How to Refurbish Particle Board Furniture

How to Refurbish Particle Board Furniture

A lot of us don’t think about our furniture until it starts to look shabby or gets stained, but with a little care and elbow grease, you can get your old furniture looking like new again. This article will show you how to refurbish particle board furniture in four easy steps. Keep reading to find out more.

Clean the furniture with a damp cloth and soap

Make sure you are not wearing any clothes that could get stained by the soap, then fill up a bucket with warm water and some mild liquid dish soap. Dip your cloth in the soapy water, wring it out so it’s not dripping wet, and start scrubbing. You can also use other cleaning solutions if you prefer using them instead of soap, but be careful because they may require different accessories to apply them safely (for example wet sandpaper instead of a dry one).

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Sand down any rough areas

You will want something like 220-grit sandpaper for this step; wet sanding is recommended to keep dust from flying around while you work. Don’t forget to wear protective gear such as eye goggles and gloves, and make sure to sand in the same direction as the wood grain. Make plenty of strokes until you are satisfied with how smooth it is; don’t worry about making it perfectly smooth because you will be painting over it soon.

pply wood filler to cracks or scratches, then sand smooth again

Wood filler can usually be found at your local hardware store, but if there’s not any left then an alternative would be spackling paste which should have the same effect. Anything that fills in cracks or deep scratches should work fine, just remember that you still want to leave some visible signs of imperfection for a more natural look later on. When you’re done filling them up let this dry completely before sanding again so the wood won’t be too rough after applying paint.

Use a paint primer to seal the surface of the furniture before painting it (optional)

Paint and stain work by soaking into the wood, so if your particleboard isn’t fully sealed then it’s possible that your new layer won’t get a stronghold; this is especially important for surfaces such as particleboard which can get saturated easily and start warping if not properly prepared. Some people like to skip this step because they don’t like the shiny appearance of paint primers, but in most cases, you will have a better-looking final result with a primer applied over whatever color you’re using. If you do decide to go ahead without using a primer, just make sure that whatever color you’re using is completely dry before you seal it up with polyurethane or varnish.

Paint your desired color on top of the primer, two coats should be enough for most pieces of furniture

Be sure to use oil-based paint (acrylic paints are not generally advised because they sometimes contain chemicals that can eat away at the surface of particleboard) and make sure to clean up any spills right away so the wood won’t absorb them permanently. If you want to use more than one color, wait until after finishing the first coat before applying your second layer; this will ensure that your final result looks nice and even. Don’t forget to seal it with polyurethane or varnish afterward for protection and a glossy finish.

Now that your furniture looks great again, you will be able to enjoy it for much longer than if you hadn’t taken the time to fix it up. With these four easy steps, you can make even particle boards look new again.

Taking care of your furniture and important areas

Taking care of your furniture ensures that they last for a very long time. Many pieces of furniture can last for decades if they are properly maintained throughout their lifetime. However, this is not the case with every piece of furniture; some pieces like particle board furniture will start to deteriorate relatively quickly. This is because the particle board consists of wood chips and sawdust that are glued together using formaldehyde, a chemical compound that helps bind everything together so it can keep its shape.

Unfortunately, formaldehyde breaks down over time which makes the glue less effective at holding everything together so your particle board furniture starts to lose its structural integrity which leads to chipping paint and other cosmetic issues. Since you have likely already spent money on buying or refinishing your particle board furniture, consider taking care of it as much as possible so you don’t have to buy new furniture again.

Wipe down your furniture with a damp cloth to remove dirt

You should wipe down your particle board furniture regularly so it doesn’t get too dirty or dusty after you’ve cleaned it. This is especially true if you have pets because fur tends to clump up in cracks and keep particles of dust from being removed by normal cleaning methods.

You can use whatever solution you prefer, the important thing is that you don’t need anything too strong which might strip off the paint or varnish protecting your surface. If you do want to use something more powerful, make sure that water-based solutions are used instead of oil-based ones which can cause damage over time due to repeated exposure.

Repairing water damaged furniture

Sometimes the damage is inevitable, even if you’re taking every precaution. This is why it’s so important to learn how to repair particle board furniture which will inevitably incur damage over time due to normal wear and tear or accidents that might happen within your household.

If you have a particle board chest of drawers, for example, this type of damage can be repaired by repairing the affected drawer first. After opening up the damaged area with a screwdriver, take some wood glue and spread it into the crack where two or more pieces meet before clamping them together using plain masking tape which should match the texture of your furniture.

If needed, use a sharp knife to carve out small notches on either side of the crack so that they fit perfectly when clamped together; make sure not to go too deep if the area isn’t severely damaged. Let the glue dry for about twelve hours before you can put all of your drawers back in place and use them again.

How to Paint Particle Board Furniture
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If you like to learn more about how to repair water damage, check out this article on repairing damage to cabinet doors.

Final thoughts on how to refurbish particle board furniture

In conclusion, it’s important to know how to refurbish particle board furniture if you want it to last for a long time. The easy steps above will help you do just that by empowering you with the knowledge of how to keep particle board furniture in good condition so you don’t have to buy new pieces anytime soon.

Finally, have a look at this article to learn more about the duration items in your house should last. This article focuses specifically on how long kitchen cabinets are expected to last

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How To Grow and Care for Godetia Plant

Godetia is a spring-blooming annual flower. It’s native to Western North America. It blooms throughout the summer and attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. However, most people don’t know how to care for this beautiful flowering plant and end up killing their plants instead.

If you want your Godetia to thrive, you should take the time to learn about its growing conditions to give it what it needs. If you want to keep your yard free from these invasive plants, growing them yourself will help reduce their numbers.

Growing this flower isn’t hard, but there are a few things you’ll need to know before planting, so you don’t end up with dead flowers. Here’s how to grow the godetia plant successfully and without accidentally spreading seeds.

Origin of the Names

This genius plant was called Godetia about a 19th-century Swiss botanist Charles Henry Godet. Later, the name was changed to Clarkia in honor of William Clark of the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition. And finally, Godetia amoena, which means beautiful and pleasing. 

The Godetia plant is also named farewell to spring because it doesn’t like hot and humid summer weather. It’s a cool-season annual that puts on most of its growth in the spring. As soon as temperatures begin to rise at the start of the summer, godetia flowers come into their peak, leading to their nickname farewell to spring.

Godetia Care

Size and Growth

The Godetia plant grows to about 14 inches tall and 16 inches wide, with green leaves on top and gray underneath. These elegant plants produce green stems with thin leaves. As an annual plant, Godetial dies each year.

Flowering and Fragrance

Godetia plants produce a cluster of trumpet-shaped pink, red, or salmon flowers. The Godetia flower blooms in the late spring then flower throughout the summer. While the flowers don’t have a noticeable fragrance, they’re still very attractive to look at. Godetia plants can also make great cut flowers. All you need to do is to cut several stems once the flowers appear, then trim off the spent blooms to encourage new blooms to appear.


Godetias thrives on soil types ranging from sandy to loamy soils with medium acidic content. Adding organic matter before planting helps maintain this pH balance. These plants grow well on average to rich soil. Organic matter helps to keep the soil moist and not wet. You can make compost to get organic matter easily. Add mineral fertilizer when planting, then once a month after planting. 

This will ensure strong roots and a healthy plant. Also, mulch around them to help retain soil moisture and keep the plants healthy. You can also use any enhanced water that is available from large retailers for watering these plants.


Godetia plants have similar needs as other flowering annuals when it comes to watering. Provide enough water, so your plant doesn’t wilt but not too much water to where it’s sitting in puddles. Whether you grow it in a tub, pot, or container, this plant needs frequent watering. 

This means if you’ve seen your plant start wilting, then give it a bit of water, which should restore its health. If the wilting persists, then you may have given it too much water, or your soil is overly wet. On the other hand, if your plant isn’t wilting but looks dry, you can water it to restore its health.

Light and Temperature

Grow Godetia in full sun unless your garden is in a hot area with lots of humidity. It’s also suitable for outdoor growth in USDA hardiness zones two to eleven. It can tolerate both warm and full sun, but it’s not a particularly picky plant.

Grooming Godetia Plant

Do not prune your plant at the end of winter because this will affect flower production. Instead, it’s better to cut back around mid-summer and then again in early autumn should you feel the need to do so. Make sure you dead-head and remove withered flowers as this will encourage new blooms next year.

How to Propagate Godetia Amoena

As an annual, this plant dies at the end of every year, so you need to propagate it with seed each year. After purchasing your seeds, you can plant them any time of the year. Sow the seeds early spring indoors and cover lightly with fine garden or potting soil to encourage early bloom. 

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You can directly seed it in your flower garden or start it in four to six weeks before the last frost date in your region. When sowing outdoors, sow the seeds after the last frost date. Flowers bloom early to mid-summer while taller varieties may require staking.

Use a propagating tray to help you spread the seeds over the light soil, then cover your seeds with plastic and poke holes for ventilation. Placing your tray in a bright spot such as a windowsill and balcony will help your seeds grow. Ideal plant spacing is 16 to 20 inches and godetia plants don’t like to be crowded.

