How To Grow Black Lace Elderberry

How To Grow Black Lace Elderberry

If you are looking for a beautiful and unique ornamental plant, black lace elderberry is an excellent choice. It has dark purple foliage and blackberries, making for a dramatic landscape focal point during the growing season. This beautiful shrub goes by many names, including black lace, elderberry, common elderberry, black elder, European elderberry, Judas tree, and blue or black elderberry.

This versatile plant provides year-round beauty without much effort on your part. Whether you’re looking for a new ornamental shrub or simply want fresh fruit at your fingertips, this variety of Sambucus canadensis is sure to please. In this article, we’ll talk about everything you need to know about growing black lace elderberry.

Uses of Black Elderberry

Elderberry plants have gained popularity thanks to their lovely appearance and important uses in traditional industries, culture, and medicine. They fall under early spring flowers since they bloom creamy pink flowers in the spring. These are followed by blackish-red fall berries, which can be harvested for making elderberry wine and jam. You can also leave the elderberry wine on the plant to attract birds and other wildlife.

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Black lace berries are also edible and high in vitamin C. If you want to plant them for food and drink, then the American elderberry, also known as Sambucus canadensis, is the better choice than the European type known as Sambucus nigra.

The intense purple black foliage is finely cut, giving it an effect similar to Japanese Maple, also known as Acer palmatum. Some designers are even using it in the more tender maple varieties since black lace is extremely durable and adaptable.

It can also be used as a dramatic accent plant, planted en masse for a troublesome high hedge, or incorporated into the mix or perennial border. Black lace is also suitable for use in woodland gardens, rain gardens, and attracting birds and butterflies to the yard. You can also plant a black lace next to a shrub with brightly colored leaves to create contrast and interest.

This is a very cold hardy, and easy-to-grow plant adaptable to most sites. In addition, this plant is deer resistant, drought tolerant, fall heat tolerant, and a landscape plant. It can also be used as a potted shrub on the patio. It’s good in groupings or masses or perennial and shrub borders.

Common elderberry plants are deciduous plants or small trees that can reach up to 20 feet in height and width. Some specimens have grown as tall as 33 feet in their natural habitat.

Planting Black Lace Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa ssp. melanocarpa)

Black lace elderberry can grow in USDA plant hardiness zones 4-7 but is susceptible to winter damage. It is best planted in fertile, loamy soil with excellent drainage and receives full sun or partial shade. If planting specimens near homes or other structures, it is a good idea to place a barrier of mulch or fencing around the plants to protect them from being damaged by lawnmowers, mower debris, and deer.

Planting Black Lace Elderberry
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They are relatively easy to grow. They can be propagated from seeds, softwood cuttings, or semi-hardwood cuttings. Seeds need cold stratification. Seeds should be sown in the autumn and kept moist for 60 days before planting. A thin layer of vermiculite on top of the soil helps retain moisture. It also does well in wet soils.

These plants also do well in acidic to alkaline soils, but it’s also important to look for slightly acidic soil. Before planting this shrub, amend the soil with compost to ensure healthy growth. You can easily make your compost to use for the purpose. After that, it will benefit from regular fertilizing with compost once every year in the spring.

Due to their sporadic growth, elderberry plants tend to form a lot of suckers. So prune it regularly if you want to maintain size and shape for your shrubs. Pruning involves removing unhealthy, damaged, old, or dead branches in early spring.

Black Lace Elderberry Care

Black lace elderberry is self-pollinating, but if you wish to have as many berries as possible, you can plant another cultivar near your black lace elderberry for increased pollination.

Black Lace Elderberry Care
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Light Requirement

In the North, while black lace elderberry will tolerate partial shade, it will produce more flowers and a more attractive foliage color if grown in full sun. At the southern end of its range, it will benefit from afternoon shade.

Soil Requirements

Black lace elderberry grows best in slightly acidic, loamy soil that is moist but well-drained. The black lace elderberry bush also tolerates clay soil types better than many shrubs, but it performs better over time if planted in soil that drains well. Black lace does best in moist soil, although it will tolerate dry soils. It thrives under acid or alkaline soils.

Watering Common Elderberry

Black lace elderberry is a drought-resistant shrub and does not require large amounts of water to thrive. However, it benefits from supplemental watering during dry periods and in hot summer climates. The plant prefers evenly moist soil. And since elderberry shrubs often grow near wetlands, it tolerates wet soil better than many other plant species.

Fertilizer and Transplanting

This deciduous shrub needs to be fertilized in early spring by applying a slow-release fertilizer specialized for trees and shrubs. If you wish to transplant an existing plant, do so in spring or early summer while the soil is moist and warm. Elderberry shrubs do not recover well from root disturbance, so take care when moving them. You may harm or kill the plant with poor planning or execution.

When growing elderberry bushes in the home garden, plant them near a water source such as a drip irrigation system or pond, especially if rainfall is infrequent. Ensure that the roots get at least 1 inch of water weekly and keep an eye on soil moisture levels so you can provide supplemental watering during dry spells.

Pruning Elderberry

Best if pruned immediately after blooming. The correct time for pruning this plant is late winter or early spring. Pruning will keep it attractive, vigorous and check its spread. As the woody stems become older, they become weaker and less attractive. So, remove the older stems to direct more energy into the newer, more attractive ones.

Pruning Elderberry
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Propagating Common Elderberry

Cutting the branches of the elderberry bush back to four inches gives you a convenient place to collect cuttings.

To propagate common elderberry, remove the smaller tip shoots from grown branches’ end and dip them into rooting hormone. The best time for this operation is fall or early winter. Remove all leaves on the cutting except the top two pairs. This makes it easier to dip into rooting hormone and reduces the chances of disease spores falling into any open cuts.

Shorten all side branches by half their length to direct energy into the main stem. Root the cuttings in a pot filled with sand, peat moss, and perlite at a ratio of 1:1:1. Water sparingly until roots form.

After three weeks, the cuttings should be ready to plant in your garden or for overwintering. Select a location that gets at least six hours of sun per day and has well-drained soil.

Common Pests and Diseases

Prone to a number of diseases, including canker, leaf spot, and powdery mildew. Apply Neem oil once pollination begins for best results. Also, make sure there is proper spacing to promote good air circulation, irrigate at soil level, and keep mulch six inches away from the main stems of the bush.

FAQs on How to Grow Black Lace Elderberry

What plants are compatible with black lace elderberry?

White pine trees and quaking aspen are good elderberry companion plants, especially if you’re looking for something taller than the shrubs.

Final Thought on How to Grow Black Lace Elderberry

Elderberry plants are very popular plants that you can never miss. Not only do these shrubs look splendid and very familiar, but they’re also low maintenance in almost any environment and growing conditions.

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Removing Shoe Odors With Baking Soda

Removing Shoe Odors With Baking Soda

Shoe odors are caused by bacteria growing in moist, dark places. They can also be caused by sweat and oil from your skin that gets into the fibers in the shoes.

The great news is that baking soda is a great way to get rid of shoe odor – sometimes once and for all.

In this article, you will learn how to remove shoe odors from your home and shoes, along with other crucial tips to remember when it comes to getting rid of annoying odors in your home.

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What the most common sources of shoe odors are

Shoes are often lined with materials that cause odors to build up during everyday use.

This buildup of sweat, bacteria, and oil is known as foot funk, shoe funk, or shoe odor.

Other sources of shoe odor include dirty shoes that have been worn without socks, smelly shoes that were never cleaned before being placed in storage, and smelly athletic gear that needs washing after heavy use.

How to remove shoe odors from your home and shoes

Baking soda will do the trick for most people when it comes time to clean out old stinky shoes or get rid of new stinky shoe smell.

There are several simple ways you can use baking soda to remove the funky smells from your shoes.

Simply sprinkle baking soda into the inside of your smelly shoes and lace them up as usual for a couple of days or until the stench is gone.

Another way to use baking soda to remove shoe odors is to make a thick paste with water and baking soda, apply it to any surfaces that have been affected by the odor, let it dry, then take a damp rag and wipe it away.

It’s also a good idea to place a small container of baking soda in your closet, gym bag, or other places where you store your shoes as this will help absorb any lingering foot funk.

When removing shoe odors from carpeting or hardwood floors, porous materials can be treated with a mixture of baking soda and water, or baking soda can be sprinkled on the carpet or floor and brushed with a broom.

Please note that this method will not work for concrete floors, most sealed wood floors, tile floors, linoleum tiles, vinyl tiles, varnished wood floors, granite countertops, etc., because baking soda cannot penetrate the surface to neutralize the odors from below. In other words, these surfaces would have to be stripped of their coating for the baking soda to get through to where it’s needed.

However, if you want to clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets, then baking soda is the way to go.

How do I use baking soda for removing shoe odors? What do I need?

