and keep them green and growing.

For a longer-term solution, use granular fertilizers released slowly into the soil. You can also top-dress with rich compost.

Watering Scallions

Scallion plants have a shallow root system, so regular watering is important. Keep the soil moist and do not let it dry out. While this may seem difficult in areas with long periods of hot, dry weather, you can greatly reduce the amount of time between watering by mulching with straw or pine bark nuggets. You can also try planting scallions in a raised bed to improve drainage and provide better access to water.

If you’re growing scallions in a container, make sure the pot has drainage holes and keep it evenly moist; they will likely need more frequent watering than they would get in your garden. A well drained soil also protects foliage from excess moisture, which can cause rot.

Temperature and Humidity

Allium cepa grows best when the air temperature is between 68°-78°F. If you’re growing scallions from seed, place a heat mat over your flats to ensure even soil temperatures around 45°F.

Ensure your flats get at least 6 hours of light each day for optimal germination rates and shoot growth. Scallion seeds do not mind humid conditions as long as they have good drainage to prevent rot and other diseases.

Pruning Scallion Plant

Most of the time, pruning is done by removing wilted leaves, which should be left until it’s time to pick them. If your green onion bolts to seed and you want to prevent seed drop, trim off the flower stalk. You may also experience leaf wilt during flowering.

Pruning Scallion Plant
Image credit: https://i.ytimg.com/

Once you notice that the flowers are fading, cut the stalk once it begins to droop and set it somewhere to allow the head to dry out and the seeds to drop out of the flower.

Propagating Scallion

One method of propagation is bulbs or sets. The best way to use sets is by planting them in late fall and overwintering them in the garden. In the spring, they’ll start pushing up new growth. You can also use nursery starts of Allium cepa and plant them to achieve the green onion stalks.

Remember that only Allium fistulosum will produce green tree onions without onion bulbs. True scallion has a milder flavor than A. cepa, which has a stronger onion flavor.

Harvesting and Storing Scallions


Start picking your spring onions once they reach a usable size. The best time to do this is when the bulbs are white and have a diameter about the size of the pencil, but even smaller sizes can be harvested.

You can dig up the whole plant if you plant to eat the mild white bulb or snip the stem off just above the soil level and allow it to continue growing. When growing traditional bulb onions as green onions, harvest the green leaves earlier and use them like scallion plants.


Store your green onions in a partially filled jar in your fridge with enough moisture to keep the leaves from wilting. If you harvest stalks without bulbs, store the stalks wrapped in a paper towel in a plastic storage bag. You can also slice and refrigerate them in a plastic bag.

To freeze your onions, rinse them off and thoroughly pat or air dry them before freezing. Their texture will be a bit mushy when they thaw out, so it’s best to use them in cooked food rather than as a garnish. Dehydrating the stalks and grinding them into a powder is a great option for long-term storage if you have a dehydrator.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases


Thrips and aphids are common pests in onion crops and can be remedied by using a strong stream of water from a hose. If they persist, use insecticidal soap or neem oil or treat severe infestations with pyrethrin. Cutworms, onion maggots, onion nematodes, slugs, and allium leaf miners are also potential pests but can be dealt with by using prevention methods such as crop rotation or organic mulches.

You can also use a beer trap to trap slugs and snails. As long as the trap is deep as a pie pan, snails and slugs will be attracted to the beer’s aroma, which will be deep enough to drown them.


Botrytis neck rot, purple blotch, and Fusarium basal rot are the most common onion diseases. They can be controlled by planting disease-resistant varieties and spacing plants properly. You can also remove infected plants and leaves, and use a fungicide.

White rot can also cause mold or rot at the base of the plant and yellowed, wilted leaves. If you notice the diseased plants, remove and dispose of them. Avoid planting Allium in that location for a couple of years. Practice crop rotation for the benefit of your plant’s health.

FAQs on How to Grow Scallions

Do green onions grow back every year?

These spring onions are biennial and can live for several seasons. They’ll come back after being cut down but won’t regrow if the bulbs die or are frozen.

Final Thought on How to Grow Scallions

As you can see, growing scallions is easy and can be done in almost any climate. With a little bit of care, you’ll have plenty of these delicious onions to enjoy all season long. So, what are you waiting for? Get started on your scallion garden today.

The post How to Grow Scallions appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.