How to Grow Godetia Plants from Seeds

Godetia is grown from seeds, and this propagation method is not difficult for flower growers. You can sow godetia seeds directly in the open ground where you want to grow your flowers. However, if you are a beginner, sow the seeds in seed trays or containers to make it easy for you to identify each type of seedling.

How to Grow Godetia Plants from Seeds
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If you want to sow your godetia seeds in the garden, do it in the middle or end of April. In areas with warmer climates, you can sow seeds even in autumn. Before planting, immerse your seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour to protect future sprouts from diseases.

Spring Planting of Godetia

At the end of May or early June, you can plant seedlings that have reached 2 to 2.8 inches in an open ground with the soil cold so as not to damage the roots of the seedlings. You should do this in cloudy weather, early in the morning before sunrise or in the evening after sunset.

utumn Planting of Godetia

Autumn Godetia should be planted only in warm climate areas. Flower growers prefer to sow seeds directly into the ground. However, plants grown from the seeds sown in late autumn are better adapted to the environment and resistant to pests and disease.

Species and Varieties of Godetia

Godetia Grandiflora

This is the most common species in commercial cultivation. The plant’s height reaches 20-30 cm, and the flowers are purple or pinkish. They grow well in half shade but are not among the shade-loving flowers. You must also remember to protect them from direct sun rays during hot summer days.

Godetia Amoena

This variety is two feet high and produces large flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm. Plant it in full sun, but protect its delicate buds from frost and strong wind.

Double Godetia

This is a rare variety that features double flowers in white or rose colors. The plant is tall – 1-1, 5 m. Seeds need cold weather to germinate and will only grow in bright sunlight.

FAQs on How to Grow and Care for Godetia Plant

Is the Godetia plant easy to grow?

Growing Godetia is easy and fun; plus, the plant will provide you with heaps of flowers in just a few months.

What’s the best way to grow Godetia?

You can grow godetia flowers in containers, window boxes, or flower beds. If you want it to survive during winter, plant it in rich soil with organic matter and place it in full sun during summertime.

Final Thought on How to Grow and Care for Godetia Plant

As you can see, growing and caring for the Godetia plant is not that hard and is very rewarding. If you love flowers, then you should consider growing this plant. You will enjoy the color and beauty of the godetia flower in your garden.


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Why Do Ants Have Wings?

Ants develop wings as adults to help with mating and flying. Male ants use their wings to fight over territory, food, and females. Female ants don’t use their wings for the same reasons males do, but they do for laying eggs.

In this article, we will be discussing ants and why they have wings.  Here’s all you need to know. 

nts and their wings

Ants don’t hatch with wings; they develop them as adults. The muscles that make flight possible are only fully developed after pupation has occurred, which is when the adult ants go through their metamorphosis process and life stages to become an adult.

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This means that most of the ants you see flying around now were once pupae, but these ant pupae weren’t able to fly because they hadn’t yet developed their wing muscles.

Females also use their wings for laying eggs – there’s a lot more energy involved in egg-laying than there is fighting, so female ants have bigger and more developed wing muscles than male ants do.

Ants can’t fly without their wing muscles fully developed – this is why there are no baby or adolescent ants that have wings. Some species of ant don’t even have developed wing muscles at all. These types of ants live in trees or on low-lying plants where they never need to leave the ground. 

What is the purpose of ants?

The purpose of ants is to sustain the ecosystem of the Earth. Ants contribute by supporting other insects and contributing to plant life. They also clean up animal remains and help dispose of them.

There are more than 12,000 species of ant and their colonies average 50-100 members at a time. They can range from as few as 10 up to half a million. Ants live in tropical or semi-tropical regions that have warm weather year-round. Their nests can be found anywhere from deserts to rain forests; they’re truly amazing creatures that we still know very little about.

How do ants reproduce?

Ants cannot sexually reproduce because they don’t have male genitalia. Instead, they reproduce by laying eggs. These eggs are called “clutches.” Ant colonies have one queen who creates all these clutches throughout her life. She changes positions in the colony to let another and take over when she becomes weak or dies.

Some species of ants can reproduce asexually. These types of ants are born with wings on the imago stage of their development so they can fly off and establish their new colony once they’ve mated with a male and from another nest. This is how most new colonies are established in nature.

Do baby ants have wings?

No, baby ants do not have wings because they haven’t developed them yet. Ants develop through four life stages. They hatch as larvae and go through pupation, metamorphosis, and adulthood before they reproduce or die. Each life stage has its distinguishing features but none of the pre-imago stages have wings. During pre-imaginal development, at the larvae and pupae stage, ants grow and change to become their adult forms, and only after that do they develop wings.

The first stage of ant development is how we get queen ants that lay eggs for the colony. The second stage is how we get worker ants that are sterile females who work in the colony. Sterile females are not able to reproduce because they haven’t developed ovaries yet – this happens during metamorphosis. 

The third stage of ant development is when we get male ants. They’re able to fertilize the eggs that the queen lays and only later in life do they develop their wings. Male ants use their wings for finding a mate and then fighting over territory, food, and females. 

The fourth stage of ant development is when we get alates; these are female worker ants in the imago/winged stage who haven’t yet found a suitable nest to move into. This is why most winged ants you see outdoors aren’t actual late queens or males – these creatures tend to stay in nests until it’s time for them to establish their colonies by founding a new nest together.

So, there you have it: ants don’t fly without their wings. They don’t even have them until they’ve reached the imago stage of development. More than anything, this is why baby ants can’t fly.

Why Do Ants Have Wings – FAQ

How do I get rid of ants?

If you want to get rid of ants, the solutions should be both effective and environmentally friendly.

Keep your house as clean as possible if you want to keep the ants away. The fewer food crumbs and other sources of nutrients they can find around your house, the better. This is one of the best ways to get rid of ants on your kitchen counter

Also, you can use some natural ingredients to get rid of ants. For example, lemon juice and chili powder will help you get rid of ants quickly and easily. Simply mix one part of chili powder with two parts of sugar and add it on the ant trail or near the anthills outside your house. The ants will carry this mixture back to their nest and will die in no time at all.

What do winged ants look like?

Winged ants usually have darker brown color than their worker counterparts and they possess wings while workers don’t. However, some species have both winged and non-winged queens.

Do ants bite?

No, they don’t. Ants can only pinch (usually worker ants) or sting if they are provoked, but they usually will not attack unless you disturb them.

Identifying a Flying Carpenter Ant in Your Home
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How do ants reproduce?

Ants lay eggs that develop into male and female offspring, while the males will eventually die off, females will become queens that start new colonies. Worker ants have no reproductive organs, so the queen ant is the one who reproduces using her spermatheca organ where she stores sperm after mating with drones in springtime. Some species also have winged alates which fly away from their colonies to start new ones elsewhere.

Final thoughts on why ants have wings

In conclusion, the reason why ants have wings is to reproduce and spread their species. The queen ant doesn’t need the wings because she can already fly or crawl everywhere, but male ants use their wings to disperse and find a mate for reproduction to take place.

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How to Grow Four Oclocks Mirabilis Jalapa

If you are looking for a beautiful plant that will grow in your garden, then a four O’clock family is one of the best choices. However, it’s not easy to get started growing them.

The good news is that it isn’t hard if you follow some basic steps and use our guide on growing at four o’clock. We also have tips on how to make sure they thrive in your garden or pots so you can enjoy their beauty every day.

This article has everything you need to know about these plants, including what they look like when fully grown, where they come from and why aren’t more people using them? You’ll also find out which soil mix works best with these flowers, as well as how much water and sunlight they require for optimal growth. Finally, we’ll show you step-by-step instructions on how to care for this plant.

Four Oclock Plant Care

As we’ve already mentioned in this article, Mirabilis Jalapa, also commonly known as four o’clock flowers, is a species of flowering plant which belongs to the genus Mirabilis and is a member of the family Nyctaginaceae. Native to South America but now cultivated worldwide, it has a very long blooming season that starts in the early summer and goes until late autumn. It can also self-seed, but that’s not a bad thing as it ensures the survival of species as well as maintaining good soil quality due to the dropping of its seeds by heavy rains.

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Maintaining four o’clock is not that difficult. They also grow through other plants nicely, making them great for underplanting. Make sure you water your plants regularly if there are no rains. It’s better to water them early in the morning to not wet their leaves under the hot sun for hours. If you have children, don’t forget to keep it away from reach as they might get poisoned when nibbling on its juicy fruit.


Four o’clock does well in full sun. This means that they need approximately six to eight hours of direct sunlight. If your four o’clocks are not doing very well, try repositioning them in a place with more sun exposure. They also tolerate partial shade, although they might not bloom as heavily.


Water your four oclocks regularly during the growing season so that the soil’s surface is always moist. It’s better to water them early in the morning to not wet their leaves under the hot sun for hours. This will also keep your plant safe from rot and mildew.