You’ll need a jar or container that’s big enough to hold the shoes you want to soak, baking soda, water, and an old towel. Then, follow these steps:

Step 1 – Fill your container halfway with lukewarm water Step 2 – Mix in 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water. For example, for every cup of water use 1/3 cup of baking soda or for every liter of water use 10 tablespoons (about 80 grams) of baking soda. Adding more baking soda will lead to better results but it could take longer to dry out.Step 3 – Soak your shoes in this mixture for at least 12 hours (for larger shoes like boots you may need even more time). Step 4 – After you’ve soaked your shoes for as long as needed, take them out and put them in a cool dry place to dry off. If you have a fan nearby set it to blow on low. This will speed up the process of drying your shoes and prevent any mildew from forming.Step 5 – Once your shoes are completely dry, sprinkle some baking soda inside them and leave overnight so that they can absorb any odors still left behind. You should do this before wearing your shoes again or putting them back into storage.

Why baking soda is the best way to get rid of shoe odor

Baking soda neutralizes odors naturally by absorbing unpleasant smells into itself where it then breaks down into inert components that are not likely to cause any further harm. This makes it much safer than other household cleaners which typically mask bad odors with artificial fragrances or kill bacteria with harsh chemicals like bleach or ammonia.

Using these types of cleaners often causes the stinky shoes you’re trying to get rid of to smell even worse and in some cases, the fumes can be harmful.

Baking soda is also a natural deodorizer so it will not only remove shoe odor but also any other odors that may be present in your home.

Tips for using baking soda in your closet, on carpeting, and hardwood floors

When cleaning your home with baking soda it’s important to keep these tips in mind.

Test an inconspicuous area before applying baking soda to a large surface

Applying baking soda to an inconspicuous area should be enough to test if it’s safe to move forward. In addition, this will also help you determine how long you should leave the baking soda on the surface before rinsing it off.

lways use a damp cloth when wiping away baking soda residue – dry surfaces can become scratched.

A damp cloth will help you remove any residue without scratching the surface. This is especially important when cleaning delicate surfaces like wood floors or furniture.

Never mix baking soda with other cleaners – this can create hazardous fumes.

When it comes to removing shoe odors using baking soda it’s always best to stick with just the baking soda and water. This is because other cleaners like bleach or ammonia can react with baking soda and create harmful fumes.

Keep in mind that baking soda may not be suitable for all surfaces

You should avoid using baking soda on marble, granite countertops, tile floors, varnished wood floors, painted walls, etc. If you do so, it can leave behind a dulling film or even etch the surface if left to sit too long before being washed away with water.

Do not pour water onto baking soda if it is being used in shoes – this will damage the footwear.

Baking soda should always be used dry in shoes. If it gets wet, for example from a spilled liquid, the material will start to break down and eventually turn into a sticky mess that can damage your shoe.

Baking soda can be harmful to pets

Put your pets away when using baking soda to clean as it can be harmful if ingested. Baking soda is not poisonous to pets but it can cause them to vomit or have diarrhea if they consume too much of it.

Removing Shoe Odors With Baking Soda – FAQ

Why should I use baking soda to remove shoe odors?

Baking soda can help you keep your stinky shoes smelling fresh. It’s the best way to deodorize and neutralize smells like those from your athletic shoes, footgear, and boots.

How to Clean White Shoes with Baking Soda | Arm & Hammer™

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Is it safe to use baking soda in my shoes?

Baking soda is a safe way to soak up any odor-causing bacteria or fungus which may be living in your sneaks. It’s also an all-natural remedy that has no side effects. However, if you happen to have any open cuts on your feet please refrain from using this method because of the risk of infection.

What if my shoes are wet?

If your shoes are wet, removing as much water as possible before using the baking soda is ideal. You can do this by using a shoe dryer, airing them out in the sun, or stuffing them with newspapers. Once your shoes are mostly dry, you can then proceed with the baking soda remedy.

Can I use this method for all types of shoes?

This method should work for all types of shoes, but if you have leather or suede shoes be careful not to soak them for too long. Baking soda can be harsh on these materials and may cause discoloration or damage.

Odors from sneakers, footgear, and boots can be a real nuisance. But with a little baking soda, these smells can be neutralized and removed in no time. Soak your shoes in a baking soda and water solution, or sprinkle some baking soda inside your shoes to help absorb any unwanted smells.

Baking soda can also be used tomake DIY laundry detergent so you can keep your clothes smelling fresh too.

Final thoughts on removing shoe odors with baking soda

In conclusion, using baking soda is the best way to deodorize and neutralize smells such as those from your athletic shoes, footgear, and boots. This safe solution can help you ensure your stinky shoes start smelling fresh.

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How To Remove Mold And Mildew

How To Remove Mold And Mildew

Mold and mildew can be a real problem for homeowners, especially if they’re not dealt with quickly.

Mold is notorious for growing in damp areas, such as bathrooms or basements that don’t have proper ventilation. Mildew grows where there is too much moisture present, such as on wet surfaces like windowsills or carpets.

In this article, we will discuss how to remove mold and mildew from your home.

What are mold and mildew?

The two types of mold and mildew work together to grow rapidly and cause health problems by releasing toxic spores into the air which can affect anyone who breathes them.

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This combination can lead to symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, headaches, and difficulty breathing among other things. It’s important to take the issue seriously and eliminate it right away before it spreads any further.

If not, it can cause structural damage to the building and lead to costly repairs.

How do mold and mildew grow?

Mold needs three things to grow: darkness, food, and moisture. Mold spores are everywhere—inside your house or outside, in your plants or the soil. You might even have spores growing in areas of your home that you can’t see.

Mildew needs two of those things to grow: moisture and food. It feeds on a variety of organic materials, including plant sap, wood, paper, paint, and dust. Mildew can also grow on dirty fabrics.

How to clean mold and mildew

The best way to clean mold and mildew is by using a mixture of water and bleach. You can either use a spray bottle or a bucket.

Be sure to wear protective gear such as gloves and a mask while cleaning, especially if the area contains lead paint which can cause lead poisoning if not handled properly.

If the area is too large or the mold is too thick, you might want to consider hiring a professional to take care of it. Here are the steps involved when it comes togetting rid of mold

Clean off the mold or mildew with a solution of water and bleach

You can use a brush, cloth, or sponge soaked in the mixture and gently scrub away at the area.

It’s best to avoid using any chemicals that contain ammonia as this could increase your risk of breathing in harmful spores. Once you’ve finished cleaning, let it dry thoroughly before allowing anyone inside the area again.

Fill up the affected area with hydrogen peroxide then let it sit for 10 minutes before scrubbing it away You can fill up a bucket or spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide and apply it directly on top of the affected areas. Then leave everything alone for about ten minutes until you come back and scrub the surface clean. Use a fan to dry out the area after you clean it to prevent future growths

Now that the area is free of both mold and mildew, simply dry it thoroughly by sweeping or using a vacuum cleaner. Open up all doors and windows inside your home so that there is good ventilation throughout the house.

You can also use a fan for faster drying time if you don’t want to leave anything open overnight.

Be sure to wear gloves when cleaning anything that could contain lead paint, which can cause lead poisoning if not handled properly

Lead poisoning can be very serious depending on how much one has inhaled over an extended period. Make sure you’re wearing protective gear when cleaning any surfaces that might contain such paint.

Inspect the area for any signs of future growth and take steps to prevent it

Mold and mildew can grow back quickly if you’re not careful. Be sure to inspect the area regularly for any new growth and take measures to prevent it from happening again.

Mildew vs Mold – What's the difference? | Woodard

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This could include fixing any leaks in your home, increasing ventilation, or keeping surfaces clean and dry.

Other surfaces where mold and mildew might need to be removed

Mold and mildew can grow on a variety of surfaces both inside and outside your home. Here are some other areas where you might need to take action:

Basements: Basements are often damp and dark, making them the perfect place for mold and mildew to grow. Be sure to clean any spills or leaks as soon as they happen and increase ventilation by using a fan or opening up windows.Bathrooms: Mold and mildew can form on shower curtains, tile grout, caulking, and even the bathtub itself. Be sure to clean these areas regularly and keep them dry at all times.Sinks: Sink drains are a common place for mold and mildew to grow. Be sure to clean out your drain at least once every two weeks to keep it free of any buildup.Windows: Mold can form on window sills if they’re not cleaned regularly. Be sure to wipe down these areas with a bleach solution whenever you notice the growth of mold or mildew.Cooking surfaces: You might want to avoid using any wooden chopping boards, sponges, or brushes to prevent the growth of mold and mildew whenever you cook.Flooring: Many types of flooring can be affected by mold and mildew including linoleum, wood, and laminates.Vehicles: If left unattended for long periods, mold can grow underneath car seats which may lead to breathing problems.Clothes: Mold and mildew can form on clothing if they’re left to sit for too long without being laundered. Machine washable clothes should be washed after every few uses while non-washables should be cleaned with a solution of water and bleach then hung out in the sun to dry.Stucco: If you notice any areas of your stucco walls that are peeling or bubbling, then there’s a good chance they’re infected with mold. Be sure to scrape off the affected areas then apply an anti-fungal paint or primer directly onto the surface to prevent further growths.Cleaning stucco is a technical process and you should contact a professional if you aren’t sure how to handle it.– Wood: Both the inside and outside of your home’s wood walls need to be properly maintained for them to avoid any serious damage from mold growths. Be sure to inspect these areas regularly and treat them with a protective coating of paint or primer whenever they start showing signs of wear.