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10 Elegant, Traditional Living Rooms

10 Elegant, Traditional Living Rooms

Thanks to their comfort, the traditional living room style has stood the test of time. However, decorating a traditional style living room can sometimes be hard. There are so many rules and regulations that you have to follow.

Many people don’t know what they should do with the furniture or how to decorate living rooms to achieve the perfect look. We created this guide for those who want to create an elegant, traditional living room but don’t know where to start. Here are 10 elegant traditional living rooms you can copy.

Go Gray in a Traditional Living Room- The Lighter Shade, the Better

When you think about elegant traditional living room colors, dark shades like maroon should be the last thing on your mind. Keep in mind that a lighter color is a sign of sophistication and wealth, so try to paint your walls in a shade of gray or white. You can also opt for some light blue or beige tones.

Image credit: https://st.hzcdn.com/

These colors will create a sense of openness and airiness in your living room. Gray is one of the most popular colors in any living room, but it can blend well in traditional living rooms. Pick some lighter hue with some grays and charcoals in your cushions and rugs for the floor.

Choose the Best Paint for Your Traditional Living Room

To choose paint colors for your room, opt for darker but muted paint colors like Benjamin Moore’s HC-146 Coventry Gray or Sherwin Williams SW6103 Spanish Cloth for an elegant, traditional look. These colors will give your room a rich and classic feel. If you want to add a pop of color, try painting an accent wall in a bolder hue.

Choose the Best Paint for Your Traditional Living Room
Image credit: https://hips.hearstapps.com/

This can be a great way to show your personality in your traditional living space. A warm color scheme would also be perfect for your traditional living design, especially if you’re sticking religiously to the style.

So, opt for warm neutrals, purples, reds, and forest greens. In addition, bright white and cool gray tones can create a simple, clean backdrop for your more traditional furniture.

Breezy Plains and Prints, Lafayette Residence, San Francisco

This is one of the great examples of traditional living room ideas. The dark-walled living room is softened with large white windows, high ceilings, and a fireplace. The pairing solids in the comfortable sofas, armchairs, and rugs give the room a curated, comfortable feel.

Choose Striped Upholstery for Timeless Feel

Whether you choose chic, wide stripes, or rustic french ticking linens, striped fabrics are a brilliant choice when it comes to upholstery and window treatments in traditional rooms. They are inoffensive and easy to live with because they can stand the test of time and come in all manner of weaves, weights, and different colors to match your scheme.

Consider Contemporary Features

The key to a traditional living room that doesn’t feel stuffy is to add contemporary features. This could be a sleek fireplace, a minimalist coffee table, or even pops of color. The contemporary sofa and armchair contrast beautifully with the more traditional features like the rug and fireplace in this living room.

Contemporary interiors feature sleek furniture and smooth lines. With these contemporary interiors, you won’t see a lot of tufting, piping, and patterns with contemporary pieces. The favored shape is rounded. You’ll see lots of coffee tables, lamps, and end tables in contemporary spaces.

You can use accessories such as candle holders, figurines, and other tabletop accents to keep it at a minimum. Other than traditional interiors, you can bring in wall art to bring that traditional feel.

Blue and White Glamor in a Living Room

For a more traditional living room, you can use dark paint colors and add dark accents such as chandeliers and even rugs. Use lighter colors like whites, grays, and yellows for contemporary spaces. You can add lots of light fixtures, such as track lights, to give off that contemporary vibe.

Blue and White Glamor in a Living Room
Image credit: https://i.pinimg.com/

You’ll also see hardwood floors in contemporary spaces, whereas traditional living rooms will have carpeting or rugs. Although you’ll see delicate armchairs in traditional living rooms, the emphasis when it comes to seating is on comfortable, sit-back, and relaxed pieces. Traditional roll arm or birch sofas are right at home more often when loaded with throw pillows to increase comfort.

High Ceiling Living Room

In traditional living rooms, you’ll often find more ornate details like crown molding and detailed woodworking. You’ll also see a lot of wallpaper, which can be used to create a luxurious or formal look. Rugs will usually be oriental or Persian, and flooring will be hardwood.

When it comes to furniture, a traditional living room will have a lot of dark wood pieces with upholstery in a neutral color. Traditional seating is made from leather, velvet, or tweed. There may be some tufting on the arms and back of sofas and chairs, as well as nailhead trim. Apart from tightly upholstered furniture, there will also be an iron lantern and architectural details to make the room look current.