Also, avoid overwatering as this could lead to fungal diseases due to root rot. On the other hand, make sure that your four o’clock does not dry up. These plants can also grow in wet soil, but make sure that the soil drains well; otherwise, they may suffer from root rot or stem rot which could eventually kill them. You can also keep the soil moist by mulching around the base of the plant.

Temperature and Humidity

Four o’clocks thrive in warmer temperatures and are grown as annuals in colder regions. They should be grown outdoors if possible during the summertime to enjoy their fragrant blooms. However, they can still bloom indoors if you provide them with enough light and warmth during winter.

Four o’clock prefers an average temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 21 degrees Celsius for best growth. When grown in cooler climates outside their growing zones, the plants will die once the frost date and cold fall temperature arrive. So, they must be brought inside for winter.

On cloudy days, the flowers droop and do not fully open. On sunny days, the flowers are more erect and shiner than on cloudy days. This is not due to lack of light but because of lower temperature than usual.

When it comes to humidity, mirabilis Jalapa is a bit particular. The plant must not be exposed to high humidity during its blooming stage in order to prevent the development of fungal diseases, especially on foliage and flowers. When grown indoors, misting with water can help increase humidity levels for short periods.


Mirabilis Jalapa grows best in rich, loamy, and well-drained soil. Plant or transplant seedlings in nutrient-rich soils with acidic pH. Plant mirabilis Jalapa is very deep so that the base of the stalk is covered by at least 2 inches of soil. This plant prefers neutral to slightly acidic soil and is a heavy feeder, so ensure that you add plenty of organic matter to enrich your soil with nutrients. Mirabilis Jalapa grows poorly in alkaline soils so you must ensure you test the soil pH

Mirabilis Jalapa can be grown in pots or planters at least 10 inches deep and 10 inches wide, with an adequate drainage system to prevent root rot. Be sure to provide plants with plenty of sunlight, even when grown indoors. Mirabilis Jalapa cannot tolerate low light.

You can plant seeds or existing Mirabilis Jalapa plants. Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep in potting mix and covers with a fine layer of sand to retain moisture. Keep the soil moist until seedlings germinate.


Apply general-purpose fertilizer in the spring and continue feeding them monthly until the plants are in full flower. But if you already have rich soil in your garden, you should not need to fertilize. You can also make a composter and feed your plants with manure rich in nutrients.


Four o’clock flowers open in the late afternoon when the sun is going down and close the next morning. This characteristic makes Mirabilis Jalapa one of a large group known as moonflowers. The late afternoon flowers attract butterflies, which love its nectar, so your garden will benefit from this plant even if you have nothing to gain from eating them. It also attracts nocturnal pollinators such as bats and night-flying birds.

The trumpet-shaped portion of four o’clock flowers resembles those of tropical hibiscus. If you have a greenhouse or grow house, they are well cultivated as permanent flowers.

Plant Propagation

Four o’clock plants are grown from large seeds, making them easy to plant. Four o’clock seeds germinate quickly and grow faster. Make sure you keep your seedbed moist during germination. Plant four o’clock seeds directly to your yard or garden before the last frost in your area.

How to Grow four O’clock Plant from Seed

Four o’clock seeds can be sown directly in the garden once the soil has warmed in the spring. Or, you can start them indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the areas projected for the last frost date. Sow your four o’clock seeds 1/4 inch deep and cover with fine sand to retain moisture. Keep the potting mix moist until germination occurs (7 to 10 days).

How to Grow four O’clock Plant from Seed
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Place them by the light source and keep the soil moist but not soggy for the first three weeks. Gradually introduce them to more light over the next month. Feed four o’clock plants every two weeks until they are in full bloom with a water-soluble fertilizer high in blooming ingredients.

Make sure you plant four o’clock in full sun or partial shade as they can tolerate both. These plants are native to Mexico and South America but are grown in the United States as annuals. They’re also called Marvel of Peru. You can grow this marvel of Peru in garden beds, containers, borders, around patios, and walking paths.


After your plant is done blooming in the fall, cut the stalk down to a few inches. You can leave this in place or remove it, whichever you prefer. Store it in a cool, dark place. You can then replant them the following spring in warm temperatures.

Insects and Diseases

Insects and diseases are not common problems with four o’clock plants. The four o’clock plant is disease resistant, unlike other plants. You can also treat insects and diseases if they become a problem. Rust, especially white rust and brown rust, and leaf spot can affect four o’clock. Insects that may attack four o’clock plants are spider mites, thrips, and aphids.

How to Get Four O’clock Plants to Bloom

Four o’clocks mirabilis Jalapa bloom each year, starting from summer towards the fall. They have large, attractive, scented flowers. The tubular flowers are known for their strong fragrance and come in different colors. Mirabilis Jalapa blooms after its leaves are fully grown, so you can expect to see the first flower within six weeks of sowing the seeds.

How to Get Four O’clock Plants to Bloom
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If the plant doesn’t bloom, the problem may be environmental. Four o’clock needs at least six hours of full sunlight every day to bloom, so if you live in a place with alternating periods of sun and rain, four o’clock plants will never produce flowers. You can also try to affect the blossoming time by changing the growing season or temperature.

Poor soil can also lead to sparse blooms. Make sure the four o’clock has enough room to spread its roots throughout the pot. When you water the soil, make sure it’s moist but not soggy. Spent flowers also don’t naturally fall off; instead, they require to be manually removed when they become too shabby.

FAQs on How to Grow Four O’clock Plants

Why is it called the four o’clock plant?

The four o’clock plant derives its name from the flowers that usually bloom open between four to six in the evening. They stay open until six the following morning before closing up again.

How often should I water my four o’clock plant?

It is recommended to water your four o’clock twice a week during summer, and once every three days in winter. Make sure the soil stays moist but not wet or soggy.

How long does it take four o’clock to grow?

Four o’clock takes about six months to grow. However, growing four o’clock can be sped up drastically by cutting off flowers that are starting to fade. This should be done every two weeks.

Final Thought on How to Grow Four O’clock Plant

As you can see, growing and maintaining these morning glories is simple. With minimal effort, you will be able to watch these beautiful flowers take over your yard in three months or less. The best part about growing four o’clock is that once they are established, it won’t take much work on your part to keep them alive and healthy.


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Vegetable Gardening in a Small Space

Growing your vegetables is a great way to save money and get healthy farm produce. But finding the time or space for a large vegetable garden can be hard. A small veggie garden doesn’t have to be boring. You can create an amazing-looking vegetable garden in just about any size yard or patio area with some creativity, plus rich, fertile soil and adequate water. 

By growing your food in a small space garden all year long, you’ll save money while getting some exercise and enjoying nature. This article will show how to grow veggies even if you live in an apartment or condo with limited garden space. It includes information on what types of plants do well in small spaces and techniques for maximizing the available area so that more crops can be grown there.

Grow Vegetables in Containers

A great way to grow vegetables in a limited space is by using containers that can be moved around as needed. Try growing them in containers filled with potting soil if you don’t have a patio, porch, balcony, yard, or driveway area for garden beds and rows of crops. It’s important to use a good quality potting mix, not dirt from the yard.

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The potting soil mix will make sure the plants get enough air circulation and drainage, so they don’t get root rot or other fungal diseases. If growing on the ground is not an option due to poor soil, lack of sun, and space limitations, containers are the best alternative. When growing edibles in these containers, choose patio or dwarf varieties and shallow-rooted plants such as lettuce, garlic, radishes, and leeks.

In containers, you use anything that holds soil, from fabric grow bags to old metal wash buckets, as long as you provide good drainage. Container plants also need good water, so do not leave them dry out completely. Fertilize your containers during the growing season by using organic fertilizer such as liquid kelp. Grow your tomatoes, peppers, and basil from seed using your large container.

Choose Compact Varieties

If you must have giant vegetables like beefsteak tomatoes or a row of sweet corn, then the space for growing other vegetables in your small vegetable garden will be limited. Fortunately, you can choose varieties that are bred to grow in small spaces. 

Any plant with the name patio, pixie, tiny, compact, and baby and dwarf in the name is a good bet. If a plant is bred to be small, it doesn’t mean that the fruits will be small or less yield. The labeling of seeds and seedlings will indicate the mature size of the plant varieties. 

There is an area set aside for growing vegetables, fruits, and herbs in the traditional approach, but in small gardens, this isn’t possible. So, try growing edible and ornamental plants together. Planting flowers and vegetables together will make it harder for pests to hone in on specific crops. 

An abundance of blooms will also ensure there are always beneficial insects on hand to pollinate flowering vegetables and all types of fruit. Also, include edible flowers such as borage, nasturtiums, lavender, calendula, chives, and thyme. 

Don’t forget to create a pollinator-friendly garden by planting ground cover. Try growing fennel or dill with your vegetables. The scents of these plants will attract bees or butterflies, which are also beneficial for pollination purposes.

Use Vertical Space

A small garden doesn’t have to mean a lack of vegetables. Try growing vegetables vertically on walls, fences, or railings. The tying string between two sturdy stakes is an effective way of growing runner beans or peas. Plant climbing varieties of cucumbers, tomato plants, and different types of squash are at the base of fixed support for them to grow up along.