Removing mold and mildew from your home can be a bit of a daunting task, but it’s important to take action as soon as possible to prevent any long-term health problems.

Final thoughts on how to remove mold and mildew

In conclusion, removing the mold and mildew from inside your home is a necessary step to take if you want to keep yourself and others safe. Remember, mold and mildew can grow back quickly, so make sure to inspect the affected areas regularly for any new growths.

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What is the KonMari Method?

What is the KonMari Method?

Many people live in cluttered homes which end up complicating their life as well. It’s not that they don’t know how to declutter your room but the process itself is very complicated.

Well, if you could focus on the things in your home that give you joy, then everything else would fall into place. Marie Kondo has developed a method that makes this easy and simple, so you can get rid of clutter fast without having to sort through every item in your house one by one. It’s called the KonMari Method because she says we should only keep items that spark joy.

Here’s everything you need to know about the KonMari method.

What is the Konmari Method?

KonMari, also known as KonMarie or Marie Kondo, is a tidying expert in Japan. She has written several bestselling books on the process she uses to transform individuals and families. Created by Marie Kondo, professional home organizer and author of the bestselling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, the Konmari method emphasizes removing clutter from your home and surrounding yourself with things that spark joy.

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In other words, the konmari method is a simple but effective tidying method that ensures you’ll never relapse to clutter again. It uses unique selection criteria by choosing what sparks joy. Through this tidying process, you can reset your life and spend the rest of your life surrounded by the people and things you love most.

After the release of the Netflix TV show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo in 2019, many people globally have been using Marie Kondo’s tips to declutter their homes and stay organized.

How Does the KonMari Method Work?

KonMari has six basic rules that can help you declutter, get organized and create a home filled with items that make you happy. Here’s how the KonMari method rules work:

Commit Yourself to Tidy Up

The KonMari method is not a quick fix for a messy room. Instead, it’s a chance to reset your entire life, but only if you commit to following its principles. The first rule of tidying is setting your intention to seriously tidy up and resolving to put in the time and effort required.

When approaching your tidying festival with a clear vision and a can-do attitude, you’ll find the energy and motivation you need to tidy all your belongings in one go. The effort will be worth it in the end, and you’ll not only experience the joy of living with objects that you love, but you’ll also be on the path of establishing your ideal lifestyle.

Marie Kondo’s theory is the more you can get rid of, the easier it will be to tidy up and remain organized. So, don’t get discouraged if the process takes longer than a day.

Imagine Your Ideal Lifestyle

Before you start, imagine your ideal lifestyle and identify the objects that make it a reality. If this is your first time tidying up, you might not be able to picture what your perfect life looks like. But it’s never too late to change and improve after all.

Marie Kondo’s tidying process isn’t about decluttering your house or making it look neat on the spur of the moment for visitors. It’s all about tidying up in a way that will spark joy in your life and change it forever.

Consider what kind of a house you want to live in and how you want to live in it. Make sure you describe your ideal lifestyle. You can draw and sketch out what it looks like if you like. You can also describe in a notebook or cut out photos from magazines.

When you imagine your ideal lifestyle, you’re clarifying why you want to tidy and envision your best life. The tidying process represents a turning point, so make sure you consider the ideal lifestyle you inspire.

Finish Discarding First

Once you know what your ideal lifestyle is, you’ll be able to decide which items have value in your home and fill a purpose for that lifestyle. Considering each item and sorting them to keep and discard piles allows you to create more space for the organization and storage solutions that come later in the Konmari method.

Discarding items is not the point of the Konmari method, but it’s important because it provides the opportunity to determine the items that will help you live your life as you envision it as well as those items that no longer fit into your lifestyle. After you’ve discarded, you can turn your full energy and attention to what sparks joy.

Sort by Category, Not Location

The Konmari method advises sorting by category rather than the room. This allows you to work on one type of item at a time and ensures that each category is treated with equal importance. In other words, you’ll have a hard time getting motivated to finish if all of your clothes are in one room and the books are in another.

If you’re cleaning your home room by room, you’re most likely rearranging items and tossing out only a few things since it doesn’t feel like a ton of clutter for that room. Tidy by categories such as clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items and sentimental items.

This way, you’ll be on the right track to success. If you find yourself doing this, try to give each category its own dedicated space and do your best not to keep related items together. The Konmari method prefers that you spread out categories throughout your entire home.

Follow the Right Order of Tidy

This is probably the most important aspect of Konmari. You want to tidy up in the correct order to meet your tidying needs by starting with what’s most necessary first.

The right order for this method includes clothes, books, papers (all documents and manuals), miscellaneous items like small electronics and accessories, and mementoes.

sk Yourself if it Sparks Joy

Deciding if something sparks joy is the criteria for keeping and discarding items when decluttering. In the Konmari method, your feelings are the standard for decision making, especially knowing what sparks joy. To determine this when tidying, you need to pick up each object at a time and ask yourself quietly if it does spark joy.

Pay attention to how your body responds. Joy is personal, so that everyone will experience it differently. By selecting only those things that inspire joy, you can precisely identify what you love and what you need.

How to Use The Konmari Method at Home


The first category you need to tackle for a tidy house is clothing. While you might be used to cleaning out clothes in your closet and then your drawers, the Konmari method suggests gathering clothes and accessories from all over your home, including your bedroom closets, coat closets, drawers and under the bed and put them all in one pile.

This will allow you how much you have and help you realize how much you don’t wear. If an item sparks joy, keep it and if not, give it to gratitude and donate your clothing. You can then learn how to iron the clothes remaining ones correctly and arrange them the right way.


After clothes, the next category on the Konmari method checklist books, gather every book in your home and put them in a pile to decide which ones spark joy and which ones don’t. If your ideal lifestyle means that your space is filled with books, keep them.

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Every paper in your home, including documents, letters, bills and receipts, should be sorted using the Konmari method. Keep only what you need or use daily, plus one copy of everything else.

Miscellaneous Items

Any other items that don’t fit into the above categories should be put in a pile to determine what sparks joy and what doesn’t. Sort through everything carefully. Create groups like electronics, beauty supplies, home decor, canned goods and writing utensils.

Miscellaneous Items
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It might be tempting to go room by room for an extensive category; make sure you gather items from all over your home and put them in one pile. That way, you’ll be able to store similar items together to easily find them and not have anything to spread out.

Sentimental Items

Sentimental items hold deep meaning and can be tough to part with. If you’ve ever seen the episode of ‘Hoarders’ where the woman won’t get rid of her deceased mother’s old suitcase, this method isn’t for you.

Sentimental Items
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Keep only those sentimental objects that truly bring you joy and store them in a designated area. That way, you’ll have them but won’t be reminded of them at every turn.

How to Store Items that Spark Joy

After deciding what to keep in your home, good storage solutions will help you keep everything organized. Here are some of the best Konmari organization and storage tips:

Try Konmari Folding

The Konmari folding method is perfect for organizing your clothes. Marie Kondo didn’t only create her method of decluttering and organizing, but she has also shared a unique folding technique for clothes and linens. The Konmari method of folding helps keep drawers, baskets and bins neat and tidy.

Use Boxes in Drawers

Don’t toss them out if you have gift boxes, shoe boxes, and jewelry boxes. These are great DIY home storage solutions for keeping small things like jewelry, beauty supplies, phone chargers and other miscellaneous things organized in drawers and cabinets.

Store Papers in File Organizers

The paper file organizer is perfect for storing mails, bills and other papers. It protects your documents from getting lost in the clutter of the drawer.

Invest in Wicker Baskets

Wicker baskets are great for keeping your cupboard free from clutter. Use them to store foodstuffs, dry fruits, snacks and other kitchen essentials.

FAQs on What is the KonMari Method

Is the Konmari method effective?

The Konmari method is a highly efficient and effective organizing strategy that has helped many people declutter their homes. The beauty of this method is that it doesn’t follow any specific order in tidying up – you can start from anywhere and go on to the next activity.

What are the benefits of the Konmari method?