Exposed Beams in a Living Room

Traditional living rooms will often have a large fireplace. You should avoid wallpaper with a busy pattern and choose something solid in color. If your furniture isn’t upholstered in a neutral color, you can add it yourself using slipcovers.

Lighting has to be traditional or even antique in these kinds of living rooms. Chandeliers and sconces are perfect, and you can also use floor lamps with shades that match the walls. Area rugs are a must in traditional living rooms, and you should choose something with a very traditional pattern like oriental or Persian. Leave the modern patterns for other parts of your home.

When it comes to accessories, keep them simple and elegant. Traditional living rooms don’t need a lot of clutter, so choose a few select pieces and display them carefully. Think vases, figurines, paintings, ornaments, and even plants. If you want to create a cottage-style charm in your living room, consider a botanical theme.

The rustic wooden beam and spare furnishings of the cottage work well with botanical prints and indoor flowering plants. You can also create a timeless vintage-inspired appeal by including shabby chic. Shabby chic takes the antique pieces from the traditional to vintage-inspired appeal.

Hang Curtains in Archive Fabric Prints

There are all sorts of window treatments to choose from but nothing says traditional style like classic floor to ceiling drapes. In that case, inject luxurious patterns and history into your living space using a rich archive of velvets, weaves, and embroideries. Traditional homes are often roomy with high ceilings and large windows, making it important to scale up.

Hang Curtains in Archive Fabric Prints
Image credit: https://www.freshideas.co.uk/

Choose large-scale patterns to get the proportion right, and don’t be afraid to match the same pattern on the walls and the curtains. Make sure your decoration pays respect to the past and lives today to enable them to work well with both traditional and contemporary furniture.

Furnish with Antique Pieces

One of the easiest ways to add traditional elegance to your home is by including antique furniture in your design scheme. Not only will you have unique pieces that are sure to impress guests, but you’ll also get the benefit of their classic style and craftsmanship.

Fine crafted using traditional methods and boasting a quality of manufacture inimitable by many modern designs. Antique furniture makes a great choice for furnishing a traditional living room, whether you have a period property or looking to create a traditional look.

When choosing antique furniture, consider the era it comes from so that you don’t accidentally choose too mismatched pieces or from different periods. A dated color scheme may also complement the look you’re going for. For example, a rich gold finish with dark wood tones may work well with a traditional style, while a gilded mirror will shine against a neutral-colored wall in an entryway. Also, go for items that will sit on open shelves without taking much space.

Fit Floor to Ceiling Bookshelves

No traditional living room is complete without floor-to-ceiling built-in bookshelves. Not only do they provide functional storage for all of your books, but they also add architectural interest to the room.

Consider having your carpenter build a custom design that perfectly fits your space. Or go for a vintage look by choosing wooden shelves and painting them a dark, contrasting color.

Decorate with Mirrors and Art

Mirrors and artwork make for great focal points in any room – but this is especially true in a traditional living room. Fill your walls with large-scale wall art either grouped or spread apart to create visual interest and conversation pieces. Plus, mirrors will bounce light around the room and make it feel larger.

Go All-Cream for a Luxurious Look

A traditional living space so sumptuous that it feels like a bedroom is not always a good idea, especially when you have kids and pets around. But if you want a living room with lots of luxury, then consider piling in the cream color. You can’t go wrong with the warmth that this color brings to a room. Plus, all cream-schemes will bring out all the different textures of your soft furnishings.

FAQS on Elegant, Traditional Living Room Ideas

What makes a room traditional?

Elegant shapes, refined textures are hallmarks of a traditional living room. Plus, a charmingly predictable sense of order makes traditional style one that’s always warm and charming. While decorating may change the trend, traditional living rooms will always be style.

What is the difference between a traditional and a classic living room?

The classic living room is more formal and elegant than the traditional style, meaning that modern pieces will elevate a space and give it a more formal, elegant vibe, while the traditional style will be a lot more relaxed and approachable.

Final Thought on Elegant, Traditional Living Rooms

As you can see, there’s no style that lends itself to elegance and sophistication better than the traditional style. In fact, traditional interior design has paved the way for several modern design styles you see today. If you want to give your home a classic and elegant look, traditional design is the way to go. You can even mix and match styles if you choose to.

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Reasons Why Mowing Wet Grass is a Bad Idea

Reasons Why Mowing Wet Grass is a Bad Idea

Is your lawn looking a little shaggy? Are you thinking about mowing it, but the weather doesn’t seem to be cooperating? Then don’t do it. It’s better to wait until the grass has dried out than risk damaging it or your lawnmower by cutting when it’s too wet.