Use Vertical Space
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 A rose arbor, trellis, or even a clothesline can be put to good use in the garden by growing beans up it. This frees up ground space and will save you money on buying plant supports. So if you don’t want to grow a variety of vegetables in your small garden, look for compact varieties and vining crops that you can grow vertically on support structures. 

You can also opt for pole beans instead of bush beans. Vining cucumbers can also take up less space despite their nature. Growing your vegetables vertically won’t only save space but will also create structure and visual interest.

Grow High-Value Crops Vertically

If you only have a small space to grow in, you want to make sure that the vegetables you plant are of high value. Try growing more expensive crops like heirloom tomatoes or leafy greens instead of radishes or onions. By doing this, you can fit more plants into the same amount of space and increase your profits.

Make sure you maximize your small space by growing small amounts of different crops that offer big rewards like salad leaves, leafy greens, fresh herbs, and chili plants. Give your crops some space to enable them to get high density by using a high nutrient moisture-retentive soil mixture. 

Make sure that you choose vegetables that are suitable for your climate and grow well in containers. You can use different pots such as rectangular plastic tubs, large buckets, or circular half barrels to place plants on top of each other and maximize space and yield. 

Choose compact varieties that are suitable for growing this way and arrange them to maximize your visual impact. You can also use hanging baskets to catch that valuable sunlight.

Position Your Small Vegetable Garden Near the Kitchen

It is important to consider the best place to put your small vegetable garden. The most convenient location for harvesting would be near the kitchen entrance, so you don’t have to carry them far when it’s time to store them in the fridge. Select vegetables suitable for growing indoors, such as cherry tomatoes and baby carrots, which can fit nicely in small spaces.

Position Your Small Vegetable Garden Near the Kitchen
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Most small vegetable crops are annuals. They have a very short timescale and need to grow rapidly. And to enhance their performance, they need a lot of help and plenty of food to fuel their growing process, and that’s only possible in full sun. This small vegetable garden idea allows you to place your crops near the kitchen for ease of use, and you can also pay close attention to pests and diseases.

Plant Your Vegetables in Pots

To have a successful vegetable patch indoors, you need to install it in containers. There are different kinds of pots that you can use for this purpose, such as flower pots and barrels. You should find a wide variety in your local garden store or supermarket, one that has good drainage holes in the bottom.

Plant Your Vegetables in Pots
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Organic soil is the best option because regular soil or compost can get dirty quickly. If you use a regular potting mix, your containers will need to be turned over regularly so that all of the dirt is mixed up with the new material being added each time. 

Use tubs, pots, hanging baskets, and troughs to grow vegetables and herbs. Potted edibles and other container gardening ideas are convenient for small vegetable gardens using a patio and a court space. You can use your large container to plant flowers and a range of crops, including salad leaves and chilies, which are decorative and practical.

Regular harvesting of your plant leaves, such as lettuce and chard, will help prevent crowding. Both your crops and containers should be compatible with the growth of the plants.

Consider Companion Planting

There are some vegetables that work well together. For instance, basil can help control tomato plant pests and fertilize with its nitrogen content. Dill attracts the predators of aphids, ladybirds, and hoverflies to your small garden. 

Companion touted plants not only prevent pest infestation but also help conserve space. Shade-loving flowers and plants can also benefit when planted next to taller plants. Other leafy greens and basil hate hot afternoons and will thrive when grown next to tomatoes.

Lettuce will also keep on producing all summer when taller plants shade them. You can plant early harvested vegetables such as spinach, radishes, and peas with slow-growing crops such as broccoli, root vegetables, and peppers.

Build a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden

Raised beds are a very popular way of growing edibles in a small vegetable garden. You can also design your raised beds using various companion planting techniques. 

Build a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden
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Plant garlic, leeks, and onions together with beans snap peas, and corn for a high-yielding low maintenance combo of vegetables. You can use brick, wood, and sleepers to frame your bed. Make sure you fill your beds with good quality soil and then add your vegetables or fruits.

Plant a Small Vegetable Garden amongst Flowers

Growing vegetables in a small vegetable garden require creative thinking. If you don’t have much room for a full-sized vegetable garden, grow veggies among flowers. Vegetable and fruit plants can blend attractively beside other plants. Some flower bed winners would do well with most vegetables like carrots, spinach, tomatoes, and beans. 

Transplant your young seedlings of cauliflowers into the bed prepared to plant flowers. Once they mature, the heads of the cauliflower are protected from sunlight due to the foliage of the surrounding flowers. With its pretty daisy-like flower blooms, this plant will shade your vegetables very well, which makes it perfect for carrots and spinach.

Grow Vegetables in Window Boxes

You can also grow vegetables in window boxes that you’ve hung near your windows. Vegetables like lettuce, peas, and beans will yield a bountiful harvest provided they get enough sunlight and water. Tomatoes and peppers do well when placed next to the kitchen window for this reason; you’ll always see them when inside the house and be reminded to care for them.

If you grow vegetables in boxes, you will find that they need more frequent watering than vegetables planted outside the house. The reason for this is that soil in boxes heats up faster and dries out quicker. You can try covering the bottom of your window box with enough bags of brown peat moss to allow the soil in your box to retain more moisture. 

An advantage of growing vegetables in boxes is that you can move them around, placing them where they will get full sun and thus ripen faster. A disadvantage of raising your vegetables indoors is that they produce a smaller yield than those grown outside the house. For this reason, it is best to start your plants in the house and transplant them outdoors once they are large enough.

Succession Planting

Succession planting is useful for any planting technique, whether it is a large or small vegetable garden. But it is most valuable when you have limited garden space. It means reseeding quick-growing garden crops from two to three weeks during the growing season. It’s useful for plants such as zucchini, beans, and lettuce.

Small-Space Vegetable that Grows and Produce Well

Pole Beans and Peas

Start your peas on trellis in early spring, and they’ll provide you with fresh peas as well as a nice crop of fertilizer for early-season flowers and vegetables. In the fall, plant your pole beans in large clumps or groups instead of rows. This will allow them to take advantage of any heat retained from the summer; they will produce a crop before the cold weather sets in again.


Tomatoes are very popular in gardens, but they require a lot of room that the average gardener may not have. Cherry tomatoes are often grown on plants that can be planted alongside regular vegetable crops. Smaller varieties work very well for container gardening; some good choices are determinate tomatoes, beefsteak, and green tomatoes. Make sure you learn how to prune tomatoes for better yields.

Salad Greens

These are among the easiest vegetables to grow. You can even grow them indoors in your kitchen. The key is finding a good fertilizer that will not be too strong for your baby greens and giving them enough nutrition to mature into full-size heads of lettuce, spinach, or other salad crops.

FAQs on Vegetable Gardening in a Small Space

What kinds of vegetables can be grown indoors?

Certain kinds can be grown indoors, such as carrots and tomatoes, though you should first research to see if they will grow well in a container. Also, mint is easy to grow and can help cleanse any containers you use for your indoor garden.

What do you need to learn before starting a vegetable garden?

You should investigate the needs and requirements of your chosen veggies and decide on your space and what equipment you need beforehand.

How much water is required per day for growing vegetables in pots?

Vegetables grown in pots will require more frequent watering than those grown in the ground. Be prepared to water your plants at least twice a day if they are grown in pots, and make sure you allow them to drain.

Final Thought on Small Space Vegetable Garden

Growing vegetables in a small space is possible, but you need to be more creative than planting in a large yard. If you’re growing your vegetables, it is important that you know what works best for the type of vegetables that you want to grow and pay attention to their sunlight and water needs. Your site location should also have adequate sunlight, access to water sources, and has rich, fertile soil.


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Travertine Flooring Review: Pros and Cons

You want to add luxury and timeless beauty to your home, but you don’t have the budget for expensive marble or granite. Travertine is an affordable alternative that can give any room in your house a luxurious look with the durability of the stone. It’s perfect for kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, and more. 

And because it comes in so many different colors, you can easily find one that fits your style perfectly. While it is true that travertine has a timeless appeal, this natural stone does have some drawbacks. It’s not without flaws in terms of maintenance and installation. If you’re still interested in learning more about travertine flooring pros and cons, then keep reading.

What is Travertine Flooring?

Travertine is a natural stone that is deposited by geothermally heated hot springs. It’s considered a type of limestone that forms due to the rapid precipitation of calcium carbonate. Travertine comes in a variety of earth tone colors, including tans, browns, rust, and beige hues.

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It’s a very durable stone and easier to care for than other natural stones. Plus, its heavy and porous surface requires you to seal the surface regularly. If you’re looking for a natural stone flooring solution that won’t break the bank, then travertine may be right up your alley. 

This versatile material is available in dozens of beautiful shades, shapes, and sizes, so there are plenty of options to choose from when creating your custom design.

Pros and Cons of Travertine Tile

Natural stone is a material that can have both advantages and disadvantages. And travertine limestone falls under this category. As much as it has benefits, this stone also has some drawbacks. 