The Konmari method advises people to get rid of useless, unnecessary belongings. If applied correctly, this will help you find more relaxation and peace in your life. It also teaches you not to keep hold of things that do not bring joy into your life.

Final Thought on What is the Konmari Method

Do you have items that spark joy that you can’t fit in your home? Well, get organized with these temporary storage solutions with extra space storage to keep items that fit your ideal lifestyle, even if you don’t have room for them now.

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Install A Prefabricated Unit Or A Tiled Shower

Install A Prefabricated Unit Or A Tiled Shower

It’s not always easy to decide whether or not you should install a new shower unit in your home. There are many different types of showers available on the market, and there are several factors that come into play when determining which type is right for you.

In this article, we will take a look at the pros and cons of installing a prefabricated shower unit vs a tiled shower. We will also provide you with some tips on how to make the decision that’s right for you.

Let’s get right into it.

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Most important considerations

The most important thing to consider before installing any shower unit is what you will be using it for (for example, if it will primarily be used by individuals with mobility impairments, then your choice might be easier).

A prefabricated unit would likely be best for this use case because they’re typically easier to get in and out of than tiled units, but there are other considerations as well. These include cost, installation process, pros/cons of tiled showers vs prefabricated units, etc.

In addition to this, it’s important to consider if you have the skills necessary to install a prefabricated unit. If not, then installing a tiled shower will likely be your best option.

Prefabricated vs Tiled

Here are the basic things you need to know about these two types of showers.


Installed in sections and brought into the home already assembled (typically more expensive than other options)


Easy installation, generally considered to be more leak-proof than other types of showers


More expensive than other types of showers, may not be as aesthetically pleasing as some tiled showers


Built by gluing tiles directly onto the surface of an existing shower; typically installed with mortar on floor and ceiling (more labor-intensive but less costly than prefab units)


Aesthetically pleasing, can be customised to fit any space


More difficult and time-consuming to install than prefabricated showers, may be more prone to leaks

Other types of showers you might want to consider

Shower kit

A pre-made shower unit that uses standard fiberglass or acrylic tub/shower unit with a built-in shower receptor. These units typically have a vinyl liner and come in a variety of colors.


Inexpensive, easy installation


May not be as aesthetically pleasing as other types of showers, may not last as long as other types of showers

Sliding tub door

Installed like a typical tub/shower combo except that it uses sliding glass doors instead of curtains; typically installed in bathtub area (preferred by many for its ease of use)


Easy installation, no curtains to deal with, typically more watertight than other types of showers


May not be as aesthetically pleasing as some tiled showers, can be expensive if the glass is used

Steam shower

A closed unit that uses steam to create a sauna-like environment; typically installed in a separate room


A relaxing, invigorating environment, can help with respiratory problems and skin conditions


Installation can be expensive and complex, may not be suitable for all homes

There are many different types of showers to choose from, so it’s important to take into consideration what you will primarily be using the shower for.

If you’re looking for something easy to install and relatively leak-proof, then you’re likely best off with a prefabricated shower unit. If on the other hand, you want something aesthetically pleasing but still easy to use, then installing a tiled shower will likely be your best option.

Cost Analysis

When considering the cost of installing a shower unit, it’s important to remember that there is a wide range of options to choose from. A prefabricated unit will likely be more expensive than other types of showers, but it may be easier to install and less prone to leaks.

Conversely, a tiled shower will likely be less expensive than a prefabricated unit, but it will require more labour and may be more difficult to install.

Installation process

The installation process for a shower unit can vary depending on the type of shower you choose. A prefabricated unit will likely require less labour than a tiled shower, but it may be more difficult to install if the existing plumbing is not compatible. Conversely, a tiled shower will require more labour, but it may be easier to install if you already have the necessary tools and materials.

If on the other hand, you choose to install aDIY walk-in shower, the process will be even more straightforward. Since these units are designed to be easy to install, you simply have to plan the space for the shower, cut the proper size holes in your floor and ceiling, and fit the pieces together.

The most difficult part of the installation process is usually cutting the holes in the floor and ceiling, so be sure to have a good saw on hand.


One of the biggest concerns with showers is whether or not they are leak-proof. This concern is especially important if you plan to install a tiled shower, as even a small leak can cause extensive damage over time.

There are a few things you can do to help ensure that your shower does not leak. First, be sure to use waterproof sealant around all of the joints to create a watertight seal. You should also consider using tile grout that is specifically designed for showers, as it will be more water-resistant than other types of grout. Finally, be sure to use a quality shower pan to help prevent water from seeping through the floor.

If you’re still concerned about leaks, you may want to consider installing a shower unit that comes with a warranty for water tightness. This will give you peace of mind that your shower will not leak, even if it is used frequently.

Leaks cause all kinds of headaches, no matter if you’re trying to fix a leaking shower,leaking ceiling, or even aleaky bathtub faucet. Be sure to take all the proper precautions to prevent any water damage in your bathroom.

Install A Prefabricated Unit Or A Tiled Shower – FAQ

What is the difference between a prefabricated unit and a tiled shower?

A prefabricated shower unit is a ready-made shower that is installed in your bathroom as a complete unit. A tiled shower, on the other hand, involves installing tiles over an existing bathtub or shower base.

Which is better – a prefabricated unit or a tiled shower?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on your specific needs and preferences. Some people prefer the look of a tiled shower, while others find that prefabricated units are more convenient and easy to install. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference.

How do I choose between a prefabricated unit and a tiled shower?

The best way to decide between these two options is to consider your budget, bathroom space, and installation skills. If you are on a tight budget, a prefabricated unit may be the better option. If you have a large bathroom and plenty of installation experience, then a tiled shower may be the better choice.

How do I install a prefabricated unit?

Most prefabricated units come with detailed installation instructions that you can easily follow. However, if you are unsure about how to install it, you can always hire a professional installer.

Shower Pans - Tile vs Solid Surface - Select Kitchen And Bath

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How do I install a tiled shower?

Installing a tiled shower is a more involved process than installing a prefabricated unit. You will need to remove the existing bathtub or shower base and install the tiles over the new shower base. If you are not confident in your tiling skills, you may also want to hire a professional tiler to do the job for you.

What are the advantages of a prefabricated unit?

A prefabricated unit can be a good choice if you want a contemporary look in your bathroom and don’t have much time for installation work. They are also cheaper than tiled showers, so they may be better value for money.

Final thoughts on installing a prefabricated unit or a tiled shower

In conclusion, there are several factors to consider when installing a prefabricated unit or a tiled shower. Cost, ease of installation, and durability are all important factors to consider when making this decision.

Prefabricated units are generally less expensive than tiled showers, but they may not be as durable. Tiled showers are more expensive to install, but they can last for many years if properly maintained.

In the end, the best option for your home will depend on your specific needs and budget. Be sure to weigh the pros and cons of each option before making a final decision.

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Replacing A Water Heater

Replacing A Water Heater

Many people have had to replace their water heater at some point in their lives.

Most homeowners can expect to shell out around $1,000-$2,000 every decade or two to replace a water heater that has reached its expiration date. This article will give you information about what kind of things you need to consider before replacing your hot-water heater and tips for making the process of replacing one as easy as possible.

Let’s dive deep into this topic.

What is a water heater?

A water heater provides hot water for the household and is an insulated steel tank filled with an acid solution called ‘water glass’. This solution heats up and stores the energy to provide warmth when it’s needed. A gas burner or solar panels which use either natural or man-made gas create just enough heat to keep the water at a set temperature.

The right water heater for each household depends on several factors such as climate, average electricity and gas prices in your area, how often you use hot water, and the size of your home.

Why should I replace my water heater?

There are a few reasons why you might want to consider replacing your water heater:

If it is more than 10 years oldIf it has a leakIf you are experiencing water pressure problemsIf the tank is rusty or damagedIf you are not getting enough hot water

The most common reason for needing to replace a water heater is that it is old and past its prime. The average lifespan of a water heater is around 10-12 years, so if your water heater is older than that, it might be time for a replacement.

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Another reason to replace your water heater is if it leaks. If there is a hole in the tank, it could potentially cause extensive damage to your home. A leaky water heater can also lead to high utility bills as you will be using more energy to heat the same amount of water.

If you are experiencing water pressure problems, this is a sign that your tank needs to be replaced. This can be caused by sediment build-up which usually happens over time. Sediment buildup will eventually reduce the amount of hot water your tank can supply and it could also affect the efficiency of its heating system as well as the thermostat control.

Finally, if you find yourself not having enough hot water for an entire household, this is another sure-fire sign that you need to have a replacement unit installed. A new tank should increase your flow rate so each person in your home won’t have to wait forever for a warm shower.

How do I replace my water heater?