If you’re considering mowing your lawn, then make sure that the ground is dry before doing so. Otherwise, you’ll end up having to deal with clumpy grass and damaged equipment. And if you want to keep your yard healthy and green, don’t cut grass while wet. This will help prevent soil compaction, which can lead to erosion and runoff into local waterways like lakes and rivers.

This article takes a deeper dive into mowing wet grass and why you should avoid it. Read on.

Why You Should Not Mow a Wet Lawn

Cutting Wet Grass Can Hurt Your Lawnmower

The first reason you shouldn’t cut wet grass is that it can damage your lawnmower. It’s not worth breaking out the mower if the grass has just been watered or if there are puddles on the ground. If you cut wet grass, you’ll likely end up with clumps of grass stuck to the underside of the mower deck.

Image credit: https://www.homelization.com/

The clumps will end up blending into your lawn, but they’ll also eventually dry and look like dirt until you run over them again with the mower. Moisture is problematic for the gasoline in the mower’s fuel tank, its metal, and indirectly its engine. Intruding moisture can cause corrosion if you don’t mix a stabilizer into the fuel tank.

Moist grass clippings that cake on the metal underside can cause rust. Even in the short term, the caked substance can stress the engine, impeding the motion of the mower blade and making your engine work harder to make up for it.

Cutting Wet Grass Can Affect Your Lawn’s Health

Mowing wet grass doesn’t just affect your mower only; it can also have an impact on your lawn. Wet grass blades are more susceptible to disease and fungus infections, which can lead to problems with your lawn’s health down the road. For an ideal cut, your grass blades should be standing up off the ground.

Wet blades are heavier than dry ones, making such blades hug the ground. As your wet turf starts to dry after rain, some of your blades will resume their upright position and get chopped off when you mow. The resulting uneven look would be bad enough, but the result will be tears instead of a clean cut when you try to cut damp grass.

The wet clippings will mat down, preventing healthy airflow. If you allow wet grass clippings sticking to the underside of your mower deck to remain, you’re inviting mold that can spread to your turf. Also, making passes up and down a wet lawn with your machine can hurt your lawn.

The large wheels will sink into a moist surface in a way that they won’t in dry grass. The wheels will form ruts on the surface, directly damaging the grass. This will cause the soil to become compacted, causing damage over time. You can learn how to use core aeration to heal your grass and beautify your lawn.

You Cannot Cut Wet Grass with an Electric Mower

Water and electricity don’t mix, so using an electric lawn mower on wet grass is out of the question. If your mower has a mulching attachment on it, then the clippings will stick to the underside of the mower deck and create an incredible mess.

electric lawnmower
Image credit: https://empire-s3-production.bobvila.com/

You’re also at a greater risk of injury when mowing wet grass than dry grass with electric mowers, especially when an extension cord runs the risk of being wet and becoming a safety hazard. When this extension cord gets wet, it can damage your mower and even electrocute you while mowing.

Alternatively, opt for a cordless electric mower which provides a safer option since there are no exposed wires. However, these cordless don’t have enough power to cut through serious wet grass. So, it’s best to stick with a gas mower for wet grass because it’s the safest, effective, and least frustrating option.

Uneven Cutting

When your mower’s blades hit hidden rocks or other debris while cutting through wet grass, it can cause the mower to jerk and unevenly cut the grass. This creates an unattractive look to your lawn and can also lead to scalping or slicing off too much of the grass blade, exposing the soil beneath.

Wet grass bends and lies closer to the ground compared to dry turf. This is because the dew on the grass blades makes them heavy, forcing them to bend down instead of standing upright. Your blades need to stand upright to cut the grass properly.

Otherwise, your mower will miss most of the grass, producing uneven cuts across your lawn. Once rainwater starts to drain away, and the grass blades dry up, sections of your lawn will appear as if you didn’t mow them. This uneven cut will make you go over the lawn and mow it afresh to get that even cut.

Clippings Clump on the Lawn and Sticks to the Mower

If your lawn is too long and wet, clippings will not just lie on the grass as usual after you mow it. Rather, they cling to blades of grass or form clumps resulting from heavy dew. The clippings won’t be as easy to collect and discharge from the mower’s bag if clumps and grass are stuck to it. This will require you to stop and clear your lawnmower blade before restarting the machine.