Travertine Tile Pros

Travertine Flooring is Available in Various Designs and Color Schemes

One of the best advantages of travertine is the diversity of color schemes and designs it allows. Travertine flooring is available in a rich variety of colors, ranging from ivory to beige to gold and deep-reddish brown.  This flooring material’s subtle color blends and its natural veining make it easy to create one-of-a-kind patterns and designs you’re looking for.

You can choose from its four different finishes, ranging from matte honed, tumbled, brushed, and polished. The most popular choice is the honed finish with a smooth and natural-looking while the rougher brushed, and tumbled finishes provide textural finishes.

Travertine is Environmentally-Friendly Flooring Material

Travertine is a natural stone that combines silica, calcium, and magnesium. You can add a healthy and environmentally-friendly touch to your home decor if you choose travertine flooring. In fact, the manufacturing technology of travertine requires less water usage and emits fewer greenhouse gases into the environment. 

This process also creates minimal waste in landfills or does not cause harmful air or water pollution. The use of limestone also dates to ancient architecture in Rome when they would use Aqua Traiana, a pure water source, to create the smooth white-colored marble stones. It’s more eco-friendly than laminates. Natural stone tile can also be reused or repurposed.

Travertine is Durable and can Last Long if Properly Maintained

Travertine tiles are very durable; these durable stones are both water and moisture-resistant. All you need to do is to give them proper care. They won’t crack easily if you handle them with care, enabling you to keep the good condition of your home for long years.

Travertine adds another value: your house will look new, courtesy of the travertine tiles. Travertine floors, countertops, and pavers are very robust and can easily survive the test of time. When you look at some of the ancient places where travertine was used, you’ll see how this natural stone has stood the taste of time by lasting for a very long time. 

The hardness rating of flooring travertine is compared to that of marble flooring, so it’s suitable for heavy foot traffic areas. Since this material is a natural stone, it might have holes in it. These holes might get bigger and deeper in time, thus ruining your flooring. Make sure you give your travertine flooring proper care for it to last long.

Having ceramic tiles or granite in your kitchen and luxury vinyl in your bathroom may look nice, but travertine floor throughout your home can increase its value. Travertine can outlast other natural stones as long as you maintain it.

Travertine Tiles are Resilient

These tiles can tolerate extreme weather fluctuations, thus making them suited for both indoor and outdoor installations. You can install travertine pavers for your garden pathway, pool, and retaining wall of your house without worrying about the scorching heat that can damage your travertine.

It Has a Naturally Non-Slippery Texture

The non-slippery nature of travertine makes it suitable for installation in swimming pools, bathrooms, showers, flowers, and on pool decks. It has holes and pits due to its porous surface, making it rough and not slippery in an unsealed and unpolished state.

Replacing Travertine Tile is Quite Easy

Even though flooring material is durable, accidents can still happen after a few years of use. This way, it can get damaged or ruined. However, you don’t need to fret if you have damaged travertine. With several travertine variations, it’s possible to find not the same but the one similar to travertine stone. 

You can replace travertine tiles with new ones with matching tones or colors. In fact, no one would be able to notice the difference. You can also invest in a few travertine tiles just in case your tile gets damaged.

The Color Variation in Travertine Makes Each Tile Unique and Beautiful

The natural colors of travertine stone range from grey veining to rusty red with white veins and light brownish tones with cream, beige and orange tones. A single tile may have a layer upon layer of pastel colors and various patterns like stripes and veins.

Cons of Travertine Tile Flooring

It Can Get Damaged from Weather and Sun Exposure

Travertine is a very soft stone. It tends to wear away over time and can easily get damaged by weather and sun exposure. You need to be careful while using chemicals for cleaning purposes because they might corrode the calcium deposits in the tile, which will give out discolorations. 

You should avoid using travertine in your garden or on your back patio because it doesn’t hold well outdoors under constant moisture conditions.

Travertine is a Porous Material

Travertine is a porous material, meaning it will need to be sealed. Make sure you seal your travertine with a high-quality sealer before grouting it. This will prevent the grout from seeping into the surface and causing discoloration or colored dyes to appear on your floor. 

Failure to seal may attract mildew after experiencing some staining. You also need to consider how often your travertine is exposed to moisture and cleaning products before sealing. 

Travertine Tiles are Highly Reactive to Acidic Substance

A major disadvantage of this flooring material is the sensitivity towards acidic substances such as alcohol, vinegar, coffee, and orange juice. Suppose you accidentally spill orange or lemon juice on the travertine tiles. In that case, you risk having a permanent stain because the acidic solvent will react with the calcium carbonate of the stone.

So, be careful while using these tiles, especially if you have small kids around. Also, give it a second thought before using travertine tile to decorate your restaurant and kitchen countertops.

Travertine Tiles Tend to be Heavier

If you’re looking for an easy and quick installation process, travertine tiles might not be the right option for you. These tiles naturally tend to be heavy. Therefore, it would be difficult and time-consuming to install them. You should also be concerned about the transportation of these tiles from the store you buy them to your house. Their transportation cost might be a bit more expensive than other flooring materials.

Travertine Requires Maintenance and Care

This tile might be considered durable and resilient but doesn’t mean that it doesn’t require extensive maintenance. Unlike how you mob your flooring options such as granite, ceramic tile, porcelain tile, and vinyl, travertine requires much attention. This attention is what gives it the beauty and everlasting sense of elegance.

If unsealed and unpolished, this material is susceptible to damage because of the fear of its porous structure that absorbs spills in its holes and pits. That’s why it’s important to seal your tile to prolong its life. It’s recommended to use a penetrating sealer, especially when pets are active around food preparation surfaces.

Travertine is Only Available in Neutral Tones

Travertine is a type of limestone, and limestone is naturally white. That means that you cannot find travertine in bright or funky colors. Its tones and shades are limited to beige, white, cream, and tans. It’s also light in color because of the white calcium carbonate. 

You can’t find travertine in any colors and shades apart from the neutral and earthy tones. If you’re looking for brighter colors, opt for other materials such as marble, granite, and slate.

Travertine Tile Finishes

Polished Travertine Tile

Polished stone is commonly available in a polished finish. Polished travertine tiles make the stone look shiny and glossy, like a mirror. A surface of polished tiles traps small particles of dirt, making it difficult for you to clean.

Polished Travertine Tile
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Honed Travertine Tile

This travertine tile is matte polished tile and is used mostly in flooring. It looks like classic travertine tile, but it’s not shiny or glossy.

Tumbled Travertine Tile

Tumbled travertine tiles have a textured and matte look. Tumbled travertine has a more antiqued appearance, making it a darling to indoor decorations. Tumbled tiles are also used in bathrooms and near pool decks because of the non-slippery surface.

Brushed Travertine Tile

This is a finish travertine tile shared with engineered and hardwood flooring. While it’s not hand-scraped, these tiles are finished in a fashion that leaves the surface rougher than other finishes.

Travertine vs. Porcelain Tiles

Many porcelain tiles today do a good job of mimicking natural stone, including travertine. The appearance of travertine-porcelain is not exactly like natural stone, but it’s close to the look of polished and honed travertine. Stone-look porcelain is less expensive as the average can cost $7 to $10 per square foot for professional installation, but it can be half price if you install it yourself.

Travertine Flooring Installation

Like other natural stones, you can install travertine tile the same way as ceramic tile. Apply a layer of cement board underlayment on the subfloor, then lay the stone tiles with a thin-set adhesive. And lastly, fill the joints with grout, and you’re done.

Travertine Flooring Installation
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FAQs on Travertine Flooring Review

Is travertine a good choice for flooring?

Yes, travertine is a good choice for flooring because it’s durable and luxurious compared to other floor materials such as marble and granite.

re travertine floors outdated?

The travertine floor is not outdated, even though many people believe so. These flooring materials are increasingly used in construction projects, thanks to their durability and long-lasting beauty.

Final Thought on Travertine Flooring Review: Pros and Cons

That’s all! If you’re looking for a natural stone that can add some coziness and beauty to your floors, then travertine tile is the ideal choice. But if you want a low-maintenance floor surface, then try other materials, especially if you have small kids and pets around.


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Barn Door Plans

Most of us are short on time and money but still want to make our homes look great. Installing barn doors is a great way to save space in your home while also making it look amazing. However, buying the door can be expensive, which may put you off because you don’t have that extra cash lying around. But there’s no need for this. The following DIY project will show you how you can make your own DIY barn door with free plans. 

With these free printable barn door plans, anyone can create their very own custom-made door. It doesn’t matter if you’re handy with tools or not. All that’s needed is basic woodwork knowledge and access to a few household items like paintbrushes and screwdrivers. This step-by-step guide will walk you through every step of creating this beautiful entryway piece so even beginners can get started right away.