There are several steps involved with replacing a water heater, and if you did not purchase the new unit yourself, you should check with your home insurance company before starting work.

You will need to shut off the gas supply or turn the power off at the breaker box.

Before disconnecting anything, you must do a few things:

Take photos of all the connections (this is an easy way to make sure they get reconnected properly) and mark them with a piece of painter’s tape so there isn’t any confusion while reassembling everything later on.

Write out a list detailing which connection is for what and where each one goes. Once everything has been marked and recorded, you can start disconnecting and collecting tools and supplies needed for installation.

Tools needed for installation:

JigsawBreaker barTape measureFlat tip screwdriverBig wrench or channel locks for gas supplyPhillips head screwdriver

The first step is to drain out all the water in your tank. This can be done safely with a small pump, but if you want to do it the old school way, shrimp nets are great for catching all that yucky sediment. Once you’ve drained out most of the water (and possibly all of the sediment), remove any panels on your tank and disconnect anything connected to it such as new water lines or pipes leading from your home’s plumbing system.

When everything has been disconnected, disconnect any electrical connections by turning off breakers and pulling them apart. You should also remove the temperature and pressure relief valves. This will give you a bit more room to work with while removing your unit’s insulation.

Now that your tank is ready, lift the water heater out of its place and carry it outside where you can begin removing it from its casing. Use a flat-head screwdriver if you encounter any stubborn screws on the way down. After all the screws have been removed, pry off whatever pieces might still be holding your old tank together. You’ll notice that most tanks are made up of different-sized sections – some larger than others which makes for an easy breakdown later on during reassembly.

Once all of the pieces have been separated, clean them thoroughly so they look new again before putting in your new water heater. You might also want to consider purchasing a new gasket kit – these tend to wear down over time and can cause water leakage.

Now it’s time to start putting everything back together.

Water Heater Installation & Replacement in Maryland | BGE HOME

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Start by reassembling the tank using the photos and list you took before starting disassembly. It’s important that each pipe is reconnected properly and that nothing leaks when you turn on the water again. If you do encounter any leaks, stop and troubleshoot before continuing. It could be something as simple as a tightened screw or an improperly connected pipe.

Once the tank has been reassembled, connect the pipes leading from your home’s plumbing system and then reconnect the electrical connections. If you’re having trouble remembering where each pipe goes, you can always use the photos you took as a reference.

Turn on the gas supply (or flip the breaker box back on) and check for any leaks. Once everything has been checked and double-checked, it’s time to turn on your water and give it a test run. Take a shower, run the dishwasher – just make sure everything is working properly before calling it a day.

Replacing a water heater can be an intimidating task, but with a little bit of preparation and careful following of instructions, you’ll be able to do it like a pro. Not only will you save money in the long run by avoiding costly repairs or replacements, but you’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing that you did it yourself. So before you call a professional, give it a try. You might be surprised at just how easy it is.

Other things you need

Heavy-duty work gloves – You will have to touch the tank once it’s been removed from your home so be sure that you have a good pair of protective gloves.

Scouring pads – These are necessary for removing surface rust from the outside of the tank. Make sure that you use one that is free of harsh chemicals as they can seep into your water.

Heavy-duty work boots – The ground will get wet and slippery when you drain your tank so make sure you have a good pair of boots on to keep yourself from falling. If possible, avoid wearing other types of shoes as they will not keep you dry or safe.

Shrimp nets – These are great for removing sediment if you decide to do it the old-school way.

Flashlight – You might need light once everything has been disconnected inside of your home so make sure that you bring your flashlight along with already charged batteries (extra batteries wouldn’t hurt either). It’s also helpful if you decide to do any troubleshooting that might arise while reassembling your tank. Trust me; nothing is more frustrating than being in the dark.

Once you have all of these items, you’re ready to start your replacement project. Just be sure to take your time and follow the instructions closely – it’ll save you a lot of headache (and maybe even a little bit of money) in the long run.

Final thoughts on replacing a water heater

In conclusion, replacing a water heater is a big job but it’s one that most homeowners can do themselves with a little bit of instruction and preparation.

Make sure to have all of the necessary tools and supplies on hand before you start and be sure to take your time while following the step-by-step instructions. If you run into any problems, don’t be afraid to stop and troubleshoot – it might just save you some time (and hassle) in the long run. Good luck.

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DIY All-Purpose Vinegar Spray

DIY All-Purpose Vinegar Spray

Vinegar is a miracle cleaner and disinfectant. It can be used to clean many surfaces in the home, including kitchen counters and sinks, toilets, bathtubs and showers , windows and mirrors, as well as floors.

In this article, I’ll tell you how to easily make vinegar spray so you can start using it to clean your home. Let’s get right into it.

Making DIY All-Purpose Vinegar Spray

Making and using vinegar and water spray is so easy and cheap, you can almost do it with your eyes closed.

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All you need is:

A spray bottle (if it’s plastic go for the 1-litre size if it’s glass get one of 0.5 litres). The small 0.25 litre plastic bottles are also great because they are small enough for storage purposes yet large enough to use when cleaning larger areas.Vinegar. Plain, white distilled or apple cider vinegar will do fine here. You can also make your fruit-flavored vinegar by adding some juice from oranges, lemons, or apples to regular white distilled vinegar in a ratio of about 1 part fruit juice to 3 parts white wine vinegar. For each cup of fruit juice you use, add 1 tablespoon of sugar to the vinegar.

To make the spray:

Fill your spray bottle with white distilled or apple cider vinegar. If you’re using fruit-flavored vinegar, fill it halfway with that and halfway with white distilled vinegar.Fill the rest of the bottle with water.Shake well before each use.

That’s it. How easy was that? Now you’re ready to start cleaning your home with this powerful natural cleaner.

Important Tips To Keep In Mind

There are a few things to keep in mind when using your DIY all-purpose vinegar spray:

Using A Paper Towel

Using a paper towel will help to avoid streaks on surfaces like mirrors and windows. Just spray the vinegar mixture on the surface, wait a few minutes for it to work its magic, then wipe off with a paper towel.

Safety First.

Vinegar is a powerful cleaner, so always take precautions when using it. Never mix it with other cleaners (such as bleach) or use it near an open flame. Keep it away from children and pets, and never drink it.

Do Not Use On Marble Surfaces

Vinegar is very hard on marble surfaces so don’t use this cleaner if you have marble floors. This is especially true with marble kitchen countertops. Marble can be damaged by vinegar, so use this spray sparingly if you have marble surfaces in your home.

Using Lemon Juice In Place Of Vinegar

Lemon juice is a great replacement for vinegar in most cases when making DIY all-purpose cleaners. It has the same disinfecting properties as vinegar, but I find it’s less harsh on my hands and smells better too.

A good way to get rid of bad odors is to mix some lemon juice (room temperature) with baking soda until it forms a paste-like substance, then spread it over the areas that smell bad (such as fridge shelves or garbage bins). Let sit for 15-30 minutes before wiping with paper towels. This will help to remove the bad odor and also disinfect the surface.

Don’t Spray It Directly On Your Skin

If you do happen to get a bit of vinegar spray on your hands or skin, make sure to wash it off quickly with water. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to wear gloves while cleaning with this spray.

Using Baking Soda Along With A Vinegar Spray

While there are manyincredible uses for white vinegar, one of my favorites is using it in combination with baking soda. These two ingredients, when used together, can form an amazing all-purpose cleaner that’s great for tackling tough messes. Here are a few ways you can use them together:

To clean your oven, mix 1/2 cup vinegar with 1/4 cup baking soda. Spray the mixture on all surfaces of the oven and let sit for 30 minutes before wiping off.To clean countertops and kitchen surfaces, mix 1/2 cup vinegar with 1/4 cup baking soda in a spray bottle. Shake well before each use and spray on the surface. Let sit for a few minutes before wiping off with a paper towel or sponge.To remove water stains and mineral deposits, spray some vinegar and baking soda mixture on the surface and let it sit for a few minutes.Cleaning your painted cabinets properly with baking soda is a great way to remove stubborn dirt and grime. Just mix equal parts of vinegar and baking soda in a bowl, dip your brush in, and start scrubbing. Rinse off the brush when you’re done and give it a good shake to get rid of any excess water.

Using Essential Oils In Your Diy All-Purpose Spray

If you like to use natural cleaning products that not only disinfect but also leave behind a lovely scent, adding 5-10 drops of lavender or tea tree oil is an easy way to do this. Adding the essential oils will help mask any unpleasant odours from the vinegar while also ensuring that your home smells fresh and clean.

DIY Disinfecting Spray Cleaner - Clean Mama

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As I mentioned earlier, lemon juice is another great replacement for vinegar (in most cases) when making DIY all-purpose cleaners because of its disinfecting properties and pleasant citrus smell. But feel free to experiment with different essential oils to find the scent that you like best. Just make sure that the oil is labelled as “pure” or “undiluted” so that it doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals.