Clippings Clump on the Lawn
Image credit: https://www.thespruce.com/

It’s a good idea to mow wet grass, especially regularly, because the mower will produce wet clippings that easily clump together and lay over your grass. When wet clippings stay on your grass for some time, they’ll keep a lot of moisture over an extended period, exposing your lawn to fungus diseases.

So, it’s best to cut dry grass because the clippings will easily fall off your blade and can be collected in the bag. If you still prefer to mow your lawn after it rains, then consider getting a drag unit to help you clear the soaked clippings off the grass. Furthermore, check the deck frequently when mowing turf grass after the rain to ensure the clippings are not clumping it, which can be a problem for air tapered decks.

Cutting Wet Grass Can Easily Spread Diseases

Mowing wet grass can easily spread diseases because the clippings will be wet and covered in mud. If you mow over a disease-infested area, you’ll just be spreading the disease all over your lawn. When the clumps of damp, matted clippings are left on the lawn without sufficient airflow to dry out, the grass becomes more susceptible to fungal diseases.

Cutting Wet Grass Can Easily Spread Diseases
Image credit: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/

The wet grass clippings that stick to the underside of the mower deck can grow mold which can spread to your lawn next time you mow. So, before you start cutting, make sure to walk around your yard and identify any infections such as the brown patch disease

Mowing a Wet Lawn Gives You Extra Work

Mowing a wet lawn is also more difficult because the grass is wet and heavy. This means you’ll have to spend more time mowing, and you’ll probably end up with a tired arm at the end of the day. In addition, wet grass stains your clothes, shoes, and every surface your shoe touches, making cleaning an uphill task.

If you must mow wet grass, make sure you take all the safety precautions. Start by testing your soil’s saturation. When you stand on your lawn, you shouldn’t sink into it or see water rising around the edges of your shoes. Therefore, mowing too much is a bad idea.

Without the presence of standing water, you could tame your yard to some degree using a stabilized gas powered mower with sharp blades. If possible, set your mower to side discharge mode. Though this leaves rows of cut grass on your lawn for manual bagging later, it will save you the mess of dealing with a mower bag with a wet interior.

FAQs about Mowing Wet Grass

How long should you wait to mow the grass after it rains?

When dealing with mild morning dew or after light rain showers, you may need to wait between two and five hours for the lawn to dry before mowing. With heavier rainstorms, you should wait for at least one day to mow safely.

Can you cut grass after it rains?

While mowing a wet lawn can damage your mower or grass, there’re still tricks that you can use to minimize the problems if you don’t have time to wait. Such tricks include using a sharp blade to keep your lawn healthier when the ground is still damp.

Does mowing wet grass result in a dull blade?

While wet grass alone cannot dull a mower blade, its slick surface doesn’t make the cutting process easier. And if you leave the lawn to sit on the blade, the saturated clippings can cause rust and an early demise to metal parts of your mower, such as the blade.

Final Thought on the Reasons Why Mowing Wet Grass is a Bad Idea

While it may be tempting to mow your grass after it rains, it’s important to wait until the ground is bone dry. If you can’t, make sure you sharpen your blade first to avoid a nasty accident, soil damage, and fungal infections, which are preventable with a little patience.

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How to Repair Orange Peel Texture

How to Repair Orange Peel Texture

Orange peel texture is a common issue in the home improvement industry. This problem can happen for many reasons, but most commonly it happens because of improper installation or removal of roofing materials. The good news is that there are some things you can do to fix it.

This article will outline how to repair orange peel texture and prevent future occurrences. Let’s get started.

What is orange peel texture?

Orange peel texture is a term used to describe the appearance of a surface that has been covered in a thin layer of paint or another coating. The surface appears bumpy and textured, similar to the skin of an orange. This can be caused by many factors, including improper installation or removal of roofing materials, using the wrong type of paint or sealant, or excessive weathering.

Image Credit: http://eegrestore.com

Alternatively, it may be caused by using paint or sealant that is too thick. In this case, the paint or sealant may have been applied with a sprayer instead of a roller and not properly brushed out to smooth the surface. When this happens, it can be difficult to tell which part of the roof has been painted and which parts haven’t; therefore it appears as though the entire roof is orange peel textured.

Main causes of orange peel texture

If shingles are not installed correctly, they can pull away from the roof over time, causing the underlying roofing material to appear bumpy and textured. Also, if the shingles are removed too quickly, they can tear away from the roofing underlayment, causing them to appear bumpy and textured as well.