DIY sliding door hardware is also available in the market, but if you’re looking for an antique touch, say barn doors, there’s no better solution than making your own. Here are some of the free printable plans available online that you can follow to build this rustic masterpiece

Here are all the Materials You’ll Need

Barn door hardware kitBrush or rollerDark stainLight gold stainPolyurethaneTape measureWood fillerWood gluePine boards


Know Your Options for Barn Door Hardware

Before you start shopping for barn door hardware, it’s important to know your options. Keep in mind that you can’t use sliding glass door hardware for making barn doors. The weight of the panels, together with the movement and pressure involved, means that these two types of hardware are not built to support each other.

Also, consider where you would like to build a barn door and figure out how much room you have to work with. For example, if you’re making a barn door for the bathroom, you have to measure and get the correct dimensions for your bathroom. Choosing the right hardware for your door will also depend on this measurement. Make sure that you get hardware long enough to accommodate your space and design.

Choosing a barn door kit is the easiest and most affordable way to get all your hardware in one package. Kits usually come complete with everything you need for installation and can be easily installed by a DIY-er.

ssemble and Measure the Boards

For you to determine the door width, you have to start by assembling the boards. Make sure that they are placed in a way that you can easily measure them. As its name suggests, it is best to use a barn board for your door construction since these boards are thicker and sturdier than standard plywood sheets.

Your DIY sliding door should extend at least one inch past the width of your door opening that doesn’t have trim or an inch beyond the sides of your door opening. If you plan to build a custom-sized barn door that doesn’t match any existing gaps, then you will have to measure and cut your components on your own.

Get the Right Spacers and Floor Guides

Get the spacers that will hold your door in place and won’t harm your flooring. The size of the gap between your door edges to the guides will determine how thick you should make your spacers. Once you have determined the width of your spacer, then cut it out from an appropriately sized piece of wood.

Install Roller Guide

You’ll need a roller guide to avoid ending up with a swing door. The guide will prevent the bottom of your door from dragging along the ground. Depending on how much weight your door will support, you can install this roller using a few screws or nails. The roller must be installed at least 2 inches above the floor; otherwise, it won’t work. One way of ensuring that the roller guide is always in place is to screw it into studs behind the wall.

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Make Shiplap Boards

When choosing boards, don’t worry about knots, scratches, and gouges; instead, pick straight boards and not the carped or warped ones. Determine the number of boards you’ll need by measuring the area you need to cover and multiplying that by 3½. For example, if you have a 10’x10’ area, then you’ll need 35 boards.

Once you get all your wood home, lay them out in 4 stacks of 9 pieces each for a total of 36 boards. Using a framing square or speed square, draw a line across the boards at 6¾” from each end of every board. This will give you two boards side-by-side with a 3½” space in the middle of them, which makes up one half of your board.

Distress Your Boards with Grinder

Use a brush knot cup mounted on a pole for this. Dip the bristles into the drywall compound, then scrub it onto your boards in short bursts. The dry compound will flake off like an eraser, highlighting the wood’s natural grain and giving it an antique look. 

The grinder will also abrade your softwood and expose the grain, giving your wood a weathered look. Start by nailing the board to the sawhorses, then use your grinder to remove wood from the back of it. Make sure you tip the grinder so that the wheel is on the edge and parallel to the board. The nail holes will add that rustic appearance to your door.

If you tip it too much, the grinder will cut into the boards and ruin them. This is not a problem when using softwood, but it’s best to err on the side of caution with hardwood. Keep your grinder moving back and forth in an effortless motion so that you don’t burn out the motor when you’ve finished with the grinder; sand down your board and add a coat of stain to add some color.

pply Base Coat of Stain and then Add Dark Stain

Start by applying a base coat of light gold stains, then add some dark gold stains. This will help to give your door an eclectic look that is both elegant and bold, like the wine it adorns. Use a rag to wipe down any excess stain. Use the rag to dab the stain on, taking care to brush the wood with your strokes rather than dragging the cotton rag around. This will help to avoid streaking. Wipe until you are satisfied with the result and allow it time to dry completely.

Finish with Gray Stain

Apply a thin topcoat of gray stain to the barn door. Here, the gray stain is used in lieu of white paint to let the beauty of the wood show through. Gray has become a popular color for doors and cabinets because it adds a modern touch without being too bold or ornate for a kitchen or bedroom that calls for lightness and freshness. Remember also to finish the ends and the edges of the barn door.

Square the Vertical Slats

Arrange the vertical boards on the door on your work table, spacing them out evenly and leaving a small gap between each board. Measure the distance from one end of the top board to another. Mark that measurement on the bottom board and use it as a measuring stick to ensure all boards are spaced equally apart.

Fasten the Rails

Mark the height of the rails and make sure you attach them with the appropriate distance apart. Use a level to make sure the rails are even when they are attached. Drill pilot holes for the nails and attach the rails to the boards.

Mark the Hanger Holes

Follow detailed instructions included in your door DIY door hardware to determine where to attach the hanger bolts—place pencil marks on the top board at those spots. Make sure you have appropriately sized hardware for your door before you begin this part of the process. Drill pilot holes in the top board and hammer hanger bolts through them, attaching to the bottom board.

Install the Track

Measure 3/4 inch above the door casing and mark where you want to place the track. Screw the track into place, using a drill/driver and screws included in your door hardware. The step you take to mount the track also depends on the design of the hardware you use.

Install Your DIY Sliding Barn Door

You are now ready to hang your barn door. Lift it into place on top of the track. There should be a metal bracket on either side of the door that fits on top of the track. Once you have it in place, hook all four brackets onto each end piece of the track. Now, screw on a hook and eye at the top of the door to hold it shut when it’s closed. Then, install a catch at the bottom, near one of your wall studs, to keep the door from swinging out into the room when you open it.

Install Your DIY Sliding Barn Door
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DIY Barn Door Ideas

There are different types of barn doors you can create for your home. They include a traditional rustic look, fresh and simple white doors. Here are the barn door ideas that are available:

Modern Barn Doors for Contemporary House

Install this DIY barn door project with a contemporary design to create a modern look in your house. However, what’s common in this type of door is they’re normally made from aluminum. It means that it won’t cost too much budget for you to buy and install such doors at home.

Wide DIY Rustic Barn Door

If you’re looking for more privacy at home, then this DIY sliding barn door should be your best bet. Its extra-large feature makes it cover a wider space at home.

Dutch Barn Door

Make your door unique with a dutch door: the top and the bottom of this door open separately. You can also open the sections as one door. Its unique feature and attraction make it suitable to incorporate in a pet or baby gate between two rooms.

Closet Sliding Barn Doors with Windows

Add more character to your bedroom by installing this DIY sliding barn door. It’s a great alternative to a tight space that uses mirrored closet doors.So, save space with this DIY sliding barn door.

DIY Barn Door

This sliding barn door hardware adds a nice separation between the kitchen and living area. Installing it is also very easy and requires less capital.

Bi-Fold Barn Doors

Make your own barn door by taking your existing bi-fold and then using decorative slats to look unique. It also adds beauty to the living room.

Colorblocked Barn Door

Make your barn door more modern by adding color to it. This type of door also adds a rustic feel to the living room and dining area.

Sliding Barn Door

You can make a sliding barn door out of almost anything circular or cylindrical for this DIY project. It’s very easy to do, and you will have plenty of extra materials left over from the project. 

FAQS on Barn Door Plans

What is the best wood for a barn door?

The most durable woods for barn doors would be oak and pine. Both types of wood are rot-resistant and should last for at least a few years, even in an outdoor environment.

What is barn door hardware?

The hardware that makes the door slide smoothly and also attaches to the other parts. These pieces will determine whether or not your project can be installed as expected.

Final Thought on Barn Door Plans

As you can see, DIY barn doors are very popular. They are easy to complete, and they do not cost much in terms of materials or tools. You can easily find cheap barn door hardware, or you can always make your own if you have the correct plans. The final result is doors that are beautiful, strong, and functional at the same time. These DIY barn doors are perfect for any home improvement and you don’t have to rip off or reframe your wall to install this pocket door.


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How to Bend Wood

Bending wood is a delicate process that requires special tools, time, and patience to complete. Although bending wood around corners or joints is difficult because it weakens the board’s structural integrity, this doesn’t mean you can’t bend wood in these areas.

Woodworking projects often require boards bent into different shapes such as curves and angles. This can be accomplished by using simple bending techniques with basic hand tools. Follow these steps for how to bend wood around corners and at joints correctly, so your project stays strong and beautiful without any damage to the material or structure of your piece.

With a few simple steps, you’ll learn how to properly bend wooden boards without damaging their shape or strength during construction on most carpentry projects, including furniture, wine bottle holders, and more.

Bending wood is a two-step process. These processes include softening the wood through steaming and creating several cuts on the back of the wood through kerf cutting.

Bending Wood with Steam

The first step in the process of how to bend wood is steaming. You can either do this using a commercial steam box or use a large pot with a lid, properly ventilated for airflow. You first soak the wood in water to make sure that it is moist. You then place the three in the steam box or pot and close with a lid to trap heat in.

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In order to keep your wooden bent part in the desired shape, you should apply clamps. You can make clamps out of other materials, but it is recommended that you use steel or other metals as they will not compress the wood over time.