Final Thoughts On DIY All-Purpose Vinegar Spray

In conclusion, this DIY all-purpose vinegar spray is a huge money saver and works just as well as most off-the-shelf cleaners. It doesn’t matter if it’s vodka or vinegar, if you can clean something with vodka then you can do the same with vinegar since they both have antiseptic properties.

Vinegar and vodka contain about 80% water so unless you want to spend $30 on a bottle of stuff with 60% alcohol content, I’d go for good old-fashioned distilled white vinegar that costs around $3-4 per gallon.

The best part about this whole procedure is also that after doing it once you no longer need to buy any cleaning products anymore because you now have an endless supply at your disposal every day for a very cheap price.

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Bissell Proheat 2x Revolution Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner Review

Bissell Proheat 2x Revolution Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner Review

If you have pets and your house is carpeted, you know better than anybody that these two can be hard to maintain. But not if you have the Bissel proheat 2x revolution pet pro carpet cleaner. According to those who’ve tried this carpet cleaner, pet hair, pee, and other pet stains are no match for it.

But does it really live up to its name? Is this carpet cleaner worth the price? Well, in this review, we’ll look at the key features, pros and cons, and value of this carpet cleaner. Read on to see if it’s worth your penny.

What Is Bissell Proheat 2x Revolution Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner?

Bissell proheat is the latest high-tech carpet cleaner from Bissell, a company widely known for its quality cleaners. In the age of digital everything, this cleaner is not just your usual machine that sprays water onto your carpets and sucks it back up again with a dirty waste tank also filled with water after being filtered. This cleaner uses hot tap water to clean your carpets and then recycles the water into the tank with little to no wastage.

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This little machine may be small, but it packs a punch. Not only does it offer the perfect carpet cleaning solution, but with its built-in stain remover, it can also remove most pet stains and odors without you having to scrub at them yourself.

Bissell Proheat 2x Revolution Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner Features

This is the best Bissell carpet cleaning machine for pet owners, but what has made it so popular? Here’s a quick overview of this machine’s key features:

Express Clean Mode

The Bissell proheat 2x revolution pet pro carpet cleaner has a one-touch mode specifically for pet stains. Just press the button, and the machine does all the work for you, including heating the water to the perfect temperature. This feature is indeed a time saver for all homeowners who don’t have much time at their disposal. It also has a deep cleaning mode that you can switch to remove stubborn stains.

Heatwave Technology

This Bissell cleaner also comes with Heatwave technology, which helps maintain the cleaning temperature. With this, your carpets are always being cleaned at the right temperature, no matter how long the job takes. You don’t have to worry about always adjusting the temperatures, which can be time-consuming.

Dual DirtLifter PowerBrushes

These PowerBrushes help you dig deep down into the fibers of your carpets and extract all the dirt, dust, and pet hair. The brushes loosen all the dirt before actually removing them and leaving your carpet as clean as new. Not only will this leave your carpets cleaner, but it will also extend their lifespan. This feature comes in handy for anyone who wants to deep clean a carpet

ntibacterial Cleaning

If pet odor takes over your carpet, no need to worry if you have this machine. With its built-in antibacterial cleaning, this machine will eliminate the stench that comes with pet stains and odors. The technology controls all the bacterial that could be hiding in your carpet, living it clean and fresh.

2-in-1 Upholstery Tool

Another thing you’ll love about this machine is the 2-in-1 upholstery tool. This tool lets you clean furniture, stairs, and other delicate surfaces easily. The narrow width of the tool means that you can get into tight spaces and remove all the dirt, dust, and pet hair with little effort.

Comes Complete

If you buy this pet carpet cleaner, you won’t need to buy anything else separately as it comes fully equipped for the job. The machine comes with an 8-ounce bottle of Bissell’s professional Deep Cleaning formula, a trial size of their SpotBot Pet stain remover, a crevice tool, and a dirty water tank to collect dirty water that comes from carpet cleaning. In addition, the machine features a generous 3-year warranty.

Comes Complete
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Bissell Proheat 2x Revolution Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner Pros and Cons


Here are some things that you’ll love about Bissell proheat 2x revolution pet pro carpet cleaner:

Hot tap water is used to clean your carpets: This means less wastage, so you’re being eco-friendly when using this machine. It saves time and effort by having a pre-programmed one-button mode for pet stains.Made specifically for pet owners: If you have pets, this machine comes as a huge relief as it has tons of features that are perfect for pet owners. These include the Express Clean Mode, Heatwave technology, and antibacterial cleaning. It also comes with a 2-in-1 upholstery tool for delicate surfaces.3-year warranty: This machine is built to last, and in case anything does go wrong, you’re covered with a generous 3-year warranty.Easy to Use: The machine also comes with a user guide, making it easy for you to set up and start using it.It offers powerful cleaning: The Dual DirtLifter PowerBrushes help to dig deep into the fibers of your carpets and extract all the dirt, dust, and pet hair. This leaves your carpet as clean as new.Easy to clean: This carpet may be bulky, but it’s one of the easiest to use even for those learning how to clean a carpet. You have to plug it in, wait till the Ready indicator light turns on, and press the Express Clean button.Comes complete: All you need to get started is included when you buy the Bissell carpet cleaner. This includes a 32 oz bottle of their professional deep cleaning formula, a trial size of their SpotBot Pet stain remover, a crevice tool, and a dirty water tank at no additional cost.


Here are some things you might not like about Bissell proheat 2x revolution pet pro carpet cleaner:

Heavy and bulky: The machine is heavy and bulky, making it difficult to move around when cleaning. The cord is also short compared to other machines.Makes noise: The machine makes quite a bit of noise when used, which might be a problem for some people.Only cleans carpets: If you’re looking for a machine that can also clean your furniture and stairs, then this is not the one for you.Not easy to set up: The machine is not as easy to set up as some other machines on the market. However, it comes with a detailed instruction manual that you need to keep nearby.

Bissell Proheat 2x Revolution Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner Performance Comparison

The Bissell proheat 2x revolution pet pro carpet cleaner is a clear winner when it comes to performance comparison with many other carpet cleaners. It has many perfect features for pet owners, such as the Express Clean Mode, deep clean mode, Heatwave technology, and antibacterial cleaning. In addition, it comes with a 2-in-1 upholstery tool for delicate surfaces. The machine also offers powerful cleaning with the Dual DirtLifter PowerBrushes.

So, if you’re looking for a powerful and efficient pet carpet cleaner, the Bissell proheat 2x revolution pet pro is a perfect choice. It comes with a generous 3-year warranty and is easy to use. Plus, it’s perfect for removing pet stains and hair from your carpets.

Should You Buy Bissell Proheat 2x Revolution Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner?

So, are you asking if this carpet cleaner is really worth it? Well, you have the answer in the review above. But to be sure, we can guarantee that the carpet cleaner is worth the money considering all the features and the advantages. Bissell proheat 2x revolution pet pro carpet cleaner is a perfect choice for pet owners who need to deep clean their carpets. And if you’re looking for a machine that’s easy to use, this is just what you need.

Not to mention that it’s not as expensive as other carpet cleaners out there. So, if you’re looking for a powerful and efficient pet carpet cleaner, the Bissell proheat 2x revolution pet pro is a perfect choice. It comes with a generous 3-year warranty and is easy to use. Plus, it’s perfect for removing pet stains and hair from your carpets.

Well, we won’t fail to mention the downsides, which are, as we have already said, the weight and noise. Plus, it’s not easy to set up and not suitable for cleaning stairs and furniture.

To sum it all up, this is a good buy if you’re looking for a carpet cleaner that can solve your pet hair problems. So, if you have the money, go ahead and buy it.

What Users are Saying About Bissell Proheat

Bissell proheat rates well online as most users give it a 4 to 5-star rating. Most positive reviews praise the carpet cleaner for its powerful cleaning performance. However, some negative comments say that it’s heavy and bulky, just as we’ve stated.

One reviewer said they love the carpet cleaner because it gets rid of pet stains in just minutes. They also mentioned that their pets love to drink from a certain area of their home, which has resulted in tough stains over time. Overall, most users love this carpet cleaner and won’t hesitate to refer others.

Our Verdict on Bissell Proheat 2x Revolution Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner

We think you won’t find a better carpet cleaner for pet owners than Bissell proheat. The reasons are obvious. First, the rug doctor has a unique design that makes cleaning easy and efficient. Second, the Dual DirtLifter PowerBrushes make deep cleaning a breeze. Plus, it comes with a generous 3-year warranty and lets you clean carpets as well as furniture and stairs.