Alternatively, orange peel texture may be caused by using paint or sealant that is too thick. In this case, the paint or sealant may have been applied with a sprayer instead of a roller and not properly brushed out to smooth the surface. When this happens, it can be difficult to tell which part of the roof has been painted and which parts haven’t; therefore it appears as though the entire roof is orange peel textured.

Finally, if your home is in a sunny or hot location, the sun may cause the paint to blister and peel, also resulting in an orange peel texture.

How to fix orange peel texture

There are several ways that you can fix orange peel texture.

In this first place choosing thebest ceiling materials to buy should be done before getting started.

If the problem is caused by using paint or sealant that is too thick, then the solution is to use a roller instead of a sprayer to apply the paint or sealant. Use a medium nap and go over it about three times with the roller, brushing out any visible lines left behind by the roller.

If your home is in a hot location and has been exposed to too much sun, you can install reflective roof shingles to reduce heat absorption and lower your cooling bills. If you applied a primer that was too thick, apply a professional grade primer at half strength so that it doesn’t dry orange peel texture.

Finally, if the problem is caused by improper installation or removal of roofing materials, then the best solution is to hire a professional to come and fix it. They will be able to properly install or remove the roofing materials so that it doesn’t pull away from the roof over time.

Tips for avoiding orange peel texture in the future

There are several things you can do to prevent orange peel texture from cropping up on your roof again.

First, if you are going to be roofing your home yourself, make sure that you do a good job. Read the instructions thoroughly before getting started and use quality materials. You’ll also want to make sure that if you’re getting someone to do the job for you, they aren’t making any mistakes as they work. This could be anything such as not adding enough shingle adhesive or tearing off shingles too quickly.

Once the roof is finished, don’t walk on it for at least 48 hours so that it can be properly dry up. This will help prevent orange peel texture from forming by giving the coating time to dry completely before it has any chance of peeling away.

If you are having any other problems with your roof, be sure to contact a professional right away. They will be able to assess the situation and recommend the best course of action. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to your home.

Roof texture is not always an easy thing to fix yourself. If you are not sure how to go about repairing the texture on your roof, or if you think the problem may be more serious, it is always best to call in a professional. They will be able to take a look at the situation and let you know what steps need to be taken to fix it. By taking care of the problem as soon as possible, you can avoid further damage and keep your home looking its best.

How to Repair a Wall with an Orange Peel Texture - See Jane Drill

Image Credit: http://seejanedrill.com

How To Repair Orange Peel Texture – FAQ

What is orange peel texture?

Orange peel texture is a type of finish that is often seen on walls and ceilings. It is characterised by its bumpy, uneven surface.

What causes orange peel texture?

In addition to the types ofroof material chosen, there are several factors that can contribute to the development of orange peel texture:

Porous materials: If the surface material is porous, such as drywall or plaster, it will absorb the paint or primer unevenly. This will create a bumpy surface when the material dries.Poor surface preparation: If the surface isn’t properly prepared before painting, it will also be more likely to develop orange peel texture. The surface should be clean and free of dust, dirt, and grime.Incorrect application: If the wrong type of paint or primer is used, it can affect how well it adheres to the surface and may create an uneven texture when dried. It may also be hard for the finish coat to adhere to a rough surface produced by a poor-quality primer or paint.Drying time: Generally speaking, finishes with long drying times are more likely to develop orange peel texture than those with short drying times. This is because in some cases, the paint will begin to dry in certain areas before you have finished applying it. While this isn’t always avoidable, proper ventilation and working in small sections at a time can help minimize this risk.Environmental factors: Sometimes exterior painting jobs produce orange peel texture because of environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, and wind. Exterior painting jobs are especially affected by these factors as they can affect the drying time and how well the paint cures.

How do I fix the texture of the orange peel texture?

The process will depend on what’s causing it, but in general, you should start by eliminating any environmental influences that may be a factor. For example, if there is too much moisture in the air or if it’s very cold or hot outside, this may affect how your finish coat dries and contributes to the orange peel texture. You may have better results painting when conditions are more favorable for finishing work.

Final thoughts on how to repair orange peel texture

In conclusion, orange peel texture is very ugly and bad for resale. You should try your best to properly maintain and repair your roof to avoid this.

If you have any other questions or concerns about orange peel texture or any other roofing issues, be sure to contact a professional right away. They will be able to help you get the problem taken care of quickly and efficiently.

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