Now it’s time to steam your wood. Make sure you take care of the heat source and your steam production. Test the temperature by sprinkling water onto your heated surface; it should produce enough steam to make the wood damp but not wet.

Bending should be done in the direction of the wood grain. Wood grain is the direction of wood fibers in the trunk of a tree. Wood is often cut along the grain in furniture making; this reduces splitting when force is applied to it by screws or nails.

So, if you have solid wood in front of you and notice a horizontal line and not the diagonal line, then that’s the direction of the wood grain.

Best Types of Wood Steam Bending

Steam bending works well with thin and small types of wood. Sheet materials are not suitable for steam bending because of their size. Types of wood that you can steam bend include red oak, white oak, and hackberry. Wood varieties such as soft maple, yellow poplar, and hard maple are even contraindicated for bending because they are too hard.

How to Bend Wood With Steam

What You’ll Need

Steam sourceScrewdriverWoodSpring clampsUtility knifeHeavy glovesEye protectionCordless drillFour-inch rubber gasketTwo-inch hoseFour-inch PVC sewer pipeFour-inch sewer pipe solid cap

Step 1: Build Your Steam Box

Your steam box can be a wooden box, or it can be a piece of PVC pipe. The important factor is that both pieces of pipe should fit tightly inside the box or other steam chamber and should not rattle when you shake the box. If they do rattle, add rubber spacers between them at their point of contact with one another.

Build Your Steam Box
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Once your wooden box is together, drill a hole in the lid large enough for the spout of your rubber gasket. For the best result, set up your exit hole so that it is very close to the edge of the box when you hang the lid.

Step 2: Prepare Your Steam Box

Remove the rubber gasket and place the steam box in areas such as your garage or outdoors. This will prevent your flooring from being damaged by excess moisture. Put your boards bent in a sawhorse-type construction at a height allowing you to easily work on them. Get some wood clamps and place them across the boards. The more planks you have in your stack, the slower they will bend due to their moistures expanding at varying rates.

Step 3: Build the Frame

As your wood dries, create a frame for it using some 2 x 4’s. Keep them about an inch or two apart from each other, and attach them on all sides of your wood planks with metal screws. This will help the boards retain their new shape once they are dry. You can use plywood, lumber, and clamps on a woodworking bench to create the frame.

Step 4: Prepare to Steam

Place a bowl in the bottom of your steam box, add water to it. For every inch of wood, you’ll need about one gallon of water. Add a cup of vinegar to the mix-this will help your boards absorb more moisture and ensure they bend easily. Use a drill to punch some holes in the sidewalls before adding your wet planks to them.

Step 5: Bend Your Wood

Turn on your heat source and bring it to the maximum. You can test that it’s hot enough by placing your hand a few inches above the bottom of the steam box. If you cannot keep your hand there for more than five seconds, it is ready. On average, you should steam wood for about one hour per inch of the desired thickness.

Step 6: Remove Your Wood and Let it Dry

Use thick gloves and plywood tongs to handle your boards as they come out of the steamer. Place them on some thick, dry pieces of wood and let them dry completely. Make sure you overbend them by five percent because they’ll tend to bend back to their original shape as they dry.

Bending Wood by Kerf Cutting

This wood bending method requires no soaking or steaming and no waiting time. You can create multiple incisions in the back of the wood by cutting thin strips which will not be seen. When the wood dries, it will bend easily even though it is very hard and dry.

Bending Wood by Kerf Cutting
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For kerf cutting, almost any type of wood can be used. You only need to bend the wood parallel to the kerfs. Be careful to bend your wood slowly to avoid cracking. However, the kerf cut method should never be considered for structural parts because the kerf cut can structurally weaken your wood, resulting in failure.

What You’ll Need

Kerf saw bladePencilWoodWood glueMiter saw table saw and radial sawEye and hearing protection


Prepare Your Wood

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Measure and mark your wood 1/2 inch from the end. Then make a cut on the marks you’ve made and set it aside for later use. Using your miter saw, table saw, or radial arm saw, find the kerf blade that fits the tool you’re using and measure to see if it will fit.

To determine the angle of how much you need to cut, measure the width or thickness of your wood and divide it by two. Remember that the kerfs are located inside the curve you’re trying to fashion, so be very careful because deep kerfs can break the wood.

Mark the Range of Cuts

Use a pencil or painter’s tape to mark the span of the bend you’ll be creating. But you can as well skip using these tools if you’re going to bend the entire material.

Make Your First Cut

Turn on your saw and run and run the blade across your solid wood. Begin at one end of the bend span. Continue making additional cuts as you maintain a distance equaling the width of the saw blade. Continue cutting until you reach the end of the bend span.

Bend Your Wood

You can bend your kerf cut wood by installing it in its eventual installation. For example, you can install a bent wood in a bench leg, in a chair back, or maybe you can add a decorative touch to any furnishing.

You can also use your bending saw blade for this task if you have one installed in your machine. Fit the blade into your table slot and adjust it to fit comfortably in the kerf cut. Press down on the handle of the wood while drawing the wood towards you. Press against it while you push away for a more pronounced curve.

You can also fill the kerfs with wood glue by bending wood into a frame and leaving the glue to dry. This works best for outward wood curves and not inward curves. For inward curves, use a supporting frame to hold the curve in place while the glue dries.

The frame should be made of wood that matches your project, so it isn’t very noticeable. Cut a frame to fit inside your bend and secure it with nails or screws from the outside of your bend to keep everything together while the glue dries.

Fix the Bend

If you get a slight bend in your wood and it isn’t noticeable, leave it. However, if you get a large or very noticeable bend in your wood when there is no way to straighten it properly without breaking the board, try fixing the problem with screws. Drill holes through each piece of bent wood where they are touching each other.

You can also fix the bend by facing the front side of the wood by veneering or laminating. Apart from fixing, setting, or bending your wood, this process will also hide any cuts you make while fixing it. You can also use this when learning how to distress wood

FAQS on How Bend Wood

What is the best wood for bending?

The best wood for bending is the plastic ones, which are deciduous wood species. They include birch, oak, beech, hornbeam, maple, linden, and ash bend wood.

How long do you have to soak wood before bending it?

While most people like soaking their wood for about 2 hours, some soak it for up to 24 hours. You may not be able to bend the wood if you do not lengthen the time.

Is there any special tool needed when bending wood?

Yes, a jig is usually used in bending woods. A clamp can also be of help.

Final Thought on How to Bend Wood

As you can see, bending wood requires different techniques and working materials. So, you have to familiarize yourself with these materials and techniques before you start your woodworking outdoor project. Also, which wood bending method to use depends on the type of wood, the thickness of the wood, and the desired angle you are going for.

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What Does a Steam Feature on a Washer Do?

Washing clothes and home upholstery is a chore. It’s even more challenging to do laundry on items with heavy stains, especially for those just learning how to do laundry. The good news is that you can always buy a washing machine with steam features that will clean, deodorize, and sanitize the laundered fabrics while you wash them. 

This feature makes the cleaning process easier for everyone who owns such washers. If you want to make your life easier when washing clothes and other materials, consider buying a washer with steam features. Steam helps remove dust, dirt, allergens, and other contaminants from your laundry items as they get washed during this process. 

Keep on reading to learn more about the work of a steam feature on a washer.

What Is a Steam Feature on a Washer?

A steam washer uses a combination of steam and water to clean your clothes and other fabrics. This feature provides you with the option to replace dry cleaning once in a while and revitalize certain types of clothes such as curtains and upholstery. 

Stain removal is made easy with steam washers because they eliminate the most common stains by using hot steam to loosen them up before washing. The steam also helps to remove wrinkles, make detergent work more efficiently and sanitize fabrics.

How a Steam Washer Works

Before the washing cycle begins, a steam cycle loosens wrinkles, stains, and dirt from your clothes. Steam is very effective in removing the dried-on gunk, so this process will likely improve the cleanliness of your clothing. The steam doesn’t stop there. 

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During the wash cycle, the steam continues to work with water to clean your fabrics. The steam helps to remove germs and dissolve detergent better than water while heating the cycle. When the detergent is mixed with water, the steam increases the temperature of the wash tub to improve the cleaning power.

If you opt for steam dryers, the steam during the dry cycle will get rid of wrinkles and sanitize your clothes. If you have pets at home or any of your family members have allergies, a steam washer and a steam dryer will be perfect for you.

If you want a steam washer and dryer, it can be hard to decide which one comes first in the household. The good news is that they both do a lot of similar functions. They both sanitize your clothes and remove odor-causing bacteria while freshening up your laundry with the help of steam. Both of them also have a cycle that lets you remove wrinkles from your clothes.

If you want to buy both a steam washer and dryer, the steam washer is usually placed first in the household because it has more functions than a dryer. A dryer needs a couple of minutes to remove small wrinkles from your clothes, while a steam washer uses the power of steam to freshen up your laundry and remove all bacteria that can cause bad odors.

How Washing Machines Apply Steam

Washing machines can apply steam in many different ways. Some may heat water in the tub directly to create steam, while others may utilize a steam generator that sends the steam into the tub. But it will still allow you to use water instead if you would like. 