So, if you’re looking for a powerful carpet cleaner that’s perfect for pet owners, Bissell proheat 2x revolution pet pro is the one you need. It’s easy to use and efficient, making it a great choice for busy pet owners. You can’t go wrong with this carpet cleaner if you want to always have a clean carpet.

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29 Christmas Table Decorating Ideas

29 Christmas Table Decorating Ideas

You want to add some Christmas spirit to your table, but you don’t know-how. The best way to get into the holiday mood is by adding a variety of colors and decorations that will make everyone feel merry and bright at dinner time.

Adding color can be as easy as changing up your tableware and adding seasonal patterns or textures. There are so many things you can change around on your table, from napkin rings, placemats, glassware, candles.

Having a colorful place setting with beautiful details will help set the tone for an enjoyable evening with friends and family. To help you out, we have put together this quick guide with everything you need to know about decorating your Christmas table.

1. Wreath Christmas Table Runner & Napkin Rings

For a simple yet elegant table setting, you can place a green wreath with red berries at the center of your plate. This is one of the easiest ways to incorporate festive details into your decor while combining textures and varying levels for an exciting tabletop.

The naturalness of the materials used makes this table runner very easy to match with most decor styles. Using mini wreaths as napkin rings is one of the best Christmas decorations you can bring to the table setting.

2. DIY Mason Jar Centerpiece

If looking for a festive centerpiece idea, look no further than the classic Mason jar. If you like this idea but are not really into DIY projects, we found some easy and affordable premade mason jars that we think are perfect for your holiday table.

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3. Add Dimension and Height to Your Decor

Bring your Christmas table decor to life by adding dimension and height. This is very easy with flowers, garlands, and candles on your table. These items can be easily found at your local craft store or big-box retailer.

4. Bring Mercury Glass Candles

Create a Christmas tablescape design using mercury glass holders. The mercury-looking finish is a big trend right now, so you’ll be able to find this kind of table decor in different shapes and sizes. It will add an interesting detail that catches the eye.

Bring Mercury Glass Candles
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5. DIY Garland Runner

Keeping your Christmas tablescape nice and simple is a great way to uncomplicate holiday decorating. Incorporating a no-fuss garland runner with white candles combined with cinnamon sticks and a holly place setting is the perfect way to decorate your Christmas table without spending too much time or money.

DIY Garland Runner
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6. Farmhouse Style Christmas Table Decor

This is a perfect example of how to use rustic Christmas decor. Farmhouse style is all about shabby chic and handmade details, so your Christmas table will look warm and inviting in no time.

7. Vertical Garland Ideas for Christmas Tables

Vertical garlands are the new trend in Christmas decor, and this modern take on a traditional wreath is stunning. You can add it to any empty wall space in your home; the staircase, behind the front door, or above your mantelpiece, for example. The garland feels festive but not overly Christmassy, creating a conversation piece to anchor the holiday dining area that you won’t feel pressured to take down too soon. Use dramatic green and white garland hung on the wall behind the dinner table.

8. Woodsy Christmas Table Decorations

This chic rustic motif is all about keeping it real. These holiday centerpieces are made with natural elements that you probably already have on hand at home or can acquire easily enough. This is a great theme if you want to mix modern and traditional, using fresh flowers for height and fallen tree branches to display your lovely vintage ornaments.

Woodsy Christmas Table Decorations
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Details like forest green candles and napkins, a striped linen table runner, a vase full of white flowers and seasonal greenery, olive wood napkin holders, and chargers will add a homey look to your Christmas table.

9. Mint and Gold Holiday Table Decorations

A touch of mint gives this table a fresh feel, but the pure white flowers and soft gold cutlery decorations keep it from looking too cool and contemporary. The result is a pretty backdrop that feels romantic and elegant mixed without being stuffy or overbearing.

10. DIY Mini Cranberry Wreaths

These mini wreaths are quick and easy to whip up, but they pack a major visual punch. Make them in minutes with simple craft supplies like ribbon, twigs, berries, and glue. Decorating your Christmas table doesn’t have to be an elaborate affair to make a big impact.

DIY Mini Cranberry Wreaths
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Bring in cranberries, tree trimmings, and stamped brown Kraft paper name tags to create a festive Christmas brunch place setting that will make your guest feel welcome and special.

11. Mini Birch Branch Trees as Christmas Table Decoration

Add a rustic and natural element to your Christmas table setting with these simple yet elegant DIY mini trees. These easy Christmas centerpiece ideas can be finished in just minutes, and they add a natural touch of elegance to any holiday season.

Brighten up the season by mixing red, green, blue, and silver when decorating your Christmas table! A great way to do this is by using a favorite Christmas ornament as the centerpiece and filling your table with red, green, and silver plates, glasses, and chargers.

12. Cake Stand Centerpiece

Using a cake stand as the base of a table centerpiece is one of the ways of decorating your table while hosting a Christmas dinner. Bring group candles and sprigs of greenery atop a cake stand for an easy Christmas table.

Cake Stand Centerpiece
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13. Outdoor Christmas Table Decorations

Add a touch of whimsy to your holiday dinner table with these festive ideas for outdoor Christmas table decorations. Outdoor-friendly centerpieces, place settings, and more. You can mix vintage candlesticks, wood plates, and a natural centerpiece of leaves and flowers to create a non-traditional, laid-back festive vibe.

14. Chandelier Hanging Christmas Centerpiece

Think way outside the box with these unique Christmas table decorations. Hang a chandelier over your dining room table and attach candles to it for a sparkly gold atmosphere.

15. Table Runner

A table runner is another great idea for adding warmth to your Christmas decor. Pick one that features holly or bows, or go for a classic red-and-green color scheme. The table runner should be a few inches wider than your table to leave room for plates and other items.

16. Consider Royal Purple

Mixing a pale green and natural red centerpiece with unexpected royal purple accents can be an eye-catching and modern approach to your holiday dining table decor. Plus, the unexpected royal purple napkins can create unexpected twists on holiday table decorating.

17. Natural Gold

Try to play with pale golden wood tones in your modern dining room table by creating a gold and white Christmas brunch table with gold flatware, white and gold dishes, white napkins, faux snow, and a fuzzy white table runner. You can also line it up with gold and white vases filled with flocked greens.

18. Consider Candy Cane Centerpiece

Grab the mini candy canes that didn’t make it onto your Christmas tree and put them to use as Christmas centerpieces.

19. Consider Icy Blue

Blue and silver is a wintery color combination, which can be used to create an elegant feel on your festive table. Keep the rest of the decoration simple by adding white candles, silver cutlery, and white flowers. Bring in vases holding bright pinkish flowers to add a more traditional Christmas note.

20. Kitchen Island Ideas

If you love to cook, you can create a rustic atmosphere for your holiday table by adding pinecones, fresh cranberries and even tiny LED lights on the tablecloth. While some people prefer simple looks for their Christmas tables, you can use wooden spoons as decor. Set them on top of napkins folded like Christmas trees.

21. Pretty Peninsula

If you are looking for a more modern approach, visit glamorous homes on the web to find out how they decorate their Christmas tables. Decorate your table with all white flowers in elaborate vases. If you love trinkets, this is the best time of the year to bring them out. The kitchen peninsula can also stay up all season, making even small meals or coffee breaks feel festive, and the kitchen comes alive with holiday spirit.

22. Oranges, Cedar, and Walnuts

Another modern table runner is to light your table with candlesticks instead of vases. Set an orange on the center of each plate, and lay dried cedar springs or bay leaves all around it. Finish this arrangement by adding walnuts, apples, or napkin rings

23. Consider Starlight Season

The night is not only the best time to view stars but also a wonderful time to deck your table with them. You can hang small white lights from the bottom of tall silver vases and fill each one up with water. Next, add starlight garlands from these tall vases to the tabletop. Finish by placing votive candles around the table.

24. Create Extra Comfort by Using Ribbon Tied Chairs

Chair ties are always a great option for table decorating ideas. If you have chairs that do not feature these, use ribbon wrapped around them to create bows at the back or front of each chair.

25. Use Taupe

Use a chic and understated color palette of taupe, black and white to complement your decor while creating a holiday theme. Add some nicoly leaves and grasses from your garden to add a festive look and a subtle scent. Finish it off with a mix of votive candles and candlesticks for a candlelit glow.

Use Taupe
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26. Add Christmas Vibe with Stripes and Checks

Opt for stripes and check-in contrasting colors if you do not want to go with a solid and chic color like taupe. Match them with your tablecloth or runners to create a unified theme. Try red and green, black and white, or even blue and beige; the choice is yours.

27. Create Dazzling Christmas Centerpiece with Twisted Ribbon

Why not try a ribbon centerpiece if you want something striking and exceptional? It is easy to make too. Just take some colorful ribbons of different sizes and wrap them together in a loose twist before securing them around the base of your candlesticks or votive candle holders. You can add some pine cones for extra appeal.

28. White and Silver is Always in Style

Just bring in the metallic theme if you prefer a more glamorous look. White evokes crisp cleanliness, while silver gives an opulent appeal. Just add some pine cones or berries to break the monotony of the color scheme. This might seem too simple, but it can create a huge impact when you consider that minimal effort is needed to create this look.

29. Christmas Tree Table Decorating Ideas

If you want a more dramatic effect, go for a Christmas centerpiece. It can make a huge difference and be a conversation piece. Just get your artificial tree and dress it up with some colorful ornaments in silver or white colors. You can leave it as it is or add some pine cones or berries.

If you are into miniatures, this might be your thing for table decorating ideas. Of course, there’s a lot of preparation involved, so if you have the budget and time, go ahead and do this. Different themes are available, but you can choose your favorite or mix and match. You can either focus on the human-sized miniatures or go for the tiny trees.

FAQs on Christmas Table Decorating Ideas

Why is tableware important in table setup?

The right tableware helps to set the mood by complementing both the food’s visual aspects and the general theme of the dinner.

Final Thought on Decorating Christmas Table

There you have it. While decorating your Christmas table, you have to pick one or two that you like and then go ahead with it. This will help in making the dinner more memorable for years to come.

The post 29 Christmas Table Decorating Ideas appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.

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Vinyl House Siding: Pros and Cons

Vinyl House Siding: Pros and Cons

Vinyl siding is a great material for anyone looking to improve the look of their home. This type of siding can be very durable and resistant to damage, making it a good choice if you have kids or pets who tend to destroy your property.

However, vinyl siding has some disadvantages that you should consider before installing this product in your home. For example, vinyl is not as energy efficient as other siding materials such as wood siding or fiber cement panels. Also, vinyl siding tends to fade over time due to exposure to sunlight and other weather conditions than fiber cement siding and wood siding.

In this article, we’re going to look at some of the pros and cons of vinyl house siding to help you make an informed choice. Read on.

What is Vinyl House Siding?

Vinyl siding is a durable form of plastic commonly used in residential and commercial buildings. Vinyl siding comes in a variety of styles, colors, and textures, even imitating the look of wood siding and other siding materials to suit your needs. You should know which one to choose when building your own house so you don’t end up with what you don’t like.

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Vinyl siding is also very easy to install, which is why it has become one of the most popular types of exterior siding in the United States.

Pros of Vinyl Siding

Easy Installation

Vinyl siding is made to be easy to install, which means that you can get the job done in less than half a day. That’s why most homeowners choose to install it themselves. However, it’s always recommended to seek professional help and advice before tackling this project.

The installation process requires the help of a contractor for their expertise. Proper installation means less likelihood that the siding will expand or crack over time, leading to bigger and more expensive maintenance issues. Construction warranties may also be voided by faulty or improper installation, so make sure you do your research and seek professional help if needed.

Material Durability

The material used in vinyl siding is also very durable, meaning it will last for many years. Vinyl doesn’t warp, rot, crack, or peel with time, so you don’t have to worry about costly replacements down the road as a homeowner.

When installed properly, vinyl also won’t shrink, expand or contract over time. This is beneficial to the homeowner who wants a trouble-free product that requires minimal upkeep and maintenance. In case a rock flies from your lawnmower and pierces the siding, you can replace the plank fairly easily and cheaply.

Most manufacturers also boast a lifespan for the vinyl siding of up to 30 years. A properly installed and well-maintained vinyl siding does a good job of protecting a building’s exterior surfaces while keeping its interior well insulated.

Relatively Inexpensive Compared to Other Siding Materials

Like stone or brick, vinyl is an investment. For around $1 per square foot installed (the average cost for new home construction), you get long-lasting siding that will protect your home in many climates. It’s also relatively inexpensive compared to other popular materials such as wood clapboard siding, wood pulp, fiber cement siding, and aluminum.

Though the prices will vary depending on the manufacturer and the installation process, you can expect vinyl siding to cost between $3.50 and $7 per square foot. Fiber cement siding is double that price. So, if you want the most bang for your buck, you can never go wrong with vinyl flooring.

No Painting Required

One of the biggest benefits of vinyl siding is that it does not require painting. This is because the material, made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), has a color built into it that makes it resistant to sun damage and ultraviolet rays. With no need for paint or maintenance, you will save yourself time and money.

Vinyl siding colors cannot be mechanically abraded, scratched off, or stripped. So, if you wish to restore or change the color of your vinyl siding via residential exterior painting, this siding material is highly receptive to paint. With vinyl siding, you can easily outfit your home or business with any color scheme of your choice as long as you know how to choose paint colors

Vinyl Siding is Low Maintenance

Although vinyl house siding does not require paint, it will wear down over time and need to be replaced. The occasional cobwebs, bugs, mud, and other debris can easily be sprayed down using a garden hose. Never use a power washer on your vinyl siding, as this could cause serious havoc if the water enters your home through cracks around the siding or exacerbate minor tears in the crevices.

Cons of Vinyl Siding

Despite all its benefits, vinyl siding has its setbacks. Here are the cons of vinyl siding:

Moisture Problems

Vinyl houses siding does not absorb moisture; rather, it creates a waterproof barrier between your home and the outside elements. Vinyl siding is installed over a styrene insulation board which can cause water vapor to become trapped in the wall cavity without an escape route.

Vinyl siding
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Thus, if water seeps into small cracks and holes in the vinyl, this can cause major damage to the wood foundation or create conditions that attract mold, mildew, rot, and termite infestation.

Vinyl Siding is Less Eco-Friendly

Vinyl siding is plastic and is made of polyvinyl chloride, which isn’t eco-friendly. The manufacturing process produces greenhouse gasses such as nitrogen oxide and carcinogens, including dioxin. Another by-product of vinyl siding manufacture is sulfur dioxide which causes acid rain and smog.

This process also requires a vast amount of electricity. These gasses and chemicals can contribute to climate change and pollute the air. That’s why most recycling plants do not accept PVC products because they’re both challenging and expensive to recycle.

Vinyl Siding May Lower Your Home’s Value

Although it is cost-effective, vinyl siding still requires a large initial investment. If you’re looking to sell your home soon, this may be a deterrent for potential buyers who might not want the inconvenience of dealing with maintenance and replacement costs on their own.

Vinyl siding may decrease your home’s value since many homebuyers tend to view it as inferior to real wood, masonry, or other materials. It could potentially result in lower offers if and when you decide to move to your home later.

Maintenance Issues

Even though vinyl siding can withstand harsh conditions such as strong winds and heavy rainfall, it can have some maintenance issues. Vinyl siding is sensitive to extreme heat and cold. If you live in an area with harsh winters or summers, your vinyl siding may warp because of the temperature changes.

Besides irregular coloring, warping can also affect how tightly your panels lock together, leading to water damage if it’s not fixed immediately. Siding planks often split or break due to the expansion and contraction caused by temperature changes. If a lawnmower sends a rock flying at your house, it may pierce the siding. Vinyl siding cannot be patched, so the entire plank must be replaced.

Installation is Simple But Not Full Proof

Although vinyl siding is easy to install, it can be expensive to have a professional do the job for you. Vinyl will not bend around corners, so if your house has rounded corners, you’ll need someone with experience installing vinyl siding to do this part of the job. And if your siding is nailed too tightly, it will expand, crack, bulge or warp.

Construction warranties often last only one year, and the product warranty may be voided by faulty installation. Not every contractor has invested in proper training and certification, which is loosely regulated and expensive. Whether you’re investing in a brand new vinyl siding or seeking a siding replacement, you must do your homework well while hiring contractors for this project.

Color Fading

Many vinyl siding brands have been tested to resist color fading when exposed to UV light from the sun. Inferior materials may fade in just a few months, causing homeowners lots of headaches and expenses. In fact, some contractors refuse to use certain products because they don’t hold up well over time.

While there are many vinyl siding manufacturers, not all of them are equal in quality. Indeed, some vinyl house siding brands require homeowners to use specific cleaners and paints. Using the wrong products can destroy your beautiful new siding over time.

FAQS on Vinyl House Siding

What happens if water gets behind vinyl siding?

Rainwater leaking from your gutter ends up behind the siding and causes a wall to rot. However, vinyl is a rare siding product that remains completely unaffected by the water behind it.

What do you put under vinyl siding?

You can install vinyl siding over common wood sheathings such as plywood, oriented strand board, or other materials.

Final Thought on Vinyl House Siding

Whether the pros of vinyl siding outweigh the cons or vice versa, there are many reasons to select vinyl as your siding material or consider other options. But whatever the case, make sure you hire a siding specialist that can install, repair, and replace your property’s siding.

The post Vinyl House Siding: Pros and Cons appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.