The steam will permeate your clothes to remove dirt and bacteria that may be in your clothing. It also releases wrinkles to make sure that your clothes look great before you put them on. After converting the water to steam, the steam generator then heats the water back up and sends it to the tub for another cycle.

dvantages of a Steam Feature on a Washer

Reduce Ironing

Ironing can take a lot of time and effort, especially if you don’t know how to iron clothes properly. If you don’t like to iron your clothes, then this feature is perfect for you. It will eliminate the need to use an ironing board because it removes wrinkles and creases in clothing so that you can wear them without having to press them first. 

Reduce Ironing
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However, not all steam features are the same, they vary in intensity and temperature achieved. So, it’s important to check the type of steaming function your washing machine has.

Steam Wash Cleans Hygienically

How often do you wash your bedding, baby clothes, or do you have extra sensitive skin? If you’re facing these elements, consider a washing machine that washes hygienically in your laundry rooms. The washing machine adds steam during the cycle and removes bacteria and allergens.

The washing machine uses steam to sanitize fabrics of dust mites, pet dander, pet hair, and pollen. It can do this because the high temperatures of the steam break the allergens effectively.

Steam Washing Machines Saves Money

A steam washing machine uses less power and consumes less water than conventional models. A small amount of water can produce steam. When you consider the savings on water and power, a steam washing machine offers greater cost-effectiveness than other models. Steam washers don’t need as much energy to heat as many gallons as other models.

Steam Washing Machines Saves Time

A conventional washing machine can take an hour or more to complete its cycle. But with a steam washing machine, there are very rapid spin cycles that can reduce time in the dryer, making up for some lost energy savings. Many steam washing machines also offer a range of different wash cycles, which you can use to customize the process according to your specific needs.

Freshen up with Steam Washing Machine

If you have a smelly laundry room or your clothes stink, you can always add to the wash cycle from steam washing machines a detergent with a natural odor eliminator. This enables clothes in laundry rooms to maintain a fresh smell.

FAQs on the Function of a Steam Feature on a Washer

Is the steam function on a washer worth it?

The washing machine freshens up with steam without adding water. This can save you money on detergent and energy. Plus, your clothes will last longer and won’t wear quickly.

Is it better to have a steam washer or dryer?

Steam washers clean clothes that may be hard to clean by hand, machine-washable drapes and other delicate clothes. They also preserve the fabric, so there is less need for ironing.

Final Thought on Functions of a Steam Feature on a Washer

Finally, opt for a washer and a dryer that will give you more benefits in your laundry room. If having perfectly sanitized clothes is your concern, or you’re worried about allergies and skin sensitivity. In that case, a washing machine with a steam function is what you need to invest in.


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Types of Leaf Arrangements

We all know that the arrangement of leaves in a stem is called phyllotaxy, but most people have no idea what this means. Most basic flowering plants have three basic types of arrangements which include alternate, opposite and whorled when it comes to leaf arrangements, but there are also other leaf arrangement types you should know about, but these are the basic ones.

Leaf arrangement is a key characteristic on which plant taxa are classified. Monocots, dicots and gymnosperms have different types of arrangements. This guide is an easy-to-understand explanation of the different types of leaf arrangements and how those affect plant taxonomy.

Structure of a Typical Leaf

Each leaf has a leaf blade called the lamina, which is also the widest part of the leaf. Some leaves are attached to the stem by petiole, while others do not have petiole and are directly attached to the plant are called the sessile leaves. Leaves also have stipules, which are small green appendages found at the base of the petiole. 

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Most leaves also have a midrib that travels the leaf’s length and branches to each to produce veins of vascular tissue. The vascular tissue forms veins within each leaf. And the edge of the leaf is called the margin. The arrangement of veins in a leaf is called a venation pattern. Monocots and dicots differ in their venation pattern.

Monocots have parallel venation in which veins run in straight lines across the length of the leaf without converging. While the veins in dicots have a net-like appearance, forming a pattern called reticulate venation. One example of a plant with dichotomous venation is the ginkgo biloba tree.

lternate Leaf Arrangement

Alternately arranged leaves produce one leaf per node. The leaves alternate from side to side. For example, your houseplant may have two or three leaves in one spot on the stem, and then in another spot, there are two or three leaves, but they’re opposite each other. 

Alternate Leaf Arrangement
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In alternate leaf arrangement, there is one leaf per plant node. Examples of trees and plants with this leaf arrangement include blackberry, black walnut, sweetgum, smoke bush, ninebark, and Japanese zelkova. Note that plants with alternate and spiral leaf arrangements have only one leaf per node.

Opposite Leaf Arrangement

The opposite leaf arrangement is when a plant has two leaves growing out of the same node. The two leaves are on either side of each other, and there is no space in between the leaves. For example, your houseplant may have three or four leaves growing out of one spot on the stem and then another group of three or four leaves a little further down the stem. 

The leaves in this example would be opposite each other. Examples of plants with opposite leaf arrangements include maple leaves, Olive trees, fringe trees, ash trees, and viburnums.

Whorled Leaf Arrangement

A whorled or verticillate arrangement is a plant with three or more leaves growing out of each node. In this pattern, there are several leaves coming from one spot on the plant stem. In some cases, it may look like a circle of leaves growing from a single spot on the stem.

Whorled Leaf Arrangement
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Examples of plants with whorled leaves include mountain laurel, Japanese clethra, blackboard trees, redvein enkianthus, panicle hydrangea, and lemonwood. Some can have both opposite and whorled leaves throughout the plant.

Rosette Leaf Arrangement

Rosettes are often referred to as basal rosettes because they are found at the base of the plant, around the stem. The basal leaf arrangement occurs when one central leaf emerges from the ground to form a circular shape. Examples of rosettes occur in acaulescent plants, such as common dandelions in the sunflower or aster family. 

These acaulescent plants have a stem, but the internodes are greatly contracted with spiral alternate arrangement leaves. Biennial plants such as carrots and poison hemlock in the carrot family produce a basal rosette in the first year of growth. It’s then followed by the production of the flowering stem with alternate leaves in the second year.

Other examples of rosette leaf arrangements include liverwort and hens and chicks. Rosette leaf arrangement is the most common type of leaf arrangement in monocots, with grasses being a prime example. This type of arrangement occurs when leaves are produced around the stem at the same point, thus creating what appears to be a single circular leaf structure below ground level.

Perfoliate Leaf Arrangement

In this arrangement, the stem is completely wrapped or buried around its support. Leaves of this type are arranged in a circle with their bases adhering to the petiole and the blade expanding away from the plant center. A good example of perfoliate leaf arrangement is found in Trillium grandiflorum, commonly known as white wake-robin. 

Silphium perfoliatum is also a good example of the basal connate fusion of leaves to achieve perfoliate condition. The upper cauline leaves of henbit in the mint family are called sessile leaves.

Distichous Leaf Arrangement

In this type, the leaves are arranged in two opposite rows on either side of a stem. In other words, they grow along two opposite sides of the shoot axis at right angles to each other. Distichous leaf arrangement is common in monocotyledons, especially grasses and sedges groups. 

The lower side is called adaxial, and the upper side is called abaxial. The adaxial surface of a leaf is the surface closest to the axis, and the abaxial surface of a leaf is furthest from it. This arrangement can also be seen in species such as Agave sisalana, where all leaves grow around the stem in vertical rows.

Basal Leaf Arrangement

All the leaves arise from the base of the plant. Perennial plants are trimmed back to new basal foliage once in a while, which leads them to grow new leaves that can be located at the base. Perennials with basal leaf arrangement include harebell, whorled stonecrop, yarrow, and oxeye daisy.

Coniferous Leaf Arrangement

Coniferous leaves thrive in cold environments. Their leaves are reduced in size and needle-like in appearance. The needle-like leaves have sunken stomata and a smaller surface area to conserve water. 

There are only two major types of coniferous leaf arrangements: Monocephalus (single head) leaves are arranged in spirals around the plant stem, while Flabella (leaf structure) leaves grow in spiral patterns with more than one head. Conifers that follow the monocephalous pattern include white pine, European larch, and Canadian hemlock.

Conifers that follow the flabella pattern include blue spruce, Norway pine, and Japanese red pine. Aquatic plants also have coniferous leaves with wide lamina that can float on the water surface, plus a thick waxy cuticle on the leaf surface to repel water.

FAQs on Types of Leaf Arrangements

What is the leaf arrangement?

This is the arrangement of leaves on an axis.

What are palmate leaves?

A palmately leaf compound has its leaflets radiating outwards from the end of the petiole like fingers off the palm of a hand. Examples of plants with palmately compound leaves include poison ivy, familiar house plant, and umbrella plant.

Final Thought on Types of Leaf Arrangements

As you can see, there are so many types of leaf species, and each species has a characteristic leaf arrangement. The leaf arrangements also vary from one plant to another of the same species. It is important for you to know the common types of leaf arrangements to easily identify and differentiate them without hassles.


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